Danny Yee

Pathologically Polymathic (Blog)

Web pages I've been reading (and some web pages I've created)

Last update: 19 March 2012 (RSS, twitter)

Australia's carbon tax needs to be high enough to stop brown coal development! - Age
Dorothy Sayers' classic mystery set in an Oxford college - Gaudy Night [my review]
Doonesbury explains the Republican abortion laws - GoComics
Taibbi looks at Bank of America - RollingStone
the Australian "State of the Climate" - CSIRO
what happened to _why: learning about Ruby - Slate [via RW]
no more printed Brittanica - Guardian
the radical roots of polyamory - Slate [via @RoseanneB]
it's like having a flat-earther present a geography show - MM
How the World's Poor Live on $2 a Day - Portfolios of the Poor [my review]
dubious books: "Be Bold With Bananas" - BookRiot
Mongolia and its mining boom - UBpost
the complexities of dragonfly mating - NatGeo
Karl Ove Knausgaard on writing about his family - Guardian
(I have a copy of A Time for Everything waiting to be read)
background on Uganda and Invisible Children - AfricanArguments
failing to reform Australia's classification/censorship system - GeordieGuy
Norforce: the largely Aboriginal army defending northern Australia - Independent
Sydney-siders should come to sunny - and mostly dry - England - SMH
Terry Tao on Elsevier and the cost of knowledge - TT
so many stupidity and obfuscation by climate change deniers - NYROB
the Gates Foundation does some dodgy things - TechRights
too late, the mainstream press calls the Canadian housing bubble - MacLeans [via MB]
historical comparisons for current ocean acidification - Wired
conflicts in a bourgeois family in 1930 Korea - Three Generations [my review]
online backups for the truly paranoid - tarsnap
graphical representation of the history of science fiction - BiblioKlept [via Cosma]
book review is decent intro to nonlinear time series - Cosma
Raspberry Pi and teaching computer science - Guardian
an interview with Chinese intellectual Ran Yunfei - NYROB
dear deer in Scotland - Monbiot
the modern history of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia - The Caucasus: An Introduction
meetings are bad for your IQ - Guardian
but where does one find a marmoset?
a look at the UK's most visible payday lender - Guardian
I'm feeling increasingly unwanted by the UK government - Guardian
Lost Books of Medieval China [my review]
talking to a financial advisor induces a rant - Oxford Blog
the rich and privileged are more likely to cheat, steal and lie - PNAS
but which way does the causality run here?
code is vital for reproducibility in scientific publication - Nature [via OSWALD]
"with some exceptions, anything less than the release of source programs is intolerable for results that depend on computation"
on translating Harry Potter into ancient Greek - Loxias
what happened to hypertext fiction? - NoCat [via @AndrewPam]


old diary
2002: Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2003: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2004: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2005: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2006: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2007: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2008: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2009: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2010: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2011: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2012: Jan Feb Mar


Feedback to entity(AT)danny.id.au.

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I have a policy of not linking to pages that require subscription or any kind of registration. I also try not to link to pages that have popups or excessive advertising, but my web browser blocks most of that for me, so I may not realise there's a problem. Please let me know of anything really objectionable.

The format of this blog is based on that of Robot Wisdom - why reinvent the wheel?

Danny Yee