Sen. Jim DeMint Says Gays and Unmarried Women Shouldn't Be Teachers

Sen. Jim DeMint is busy these days. Busy endorsing a slew of conservative candidates for office, including Christine "I would have been a Hare Krishna but I like meat too much" O'Donnell and Sharron "God planned for you to be raped" Angle. He may also be gearing up for a 2012 bid for the GOP Presidential nomination.

This past weekend, Sen. DeMint was busy hanging out in South Carolina at a "Greater Freedom Rally" in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Ironic that it was labeled a "Greater Freedom Rally," given that Sen. DeMint spent a chunk of his time suggesting that LGBT people and unmarried women shouldn't be public school teachers. So much for giving everyone greater freedom.

The comments echoed statements that DeMint previously made (and received a boatload of criticism for), when he said that gay people and women who live with their boyfriends should stay out of the classroom.

“(When I said those things,) no one came to my defense,” Sen. DeMint said. “But everyone would come to me and whisper that I shouldn't back down. They don't want government purging their rights and their freedom to religion.”

One can perhaps assume from Sen. DeMint's comments that he's inferring the freedom to indoctrinate public schools with his brand of Christianity, which has never seen a gay person or unmarried woman that it hasn't written off as blasphemous. How very Christ-like. Not.

Sen. DeMint continued to argue that until the United States starts governing from a Christian-centric perspective, we will be a nation living in sin.

"Hopefully in 2012, we’ll make headway to repeal some of the things we’ve done, because politics only works when we’re realigned with our Savior," Sen. DeMint added, indicating that giving people greater access to health care is somehow antithetical to believing in Jesus Christ. Kind of falls in line with what Sen. DeMint said at the height of the health care debate last year. "I think health care is a privilege. I wouldn’t call it a right."

Now that's pastoral.

Meanwhile, perhaps Sen. DeMint would fit right in with the Beaverton School District in Oregon. Over the weekend we noted that the School District removed a gay student teacher from the classroom because ... well, because he's gay, and because a fourth grader asked him if he'd ever want to get married.

The teacher (a 23-year-old graduate student at Lewis and Clark College named Seth Stambaugh), simply answered that it was illegal for him to get married in Oregon, since the state banned same-sex marriage. Cue the firing squad, because the school district ruled that just by answering the question, Stambaugh engaged in "inappropriate" conversation with a student.

Hundreds of people have contacted the school district letting them know that by removing Stambaugh from the classroom, the school district was acting way outside of its bounds. In some ways it's hard to believe we're still fighting fights like this, meaning that we're still battling school districts who would rather deny the existence of LGBT people. How very reminiscent of the Briggs Initiative in the late 1970s.

But there it is. The Beaverton School District and Sen. Jim DeMint -- two peas in a backwards, behind the times, homophobic pod.

Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons

Michael Jones is a Editor. He has worked in the field of human rights communications for a decade, most recently for Harvard Law School.

Comments (22)

  • Arnie Lewis Tharp
    Oct 04, 2010 @ 07:40AM PT
    Arnie Lewis Tharp

    The Beaverton, Oregon, firing is in my back yard......and its hard to imagine that it would happen right here in the liberal Portland, Oregon, area.....

    And while we're at it, maybe white, old bigoted politicians should be allowed to run our country.  How does that sound, Jim??

    • DeGuyz in Mississippi
      Oct 04, 2010 @ 01:06PM PT
      DeGuyz in Mississippi

      As an Oregon native, I have to agree that this senator in unfit to serve us in Washington. Remember that when you go to the polls. He certainly won't make it as a candidate for President.God don't like ugly. This guy will have some answering to do when he gets up there.

    • Reply to thread
  • Sevrin Caswell
    Oct 04, 2010 @ 08:57AM PT
    Sevrin Caswell

    I seriously can't believe that people like this are allowed to run for government, healthcare a priviledge? How ignorant and retarded can you get? This guy needs a serious attitude ajustment, right between the eyes.

  • steph Heaton
    Oct 04, 2010 @ 09:47AM PT
    steph Heaton

    People like this should not be in Public service, yet alone a Senator!
    It is totally self serving!
    This is a superior attitude to think that single women and gay people cannot contribute to the education and mentoring of America's children....
    we are all created equal...and those who wish to contribute to the good of society would offer a great quality of education, ethics, and great enthusiasm and energy toward their passion.

    Let's remember that teachers are not often paid well, and their jobs in small towns are usually in jeopardy each yr, depending on the budget, and local elections.... They also forgo their raises quite often , usually to keep other teachers employed, and often have to fight to receive benefits..

    It seems to me that people who are teachers , must really want to be teachers...cause the rewards are not in salary, benefits or job security...It satisfaction and drive has to come from the exchange between teacher and student...

    He is seriously misjudging two groups of people based on his own fears or fears of constituents in order to keep his following. He may be judging the woman thing on a religious principal....but there is a thing such as separation of church and state. 

    And he is also jusging gay people on rhis religious opinions, that I believe help him to keep his constituents, and help touch on others fears in order to gain more support for his agenda....

    AGAIN- totally SELF- SERVING

    Only when the laws are passed and aggressively enforced will people start to open their minds and hearts...and see that people are people and that we are all equal....

    Intolerance, rejection, and hate seem to be the thing people are taking away from some of the ""christian religions".

    These attitudes and actions seems to me , to be in direct conflict with the teaching of God and Jesus...

    So In my eyes that makes them the sinners....
    becaus I know god made me from love and loves me still!

  • Susan Falcone
    Oct 04, 2010 @ 10:43AM PT
    Susan Falcone

    Who voted this moron into office?

    • Jon Smith
      Oct 04, 2010 @ 11:04AM PT
      Jon Smith

      South Carolina. nuff said

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  • jill gibson
    Oct 04, 2010 @ 11:11AM PT
    jill gibson

    Health care is a privilege....OKAY, so when all the factories shut down and outsourced during the GOP years and thousands lost their jobs they lost that privilege, who does that fall to they did nothing wrong. As for Gay and Lesbian Americans and Single mothers not being allowed to teach what kind of head up your ass thinking is that? You claim to be a christian yet you judge others, what skeletons are in your closet Mr. DeMint, freedom of religion means just that. Not just white bread head in your bible christians. I am not a christian, never claimed to be I am and always will be Wiccan, which in case you forgot is a REAL religion just like yours. The major difference is we do not judge and are a very peace loving religion. How many Christians can say that. 

  • Barbara McNamara
    Oct 04, 2010 @ 11:25AM PT
    Barbara McNamara

    All I can say is, stupid people should NOT be senators. It really is amazing how some people will do and say anything to get elected, then when they actually get voted into office they turn into the idiots they've always been and succeeded to hide from the public.

    Clearly, any elected official being guilty of disservice and complete disregard for the American people should be fired. Now that's an amendment I would like to see. I think this pretty much describes every single Republican in Congress right now.

    Americans need to wake up, and fast!

  • Bev  Brewis
    Oct 04, 2010 @ 11:28AM PT
    Bev Brewis

    What the hell is going on down there???!!! Has it always been like this in the US? Every day I read about polititians spewing hate, AND GETTING AWAY WITH IT! If this happened in Canada the person would be asked to resign by their Party! I can`t wrap my brain around it....

    • Dan Jones
      Oct 04, 2010 @ 01:47PM PT
      Dan Jones

      The republican party is anti-gay. They officially call for changing the constitution to write in discrimination against gay people. Some of the state republican parties call for arresting and locking up gay people just for being gay. Freedom of speech and religion allow them to call for all sorts of punishments for gay people. It also allows us to point out what ignorant hate mongers they are, but unfortunately, too many voters are not willing to overcome their own unfounded prejudice. They keep rewarding the homophobes with their votes.

      While you may hear of the occasional republican calling for fairness and equality, they don't get elected, and mainly serve to make moderates think not all republicans are homophobes.

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  • steph Heaton
    Oct 04, 2010 @ 12:32PM PT
    steph Heaton

    This is EXACTLY why kids get the idea

    that they can BULLY to DEATH 

    these young kids who are dealing with sexuality issues.


    And then there is also  the

    ASS. Attorney General in Mich.

    who for over 6 months

    has been

    stalking, harassing, targeting

    and cyber bullying a guy publically

    on a blog aimed solely at this one guy

    who happens to be gay,

    and also the President of

    the governing body of the univ. of mich...


    This ASS.'s boss says what he does in his own time is his business.

    I thought that his job was to make sure laws are enforces and 

    people were treated fairly and ethically......

    But if he breaks the law....

    that is his own long as it is not on co. time!

    and when things get heated up with publicity

    he takes a vol. leave of absence...

    which means he is still



    And so is there any wonder why kids are bullying kids that are gay

    and these kids , often have no support

    and no way to take legal action 

    end up killing themselves!

    The hate and bullying must stop here!






  • Angie Binner
    Oct 04, 2010 @ 01:28PM PT
    Angie Binner

    so unmarried teachers and lgbt is the cause of all our problems and changing it will give us the solution to a godly world? what about the criminal justice system, trafficking, poverty, homelessness...? at least someone is standing up and making a difference

  • Crystal E
    Oct 04, 2010 @ 01:50PM PT
    Crystal E

    Unmarried females have been in the classroom for many many years even before it was fashionable to cohabit. As far as LGBT, I cannot see how this would affect a person's excellence in teaching. A good teacher is one who is able to make his/her subject interesting to a group of students and to give them passion for learning. Sexual orientation and maritial status have nothng to do with that.

    • Dan Jones
      Oct 04, 2010 @ 05:44PM PT
      Dan Jones

      It has nothing to do with ability. It has everything to do with imposing their "moral beliefs" on everyone else.

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  • Edwin Bonilla
    Oct 04, 2010 @ 06:42PM PT
    Edwin Bonilla

    Jim DeMint is a homophobe and represents the intolerant brand of Christianity which plagues the United States.

  • Bev  Brewis
    Oct 04, 2010 @ 08:30PM PT
    Bev Brewis

    I guess that`s the difference between the US and Canada.....this overt plague of religion so entrenched in polititcs. If your not a good christian, your some sort of commie. Is that why presidents always say ``....and god bless the United States of America.`` I always found this rather strange. I don`t think there are any other ``western`` countries who`s head of state are forced to confirm they are god fearing. If Harper said ``and god bless Canada`` at the end of every speech he made, he would be out of office.

    But Fox News North may be coming to Canada to spread their propaganda up here. Please sign my petition here on Change from AVAAZ ``Stop Fox News from coming to Canada``



  • William Stddart
    Oct 04, 2010 @ 10:42PM PT
    William Stddart

    Senator DeMintis a genuine wacko.  We are currently experiencing a national shortage of well qualified teachers.  Yet, even with shortages, this nut wants to ban gays, lesbians, single women, and women living with their boyfriends (AKA "shacking up") from teaching.  Why not make the list a little longer Senator and include single male teachers living with their girlfriends.  Perhaps married school teachers who have opted not to have children should also be excluded from teaching.  After all, these right wing cokes think the "sanctity" of marriage centers around having children--so if they have not "gone forth and multiplied" they too should be banned from teaching.  Also since marriage is a SACRED trust, if the marriage ends up in a divorcee, neither party should be allowed to teach because they have both forfeited their wedding vows and thus are a bad example to their students.   When each of these groups is excluded, our classrooms will be virtually devoid of teachers. These Tea Pot nuts can't get it thru their homophobic skulls that in America we live under a democracy NOT a theocracy.  The separation of church and state was firmly established by our Founding Fathers.  President Thomas Jefferson said, "that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God and that he owes no one an account of his faith and/or his worship  I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declares that their legislature should, make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise there, thus building a wall of seperation between church and state."  If Mr. DeMint would feel more comfortable in a theocracy, perhaps he and his cohorts should contemplate moving to Iraq!!   It just amazes me that most all of the Tea Party zealots carry a paper copy of our Constitution everywhere they go.  I wonder if they have ever taken the time to read it?

    • Kenneth Kurtz
      Oct 05, 2010 @ 07:53AM PT
      Kenneth Kurtz

      And a Bible in their other hand; where they tend to pick and choose which one's of it's teachings they wish to follow.  Unfortunatly they never choose the one about loving one another as you would want them to love you!  God is love, not hate.  The Bible preaches inclusion, not exclusion.

      If the Christian churches got back to practicing what they preach, perhaps their membership would cease declining at such rapid paces.

    • Reply to thread
  • Spencer Miller
    Oct 04, 2010 @ 11:14PM PT
    Spencer Miller

    During the expansion of this country, weren't the teachers in the One Room Schoolhouse single women?    These conservative Christians need a wake up call!  Reading these blogs I get a sense that we are heading toward a "Christian Taliban" government.  That is NOT what our forefathers wanted.  DeMint is demented.  On the Sharron Angle front, looks as if she has shot herself in the foot, in a taped conversation with the Nevada Tea Party candidate (do not know his name, never heard of him before today) she asked that he drop out of the race because she does not think she is going to win if he is in it. 

    • Sevrin Caswell
      Oct 05, 2010 @ 03:53AM PT
      Sevrin Caswell

      Traditionally ONLY single women were allowed to be teachers, once a woman got married she was expected and even forced to leave her job. The same was often true of male teachers, they were also expeceted to be single, especially if they worked at an all boys school...

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  • M. Laridon
    Oct 05, 2010 @ 12:58AM PT
    M. Laridon

    Better make sure all our women teachers get married, and they better be house cleaning and making babies when they're not teaching!   I'm unfortunately used to the conservative homophobes, but this guy even wants to undo the women's rights movement too?  

    I wish more Americans understood the whole concept of Seperation of Church and State, its sad people like this get any votes.   

    Sadly a bigoted wacko running for office is nothing new.  I'm tired of feeling compelled to vote for mediocre wimps like Obama just to keep the real wackos out of office.  

  • Martin Martinez
    Oct 05, 2010 @ 08:54AM PT
    Martin Martinez

    Alot of gay persons are teachers and they keep their personal life separate from their profession like anyone else.

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