Chordata is an easy to use application, built using the CLAM framework, to analyze the tonal features (harmony, chords...) of your digital music and explore them by navigating along the song using different useful views. It is addressed to amateur musicians who want to know the chords of their favorite songs but it is also very useful to get insight of the music itself. clam-project.org
Phylum Chordata, Class Osteichthyes
Phylum Chordata, Class Osteichthyes
I Don't Own Any of the Clips at the 2nd Half of the Video. ( Or the Music I put this Video on Youtube mainly because i don't think there were any Similar to my video or as Specific.. Try not to flame the video i was only a 10th grader:) (when i mad the video) i attend John F Kennedy High School in Cleveland, Ohio... My Biology teacher was Mrs. Ross we had to teach one of the selected Phylum. .... And Yes i did get an *A* ^_~
Biologia- Chordata
Biologia- Chordata
vídeo mostrando os répteis, mamíferos e aves, para apresentação na aula de biologia.
Phylum Chordata made for my bio class. If Hatchet Productions is a real production company I am in no way part of them. music credit goes to Trans-Siberian Orchestra for there song Christmas Eve - Sarajevo 12-24
What Is Phylum Chordata?
What Is Phylum Chordata?
Phylum chordata is a classification in the animal kingdom that groups together species with common traits. Watch this video from About.com to learn more about how these animals are all related in the phylum chordata.
Ex. 17: Phylum Chordata-Shark, Lamprey, Perch (also Molgula)
Ex. 17: Phylum Chordata-Shark, Lamprey, Perch (also Molgula)
1) Class Agnatha= Lampreys 2) Class Chondrichthyes= Cartilaginous Fish (sharks, rays) 3) Class Osteichthyes= Bony Fish (perch) Subphylum Urochordata: Molgula= 4 Common Characteristics in Phylum Chordata 1) Notochord (flexible, supporting rod) 2) Dorsal Nerve Cord (hollow) 3) Pharyngeal Gill Slits 4) Post-Anal Tail
Ex. 17 Phyum Chordata: Models/Trays
Ex. 17 Phyum Chordata: Models/Trays
Perch Fins: Anterior Dorsal Fin Posterior Dorsal Fin Caudal Fin (tail fin) Pelvic Fin Pectoral Fin biology.unm.edu Tray 2: Amphibian and Reptile Class Amphibia= frogs, toads, mudpuppies, salamanders Class Reptilia= lizards, snakes, turtles, crocodiles, alligators Both amphibians and reptiles are poikilothermic (aka ectothermic) meaning they cannot regulate their body temperature internally. Tray 3: Birds and Mammals Class Aves= birds Class Mammalia=mammals adaptations= feathers in birds and hair on mammals. Feather/Hair are epidermal modifcations which help organisms regulate their own body temp w/o regard to external environment. This is known as Homeothermy (aka endothermy). Feather: Identify- shaft, 2 vanes (one on each side of shaft),barb, barbule, hooklet planet.uwc.ac.za
Animalia Chordata
Animalia Chordata
Tiny People Trapped in Bottles a video installation by Gabe Barcia-Colombo
Ex. 17 Phylum Chordata: Dissection-Internal Anatomy Perch
Ex. 17 Phylum Chordata: Dissection-Internal Anatomy Perch
Dissection of a Perch; Internal Anatomy
Ex. 17 Phylum Chordata: Dissection-External Anatomy Perch
Ex. 17 Phylum Chordata: Dissection-External Anatomy Perch
Dissection: External Anatomy of a Perch
Animal Diversity 9C - Chordata - Vertebrata
Animal Diversity 9C - Chordata - Vertebrata
Cell phone video of Vertebrata species
Chordata - Black Wind (Live)
Chordata - Black Wind (Live)
Chordata - Live @ MusicGarden, Lodz, Poland 19.01.2007
Dr. Dennis Dey teaching Chordata at Pekin High School Iowa
Dr. Dennis Dey teaching Chordata at Pekin High School Iowa
This a video of myself Student Teaching at Pekin High School, Iowa, in Mr. Dave Eidahl's Biology class. I am using a Power Point presentation; in fact all my classses employ either Power Point or Overhead Projection Transparencies, as I firmly believe that a picture is worth a thousand words. In this unit, Chordata, I am teaching the different animal phyla and their interconnectedness with each other; the previous phyla from Protozoa onwards have all been reviewed. In this clip, I have reached Echinodermata, and am telling my students how the Echinoderm's exoskeleton is an attempt to bestow stiffness in the body, a necessary step in evolution. I briefly review the previous phylum, Mollusca, to reming my students that the Molluscs have a shell. The phylum after Echinodermata is Chordata, where a Notochord, a stiff dorsal rod, has developed. The Notochord allows the animal much more power and ability to move. Towards the end of the clip, I have begun discussing the characteristics of Chordates.
Animal Diversity 9A - Chordata - Cephalochordata
Animal Diversity 9A - Chordata - Cephalochordata
Cell phone video of Cephalochordata species.
From release MSR 029: CHORDATA - GEIS IT / SEAMUS Available from www.junodownload.com Check out www.militantscience.net http
SFAI Performance San Francisco CameraWork Chordata dec 2008
SFAI Performance San Francisco CameraWork Chordata dec 2008
bits of the evening/performances caught at the opening and closing night of the art exhibit Chordata at SF Camerawork for the students in Blixa Bargeld's class at the San Francisco Art Institute. video-Marya Krogstad&David McFarland2008