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February 22, 2008

Red Hat not impressed with Microsoft’s interoperability plan

Filed under: microsoft, Red Hat — tuxicity @ 7:52 am

Red Hat has voiced skepticism of Microsoft’s latest interoperability initiative and says that if the company really wants to demonstrate support for interoperability it should adopt ODF and offer patent grants for its protocols under terms that are conducive to open source distribution models.

read more | digg story

March 26, 2007

Linux, Open Source Software Pay Off for PayPal

Filed under: linux, Open Source, PayPal, Red Hat — tuxicity @ 2:27 pm

A story about PayPal and how it uses Linux to make the system secure, reliable and cost-effective.

Paypal uses Red Hat Linux.

A few quotes:

“When you’re buying lots of Big Iron, as I did in other places I’ve worked, your upgrade path is US$2 million, US$3 million at a clip. You just had to buy big chunks of stuff to scale,” he says. “Here at PayPal, our upgrade path is 10 US$1,000 no-name servers, slapped into the midtier of the platform. And we just keep scaling it that way. It’s unbelievably cost effective.”

“Rather than have a monolithic box, or an impenetrable fortress that never breaks, we just have so many [nodes] that the breakages are irrelevant,”

“The combination of Linux and open source allows us to do the modifications we need to scale and have that extreme rigidity of security,”

“Sometimes we feel a little schizophrenic,” he says. “We’re a Web company; we’re a real-time payment system — oh, dear. So doing both is very hard.”

February 23, 2007

Q&A: Why Union Bank scrapped AIX for Red Hat

Filed under: Red Hat — tuxicity @ 6:24 pm

As Linux establishes itself as a mainstream operating system, and open source tools and applications prove their enterprise readiness, a growing number of organizations are talking publicly about their open source deployments and direction. Recently, Mok Choe, CTO at Union Bank in Monterrey Park, Calif., spoke with Network World Senior Editor Jennifer Mears about the financial institution’s decision to scrap proprietary Unix systems for commodity servers running Red Hat Linux. (See Choe’s background here.)Here is an edited transcript of their conversation:………………
Network World .. More…

February 22, 2007

Memo to ESR: nobody is indispensable

Filed under: Fedora, Red Hat — tuxicity @ 3:34 pm

If a person of Eric Raymond’s reputation in the open source community chooses to switch from one GNU/Linux distribution to another – and publicises the fact widely – then there is bound to be speculation about the underlying reasons.

iTWire – Memo to ESR: nobody is indispensable

February 7, 2007

VirtualBox On FC6 / CentOS 4 / OpenSuSE 10.2

Filed under: Fedora Core, Red Hat, Suse, Virtualization — tuxicity @ 9:34 am

InnoTek VirtualBox is a family of powerful x86 virtualization products for enterprise as well as home use. Not only is VirtualBox an extremely feature rich, high performance product for enterprise customers, it is also the only professional solution that is freely available as Open Source Software under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL).
HowtoForge – Linux Howtos and Tutorials : More…

February 6, 2007

Swedish Armed Forces Chooses Red Hat and Open Source

Filed under: Red Hat — tuxicity @ 4:05 pm

Security Considerations Drive Windows to Linux Migration

Red Hat, the world’s leading provider of open source solutions, today announced that the Swedish Armed Forces has made the decision to migrate its servers from Windows NT to Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Following the deal, the Swedish Armed Forces will start replacing Windows NT with Red Hat Enterprise Linux across its core IT infrastructure.

The agreement sees FMLOG Servicedesk, the IT department of the Swedish Armed Forces, now able to offer Red Hat Enterprise Linux solutions to any division or branch of the military. At present, Red Hat Enterprise Linux is the operating system platform on nearly 200 servers running in-house developed software within the core IT infrastructure of the Swedish Armed Forces. The decision to migrate to Red Hat was primarily based on its advanced security features, but additionally the strong support, ease of migration and compatibility with existing in-house software were important factors. FMLOG Servicedesk plans to extend its internal usage of Linux in the future.

”There has been a demand for Linux within the Swedish Armed Forces for quite some time, which is why we’ve now decided to enter this deal. The primary reasons for us choosing Red Hat Enterprise Linux were the product lifecycle as well as Red Hat’s position as the leading open source provider. What also affected the decision was the fact that Red Hat Enterprise Linux was fairly easy to migrate and is compatible with our in-house-developed programs,” said Jonna Lidman of the Swedish Armed Forces’ headquarters.

“At a time when there is a lot of hype around new proprietary operating system launches, the decision of the Swedish Army to migrate from Microsoft to open source is a major testament to the flexibility, control and security of open source software,” commented Werner Knoblich, VP, EMEA at Red Hat. “We are very happy to see that yet another company within the public sector has chosen Red Hat. The fact that the Swedish Armed Forces commit to Red Hat Enterprise Linux shows once again that it is a secure platform with high demands on availability and flexibility. The selection of Red Hat by the Swedish Armed Forces follows a number of public sector Linux projects in Sweden, paving the way for wider adoption within the Swedish government.”

Swedish Armed Forces Chooses Red Hat and Open Source :: More..

February 3, 2007

Screenshots and Fedora LiveCD 7 Test 1 Preview

Filed under: Distributions, Fedora, Fedora Core, Red Hat — tuxicity @ 10:37 am

 phoronix >>>

Fedora 7 Test 1 is now out. Originally Fedora 7 Test 1 was scheduled for release on January 30, but a delay had pushed it back to today. Fortunately this two-day delay should not push back the April final release. Many of the features for Fedora 7 were covered in our Fedora 7: The Linux Knight in Shining Armor article. However, what we have to offer today is the first screenshots of Fedora 7 along with some of our very preliminary thoughts on the Fedora Desktop LiveCD here.

January 31, 2007

Interview: Matthew Szulik, Red Hat

Filed under: Red Hat — tuxicity @ 3:49 pm


What sort of responses do you get about the “Truth Happens” campaign? Considering it’s not really a regular ad campaign, what kind of a feedback did you expect and what do you really get?
Interview: Matthew Szulik, Red Hat :: More….

What’s the best Linux for resellers?

Filed under: Debian, Distributions, Fedora, Gentoo, Kubuntu, Mandriva, Novell, Red Hat, rPath, Suse, Ubuntu — tuxicity @ 2:34 am

I recently was contacted by a major Unix reseller. The company had a very simple question: with the writing on the wall for Unix growing bigger and bigger with every quarter, which Linux should they adopt?
What’s the best Linux for resellers? :: More..

January 30, 2007

Customer referrals that Microsoft licenses can’t buy: Union Bank goes with Red Hat

Filed under: Red Hat — tuxicity @ 8:07 am


Today Red Hat announced that Union Bank (one of the 25 largest banks in the US) will be standardizing on Red Hat Enteprise Linux. Not installing a few SUSE servers while continuing to use and add more RHEL (which is the case with every company that has announced support for SUSE/Microsoft (but failed to mention that they’re not abandoning RHEL any time soon, and that each – with the exception of Wal-Mart – was already a SUSE customer).
InfoWorld :: More..

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