Tuesday, 22 March 2011

A good buzz around the place......

Photographed with the Rev Jesse Jackson are: myself, Cllr Deirdre Hargey, Alex Maskey MLA and Máirtín Ó Muilleoir

Great buzz around Stormont yesterday for the arrival of Sinn Féin's All-Ireland Team of elected representatives.

TDs (rightfully so!) strolled relaxed through the once hallowed halls of Stormont, being greeted by DUP Speaker of the House Willy Haye.

Other parties were noticeably absent around the building when the evidence of Sinn Féin's national representation became clear for all to see.

One notorious tweeting MLA, who is never too shy in getting his mug on the TV, walked past several times, aghast and open mouthed, in disbelieve at what he was seeing. Of course his party either doesn't want to get involved in 'Irish' politics or on the other hand can't make up it's mind which of the Free State parties it wants to climb into bed with!

But sure as we say as Ghaeilge, ‘sin scéal eile’!

Last night we kicked off the canvass proper in the Short Strand. We have been out and about doing registration over the last few weeks and of course are always in the area engaging with people but last night was the beginning of the campaign proper. People were welcoming, friendly and positive and I thank them for taking the time to speak with us and look forward to continued engagement over the coming weeks!

Last week I had the wonderful opportunity of meeting with Civil Rights Champion Rev Jesse Jackson as he visited St George’s Boxing Club in the Market area. His presence and words had an immediate impact on everyone gathered and for taking the time to speak with everyone gathered we thank him.


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