Saturday, 29 May 2010

And here it is............

As much as I am not surprised by anything this group of people (SDLP elected representatives) will do, I must admit that even for me this is difficult to watch.


Wednesday, 19 May 2010

a so called 'Republican' party

So the SDLP are back in London this week swearing an oath of allegiance to the English Queen.

Will be interesting to see how they perform in this new term of the Brit Parliament and will it differ from their abysmal record during the last few terms.

The people, as always, are watching and will be looking to see just what exactly the SDLP can 'deliver' particularly given the fact they spent so much time lauding the importance of that particular institution during the recent election campaign.

Just in case you are interested, here is what the SDLP MP's will be declaring when they visit Westminster next week:
" solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, her heirs and successors, according to law".

Citizens demand their right to work!

Sinn Féin Senator Pearse Doherty speaks passionately at yesterday's protest outside Leinster House where citizens gathered to highlight their Right to Work!

Tuesday, 11 May 2010


Seeing how I wasn't blogging as much over the election campaign I feel compelled to let you all know what the latest is and how things are going.

Friday will see the AGM of the Short Strand Partnership Board, lots to discuss, resolve and most importantly lots of important matters to continue working on!

The next few weeks will also see the opening of Arás Mhic Airt (Mac Airt House) the extension to Arás Seán Mháirtín (Sean Martin House) at the bottom of Beechfield Street in the Strand. These much needed housing units, which are geared towards the over 55's in order to free up any multiple room housing they currently occupy, are being allocated to those most in need as we speak. Fair play to St Matthews Housing Association for all the important work they are involved with.

Plans are well ahead for our weekend of events to mark the 40th anniversary of the Battle of St Matthews at the end of June. Open auditions were held for those wanting to take part in a dramatic adaptation of that famous night, with over 40 budding actors in attendance. I can't wait to see how it transfers onto the stage and I am greatly excited about the programme of events for what will no doubt be a momentous weekend!

I have also finalised with Conor Murphy's office, plans for him to visit the Short Strand at the beginning of next month. We have much to discuss. For some time now Sinn Féin, alongside the local community, have been lobbying a number of agencies on the future sustainability of the Translink Bus Depot in the district; not only are there major concerns around air pollution and health implications but also about the sheer size of this depot and how it impedes any future development (which is much needed) of social and community amenities. Conor will meet myself and other local community groups and representatives to discuss this matter as well as number of other issues of concern, most notably around traffic problems, in the area.

We are still in the early stages of our exciting plans for transforming 'The Green' at the top of the Mountpottinger Road into something much more suitable and exciting for the local communities. I have been meeting several agencies, including the deputy First Minister's Office, the Housing Executive as well as some of our Councillors at City Hall on this matter and I have meetings penciled in with other groups for over the next few weeks. I'll keep you all updated on this much needed and important project.

The summer will also see the begining of the dismantling of Mountpottinger Barracks. We will once again be calling for a meeting with DSD Minister Margaret Ritchie seeking her department to acquire this land urgently to develop the much needed and much sought after social, family housing.

So don't let anyone tell you because the election is over things calm down, there's a lot of work ahead and that's a good thing!!

ádh mór!!


Victory for Michelle

Monday, 10 May 2010

sin é for now

All change in east Belfast

So the Westminster election is over. The votes have been cast and the seats have been won.

Sinn Féin had a tremendous election, for the second time in a row, emerging as the largest party in the Six Counties. In Fermanagh and south Tyrone comrades from across Ireland put in mammoth work to ensure that Michelle Gildernew retained this historic seat against the combined efforts of the Orange Order, the Unionist parties, the British Tories and the SDLP.

Michelle retained her seat, coming four votes ahead of her nearest rival. Well done Michelle.

The election campaign is a tiring period, I am immensely grateful to all those who worked on the party’s effort in east Belfast. More so I am extremely thankful to those people who voted for Sinn Féin in the constituency; it is a very humbling experience to put yourself before the people and to receive a mandate from them. I take that mandate very seriously and commit myself ton continue to represent their needs as a public representative in the time ahead.

For our part, Sinn Féin in the east of the city will be continuing in the coming period with eyes firmly fixed on the upcoming Assembly and Council elections due to take place next year, in particular we have a council seat to retake and I am strongly of the opinion that we can do that.

Naomi Long of the Alliance Party is the new MP in east Belfast, I congratulate her on her achievement, I did so at the election count when we received the official figures from the returning officer. No one can doubt the political significance of her election and the fall of Peter Robinson who has held that particular seat since 1979. No doubt recent scandals, most likely around expenses as opposed to any personal ones, were detrimental to Robinson within vast areas of working class east Belfast. That is certainly the feedback I have been getting for a considerable time from those working class unionists and loyalists that I regularly engage with. So its interesting times and as much as Naomi Long ticks many media friendly boxes the people look on and they expect.

This morning Gerry Adams called for a united approach by the parties here to proactively face down the inevitable cuts coming from whichever form the next Brit Government takes.

A special mention to my good friend and comrade Alex Maskey whose initiative in south Belfast clearly had political ramifications beyond his own constituency. The move by Alex has paid dividends for nationalist and republican representation and I have no doubt will continue to pay dividends but more specifically for the ongoing project and body of work Sinn Féin is firmly committed to advancing in south Béal Feirste.

To analyse the specific results across the north would be massively time consuming but one thing is for sure, Sinn Féin is on the up and those parties with a wreckers agenda were firmly rejected by citizens across each constituency.

I want to take the opportunity to again thank those people who entrusted me with their vote; I look forward to the continued challenges that no doubt lie ahead. A lot of work needs to be done, I think Sinn Féin are the party to do it!

Speak to you again soon.

Beirigí Bua!!