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New Coalition to advocate for Universal Health Care in Oregon

Oregon Single Payer Coalition, 06-02-2012 - 05:56

For Immediate Release
February 3, 2012
Oregon Single Payer Coalition
Contact: Michael Moore, OSPC president (503) 707-1239
Joanne Cvar, OSPC communications chair (541) 563 3615

Portland, Oregon – Delegates from 28 unions, nonprofits and grassroots organizations gathered in Portland on Friday, January 27, to form a new coalition that will advocate for universal health care in Oregon and the U.S. Seven labor unions joined with 21 community organizations to sign the membership agreement, approve bylaws, and elect an interim executive committee.

Non-interventionism as least racist policy

Military interventionism = racism, 30-01-2012 - 23:05

When looking at U.S. foreign policy since WW2, the common thread was interventionism; either military occupations or CIA led coups or assassinations. When Dr. Ron Paul advocates non-interventionism as a new path for U.S. foreign policy, he is booed by the military-industrial complex cheerleaders and called either "racist" or "isolationist" by the corporate media cabal. Yet non-interventionsim is the least racist foreign policy put forth by candidates of either party.


A Call to Action From Occupy Medford

Nick Patterson, 15-01-2012 - 19:15

To our dearest compatriots here in the Rogue Valley:

We understand you need some clarification as to what the Occupy Movement is about. Contrary to what the media would have you believe, we are not all hippies, druggies, or anarchists. In fact, very few…say…1% of us are.

☛ Represent Me or Arrest Me! ~ Walden Occupation Grows ✔

❝ Y O U * A I N ' T * S E E N * N O T H I N ' * Y E T *, W A L D O ❞, 28-12-2011 - 05:22

A musical fundraiser, starring the Rogue Suspects, for the ‘Medford 6’ Occupiers, arrested 12-5-11, for seeking representation from their Congressman, Greg Walden

6:30 p.m. January 5th at Roscoe’s BBQ in Phoenix

Who: The Rogue Suspects, Pete Herzog and Patrick Tovatt for "Occupy Walden"
What: A fundraiser for the “Medford 6” to help cover fines and future actions
When: 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Thursday, January 5, 2012
Where: Roscoe’s BBQ, 117 S. Main St., Phoenix, OR
Why: Because we, the 99%, are not being represented by Rep. Greg Walden, R-OR, the sitting U.S. 2nd District Congressman, and we need to expose the fact that he only listens to and votes for the 1%, the wealthiest Americans and those who run the largest corporations in the U.S.

Ashland Bradley Manning Vigil

Allen Hallmark, 17-12-2011 - 06:23

With candles in their hands and empathy for the plight of Pvt. Bradley Manning in their hearts a group of citizens, young & older, gathered at the Ashland Plaza to mark the first day of the pre-trial hearing in the court martial of young Bradley, charged with aiding and abetting the enemy by allegedly released classified documents and videos about the Iraq and Afghan wars to WikiLeaks while stationed in Iraq.


Occupy Carols Rogue Valley Mall

Occupy Medford, 16-12-2011 - 08:06

Thursday evening 12/16/2011 at 6:00 p.m. Occupy Medford went Christmas Caroling at the Rogue Valley Mall. A flash mob of 16 people sang Occupy variations of the songs "Jingle Bells" and "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas".

"How We Won Health Care for All"

Brought to Oregon by Jobs with Justice, 13-12-2011 - 09:18

"How We Won Health Care for All," a presentation by the Vermont WorkersCenter
Wednesday, December 14, 7:00 p.m.
Rogue Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 87 Fourth St., Ashland

In June 2010, Vermont signed into law a plan to create a statewide, universal health care system. Now the spirit of Vermont is coming to Oregon. Come hear from two members of the Vermont Workers Center, whose three-year campaign convinced the Vermont legislature to declare health as a human right. This presentation will be followed by break-out groups of local folks to get involved in the continuing campaign for universal health care in Oregon. Suggested donation, $10. No one turned away.

(click on photo for larger view)

creative powers as a response ability

a. visionary, 05-12-2011 - 19:48

A basic run-down of a visionary approach to confrontive (not passive) nonviolence in the Saul Alinsky tradition. Wanting to share this basic approach in this time of increasing intensity, and fill up any places where martial mindlock may manifest with the value of informal human solidarity practice.

some thoughts on Occupy, am I wrong?

Reposted by permission from author Linda Smith-, 04-12-2011 - 19:35

some thoughts on Occupy

"I've been waiting my entire life for this"—Linda Smith

Occupy Greg Walden -- D2 on D5!

99% of Congressional District 2 is NOT Represented, 02-12-2011 - 08:45

Oregonians across the state “Occupy” Congressional District 2 to demand People’s Town Halls with Rep. Walden!

Powell Butte, OR – In the largest, unified public demonstration to address a specific member of Congress in recent history, the Occupy movement will convene throughout Congressional District 2 in eastern Oregon Monday, December 5, to demand Rep. Walden hold accessible town halls. In Bend, La Grande, Medford and Hood River, church groups, educators, and labor unions will join the “99%” in simultaneous mid-day rallies and marches calling for a more representative democracy.

12 noon, Dec. 5, Vogel Plaza, Main & Central

(click photos to make larger)

John Trudell's depth seeing can inspire

a. visionary, 01-12-2011 - 05:31

Some timely excerpts from a great-spirit'd elder for Occupiers which could be pivotal in these times of seemingly increasing impossibility (and stupidity). fEEl fREe to pass around widely!

Occupy the Forests!

artz b'twEEN, 24-11-2011 - 00:09

We are not 'camping', MomEarth is our HOME!

Occupy Arcata: Sudden Eviction this morning

artz b'tween, 17-11-2011 - 20:03

This morning the police arrived in force, with dumptruck, et al, confiscating tents and belongings, evicting Arcata Occupiers after much chaos and words that such would happen "in a few days".

In Wake of Violence, Veterans Join Occupy

Vanessa Houk, 17-11-2011 - 00:41

The video of Scott Olsen being shot by tear gas projectiles at Occupy Oakland on October 25, looks and sounds like it is happening in the middle of a war zone. The camera is held by shaking hands as the crowd is screaming and shots are fired. Smoke from several explosions fill the darkened early morning air. Without some visual clues, this could be Baghdad, not the port of San Francisco Bay. A terrified voice screams “Medic, medic” after we see half a dozen protesters carrying Olsen’s body, which is draped with a Veterans for Peace flag, towards safety. Olsen, a 24 year old Marine, served two tours in Iraq only to be wounded on his home turf by peace officers who wore riot gear to break up Occupy Oakland protest before sunrise on that fateful day. Olsen’s injuries included a skull fracture for which he is still being treated for. What happened to Olsen has provoked veterans all across the country to join the Occupy Movement in droves.

FRIDAY, 11/11/11 11:00 am Flash Mob Meditatio

me you and everyone we recognise in us we R 1, 11-11-2011 - 18:42

FRIDAY, 11/11/11 11:00 am Flash Mob Meditation at the Ashland Food Co-op courtyard. One hour silent meditation followed by a Sound Bath. Chant Om, Ong, God, Allah, Ma, Yeah, or any other sound or mantra that resonates deeply within yourself.

FEEL THE STILLNESS -- BE THE PEACE  http://www.medmob.org/

"The Welcome" Friday 7pm Anne Basker Auditorium in Grants Pass

VfP #156, 10-11-2011 - 05:50

Veterans for Peace, Rogue Valley Chapter presents:

"THE WELCOME" — documentary film

Winner, Best Drama, Docufest Atlanta, 2011

A healing journey for war veterans and their families

7:00 p.m. Friday, November 11, 2011
Anne Basker Auditorium
604 NW 6th Street, Grants Pass, OR

OCCUPY Medford schedules anti-war rally on Veterans Day

O C C U P Y * M E D F O R D (oregon), 10-11-2011 - 05:06

Occupy Medford has scheduled an antiwar rally at Vogel Park from 4-6 PM this Friday.

Veterans Day Anti-War Demonstration
11.11.2011 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Occupations / Events
2 Hours

Infiltrating To Destroy; Leading To Derail

Sudhama Ranganathan, 08-11-2011 - 15:19


Anti-revisionist struggle & cultural revoluti

Jose Maria Sison, 20-10-2011 - 11:10

I wish to speak on the significance and relevance of the Marxist-Leninist struggle against modern revisionism since 1956 and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (GPCR) since 1966. And I wish to deal with this large subject by examining the impact and consequences of the aforesaid historic events to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP).

Tribute to Ka Roger

Jose Maria Sison, 12-10-2011 - 09:24

Julie and I wish to convey our most heartfelt condolences to the daughters and entire family of Comrade Gregorio Rosal, Ka Roger, and to all cadres and members of the Communist Party of the Philippines, all the Red commanders and fighters of the New People’s Army, all adherents of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines and the broad masses of the Filipino people.

O C C U P Y * A S H L A N D -- p h o t o s

S T O P * C O R P O R A T E * G R E E D, 07-10-2011 - 09:07

OCTOBER 6, 2011

O C C U P Y * A S H L A N D Day #1

Click a photo makes it Larger


Stop the AFP's red-baiting and intimidation a

Satur Ocampo and Liza Maza, 30-09-2011 - 09:48

Since 2001, the Philippine government and the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) have been trying, but have so far failed, to stop us and our parties from representing the marginalized and underrepresented sectors in Congress. Now that we are running for the Senate, they are becoming more desperate in trying to prevent us from serving our people and pursuing the politics of change.

Stop the machine! Create a New World!

Southern Oregon, 28-09-2011 - 13:10


October 2011 marks the 10th anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan and the beginning of the 2012 federal austerity budget. On October 6, 2011, we will stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Washington, D.C., where a huge rally will be taking place. We stand with them for a better world, for a world which refuses to sit in drugged silence as the system around it perpetuates oppression and the illegal wars that impose it. We will stand together against economic exploitation and demand that our economy meets human needs instead of Wall Street profits.

For too long we have stood idly by, hiding our faces from the suffering around us, hoping that it will disappear on its own or that some mythical Other will save us from our own society. It is time for us to wake up, to wake up to the fact that we create the substance of our society and that against the determined will of the people nothing can stand; we must take courage and act. Neither time nor a different president will heal the wounds in our world; only we the people can. We are up for the task. Together we can create the future we envision of peace, justice and equality.

Marcos declared “enemy of democracy”

AKBAYAN (Citizens Action Party), 22-09-2011 - 04:44

PHILIPPINES: Akbayan Lawmakers want Marcos declared “enemy of democracy”


"The Federal Budget: Myths and Realities"

Federal Budget Education Project Committee, 28-07-2011 - 05:16

"The Federal Budget: Myths and Realities,"
Live on RVTV, Southern Oregon's community access televison
Friday, July 29, 6 - 7 p.m., channel 15 -- cable television in Jackson and Josephine Counties

Presented by Herb Rothschild for Peace House of Ashland. Herb will be interviewed by Corinne Viéville the Director of DUDE, Disabled United in Direct Empowerment.

Ashland Annual Hiroshima/Nagasaki Vigil

WILPF, 23-07-2011 - 13:19

Annual Hiroshima/Nagasaki Vigil to be held in Ashland, August 6-9

“Hiroshima to Fukushima – Lessons from Disaster”

Films, speakers, music, dance and the “Nuclear Maze”

The nuclear disaster at the Fukushima nuclear plant in northern Japan earlier this year and the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki 66 years ago will be commemorated and the dangers of nuclear weapons and power plants displayed during the annual Hiroshima & Nagasaki Vigil in downtown Ashland from August 6 through 9. This will be the 26th year for the vigil in Ashland.


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