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"The Crocodile Hunter"

The man got a kick out of riding whales, jumping into shark tanks and of course, wrestling around with crocodiles, one notable time with his infant son in his hand. Sadly, the risks caught up to him in a freak accident when, while taping his television program, he was struck in the heart by a stingray's barb.



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The goings-on in Gettysburg will be the topic this week. Keep watching for more!

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Well we haven't mentioned Hal in any new articles this month, so he must be feeling we forgot about him. That would explain why he would tell everyone that neo-Nazi photographer David Holloway is one of his people that got close to the president in some "display of action" to government officials that WPs can "get" to them if they want to. "David attended Aryan Nations World Congress when I spoke there," Turner writes in this screen shot of his website. "He was also in attendance at the Nazi Rally in Lansing, MI where I spoke and specifically warned the government that we would take action if it did not enforce immigration laws.

"Here we are just a few months after I warned the government that we CAN 'get to' you -- and this picture proves it," he continues. "Now that we've proved it, I strongly suggest you wise up and do what we say. We're growing weary of just talking."

Yeah, yeah, sure, sure. We called his wife a pig last month. Not only did he not come after us, but he said on his site that after his wife saw the comments, it was enough for him to shut down the radio show for a day! If he cannot even defend his wife, what is there to be afraid of? That's really why you don't see anyone take him down, and we just use him for fun stuff like this now! The only person that has something to worry about is Holloway, because since we wrote that article more and more WP are coming out to brag about how he is one of them and he has this spiffy job as a photojournalist. That is not going to go over well with some of those media outlets he works for. What's going to happen when
they "get to" him?


Of the Family Research Council.

This alleged musician thinks she is going to skate by with her Christian classical/folk routine. Not anymore.

The head of the Young America's Foundation keeps bringing scumbags to your school, and thinks we are trying to bring folks to his house. No, per our mission, we just want people to have any and all information about him...which is why we updated his personal information to reflect his new home address.

We got ourselves a new T-Shirt! Be the first on the block, get them while they're hot...oh, just buy the damn thing!

S, M, L, XL, and XXL
ONLY $15!
To order, you can either hit us up via PayPal, or send check or money order (MUST BE PAYABLE TO BRECHT FORUM) to
One People's Project
PO Box 8291
Jersey City, NJ 07308


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Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 22 March 2006
A call for people to come out to York, Pa. on April 29 to oppose the WP rally taking place there has just been put out by Philadelphia Residents Against Racism, but the way things look, everyone has other plans for that day! Sure, we will be there, but let's not think this is going to be Battle of York II. In the four years since that day, four of the three WP groups have splintered, the one remaining doesn't seem to care about this rally (one of their members didn't even know it was happening until they read it here), two of the Nazis that were there work with us now, one of the JDL members that were there is Josh Hoyt, who of course works with us now, and the guy who drove the truck into a crowd of people back then is going to spend April 29 getting his ass socked around a boxing ring in an Atlantic City title fight! What will come of all this? Guess we have to wait until April 29 to see. This call has been bandied about the internet, and there is some talk about it, so we thought we should provide it here.

Philadelphia Residents Against Racism

Seeking to reopen old wounds and cause racial tension, the neo-Nazi Creativity Movement has announced plans to hold a white power rally in York, PA on April 29th. Joined by members of the Harrisburg-based Keystone State Skinheads, these neo-Nazis are seeking to use the Martin Library for this meeting, just as their racist brethern did back in January of 2002 when several hundred white supermacists came to York to support the former mayor then on trial for his role in a 1969 race riot.

During that 2002 rally, hundreds of community members, joined by anti-racist activists from all over the East Coast, successfully forced the racist recruitment meeting to end early and physically ran the neo-Nazis out of town. It is important that the York community show the same resolve this time around, and stand up against the neo-Nazi threat and address the atmosphere of racial violence they are trying to create.

Pennsylvania has long been an area of concentration for neo-Nazi groups to try and spread their racist propaganda. Recently, the Keystone State Skinheads have been holding a number of concerts in the Harrisburg and York areas, supporting white power politics and advocating genocide against all non-whites. In the past few years, a number of KSS members also have been arrested and charged with assault and ethnic intimidation. Matt Hale, the former leader of the Creativity Movement, is currently serving a 40-year sentence in federal prison for conspiring to have a federal judge assassinated.These are just some examples that show the dangerous and violent nature of fascist groups across the country.

At a time when a large power vacuum exists in the white power movement, we must be even more vigilant about opposing neo-Nazis every time they attempt to organize publicly. We must take advantage of the situation and stamp out the seeds of hate and not let any group fill this power vacuum. Ignoring the neo-Nazis is not the answer. This will only lead the racists to believe they have little or no opposition, allowing them to recruit openly and unopposed and leaving them comfortable to return to York in the future.

We CANNOT give the neo-Nazis any room to organize and recruit. We must not allow the existing power vacuum to be filled. We must be there on April 29th to take away any illusion of organization and power the Creativity Movement is trying to present. We need to stand up and join together in solidarity and diversity, sending a clear message that such activity is not welcome in our communities. Please join us in opposing the Creativity Movement outside the Martin Library on April 29th. Let's send these neo-Nazis home knowing that their behavior will not be tolerated here in PA, or anywhere else. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. Please bring banners, signs and anything else that will help get our message of equality and unity heard over the hateful rhetoric of the neo-Nazis. The Creativity Movement has recently stated that if they are not allowed use of the library, then they will have their white supremacist rally in front of the library building, starting at noon. We will be meeting at 11AM in front of the Martin Library (159 East Market Street) - an hour before the white supremacists are scheduled to gather - to have a loud and visible anti-Nazi presence as the members of the Creativity Movement and other assorted fascists arrive for their rally.

In unity,

Philadelphia Residents Against Racism


It is amazing how much can change in four years:

World Church of the Creator

This is the group that brought everyone out to York for a public meeting at the Martin Library. It has been learned that since their leader Matt Hale went to jail, the
WCOTC splintered into two groups, The Creativity Movement (TCM) and the World Church of the RAHOWA (WCOTR). This latest York rally reportedly was news to those associated with TCM, so we don't know if they are participating in this.

National Alliance

National Alliance (NA) tore itself to shreds in the months after the first York rally. That year its founder William Pierce died, starting the downfall. Billy Roper, quite possibly its most visible member, got the boot. He then started another group White Revolution, which in the past three years has lost two members to OPP! Meanwhile, NA suffered a mutiny in 2005, and is pretty much irrelevant. Those that broke away from the NA are calling themselves National Vanguard, and are not doing any better. Their most recent routine: promoting on their website a pro-Palestinian hip-hop concert put on by people who hate racism whether it is in the form of Zionism or Nazism.

Aryan Nations

This group was already falling apart well before the first York rally, and now, with the Sept. 8, 2003 death of its founder Dick Butler, no one even thinks of the group anymore, except as a buzzword. They also got the OPP treatment as many of their applications ended up on our website!

Keystone State "Skinheads"

KSS is too busy beating themselves up for them to come out and handle any of us, but at least of the four groups, they are the only ones that managed to stay afloat - barely.

Erica Hardwick

Just before the first rally, Matt Hale officiated her marriage to Joseph Hoesch who was associated with the Keystone State "Skinheads". The marriage didn't last long, and two years later, she was in sitting in the courtroom with OPP as Matt Hale was on trial. Matty wouldn't even look at her.

Josh Hoyt

Was in the Jewish Defense League during York. A few months later, he started working with OPP.

Bill White

Still calling himself an anarchist in 2002. Now he is a Nazi full-on. Happily he is all that remains of the public WP scene, which means we did our job quite well!

Rick Desper

This was the guy who took his pickup truck and rammed it into a crowd of people during the Battle of York, injuring 12 people. He did two years for that shit, and although he has distanced himself from the WP scene, he still maintains some ties. That's why we would rather be where he is on April 29th. He is going to be in a mixed martial arts championship fight for the Flyweight title against the current champion Mike Easton. Desper is going to get clobbered, and if you want to see this carnage, you have to go to Boardwalk Hall, Atlantic City, NJ. Doors open at 7PM.



When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Parts Film Review


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We are looking for white power propaganda and materials, old and new, to help our work. Some folks out there have items like this lying around, collecting dust and taking up space. Don't throw it out, send it to us. We can use it. If you wish to donate 'zines, CDs, videos, clothing, photos, documents or other related items, feel free to send them to the snail mail address above. All items will be received on a confidential basis.



This is a special section for any activites concerning the Minuteklan Project.


Sept. 22-24

WASHINGTON, DC--The American Taliban is going to have a conference in September! The Family Research Council (FRC), the organization that is doing everything they can to force people to become Christians and hate homosexuals are going to have something called a "Values Voter Summit" at the Omni Shoreham Hotel, 2500 Calvert Street, NW. It is not hard to determine that whatever they call "values" has nothing to do with what this society values. The line-up of speakers is basically your who's who of hatemongering mainstreamers, a few of them with a connection to some white supremacist group or individual. Of that crowd we have FRC President Tony Perkins (who spoke at a Council of Conservative Citizens meeting in 2002), Sean Hannity (who as you know was once down with Hal Turner), Ann Coulter (who pretty much goes without saying, but it is worth noting she maintains a friendship with anti-Semitic/anti-black hatemonger Joseph Sobran), and former Boston Herald columnist Don Feder (whose byline has also appeared in Jared Taylor's American Renaissance newsletter. Paul Weyrich of Free Congress Foundation will be there too. Before there was Faux News Channel, he came up with a cable network called NET, which didn't last long because no one wanted to pay him to provide white supremacists a forum on national television, as was the case with one of the programs titled Next Revolution. In addition to these jokers, we also have Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family, Gary Bauer, President, American Values, Don Wildmon of the American Family Association, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, Bill "You could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down" Bennett, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, Senator George "Macaa" Allen and a few others that may make this event worth calling attention to.

Oct 13

CHATTANOOGA, TN-- The League of the South will convene its two-day National Conference at the Chattanooga Convention Center adjacent to the Marriott Hotel in downtown Chattanooga. Now don't let them play that "Heritage is not Hate" routine. For the LOS, the heritage is hate. They are against immigration for example, not because they believe in border security or protecting jobs for Americans, but because, as LOS leader Michael Hill wrote, "Multiculturalism (MC) is the poison that will ultimately prove fatal to Western Christian civilization unless an antidote is quickly administered." This sounds like a good event to poison!

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