Monday, 28 March 2011

Ó Donnghaile: Campaign for alley-gates in Short Strand goes on

Here's a copy of a press release issued from me earlier today:

Sinn Féin candidate for Pottinger Niall Ó Donnghaile has said his party’s campaign to secure alley-gates for a number of streets in the Short Strand will continue.

Speaking from the area this morning Niall said;

“For some time now Sinn Féin, alongside residents in the Strand, has been campaigning to secure much needed alley-gates for a number of streets in the district.

In particular, the entry at Beechfield Street has presented consistent anti social problems which we have raised with the City Council and other statutory agencies for some time now.

Recently I chaired a meeting between Sinn Féin representatives, St Matthews Housing Association, Short Strand Community Forum, the PSNI and Belfast City Council all of whom were very clear about the immediate need for gates at this entry.

In fact the representatives from the Council made clear to those of us in attendance, that Beechfield Street was top of a citywide list for alley-gates, should additional monies become available.

The fact that this matter has gone on for so long, while other areas have secured alley-gating schemes, just goes to show the neglect of this community at a Council level over the past six years.

I commit myself to continue to work on this issue, confident that with the continued support of residents and community representatives we will be able to secure these gates.” CRÍOCH


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