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KKK to Rally for Antigay Student

Jennifer Keeton

The Ku Klux Klan plans to rally on the campus of Augusta State University in support of counseling student Jennifer Keeton, who claims the school violated her rights by ordering her not to practice according to her personal view that homosexuality is an identity disorder.

According to The Augusta Chronicle, “Bobby Spurlock, who identified himself as imperial wizard knighthawk and grand dragon of South Carolina and North Carolina, said the KKK has met with school officials and plans to protest the school's treatment of 24-year-old Jennifer Keeton on Oct. 23 from 1 to 4 p.m. Klan members will be in full dress across from the school's main Walton Way entrance in the median at Fleming Avenue.”

Keeton lost her First Amendment lawsuit against the school in federal court this year. Spurlock said that Keeton has not been in touch with his group, which is affiliated with the Church of the National Knights of the KKK based in South Bend, Indiana, and claims 100,000 members in 41 states and 21 countries, according to the Chronicle.

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Reader Comments
  • Name: Hugh
    Date posted: 10/8/2010 2:06:30 AM
    Hometown: Dallas


    Jonathan, you're a complete idiot. "Feelings" are not "Facts". You can't teach something based solely on your strong feelings about it. Ms Keeton can feel all she wants about gay people. It doesn't make her educated or correct. She is entitled to all the wrong feelings she wants regarding gay people, but she's not entitled to college degree. How 'bout I just "feel" like I should be an Oncologist, and then treat you for a brain tumor? You wrote: "If everyone was gay our species would die out". Deep. You forgot to say that if we were all Martians we'd all be green. And if it was Christmas everyday we'd never have to go to school. That remark, by you, makes it clear that you think YOUR heterosexuality is hanging by a thread. It's not. Everyone is not going to turn gay, you either, when Ms Keeton doesn't get her degree. We are just a normally occurring 3 to 10 percent of the population, consistently cranked out by your tribe, the breeders. We are "your" children so stop being such a bigot.

  • Name: John Roundtree
    Date posted: 10/7/2010 6:57:43 PM
    Hometown: Westland, MI


    I hate to burst your intelligence quotient but the NAACP has been a civil rights organization that has always stood proudly supporting equality for all Americans (black or white). They did not/have not/will not support the violence that has been the history of the KKK. Next analogy...

  • Name: Charles
    Date posted: 10/7/2010 4:51:25 PM
    Hometown: ft worth


    Its crazy to think there are 100,000 members of the kkk and only 20 teeth between them

  • Name: jonathan
    Date posted: 10/7/2010 4:29:13 PM
    Hometown: Augusta, GA


    Ok people lets think about this..... What has she said that isn't true?!?!?!? I mean if you are gay then you are gay, and some people just don't think its right! And for the record if we were all gay then our species would cease to exist! So maybe being gay isn't justifiable after all!!!!!! How is she suppose to help someone that she cant relate to???? And don't give me that crap about her being in the wrong profession because fortunately that's not something we all have gone through. She shouldn't be forced to go against her beliefs. None of you are forced to do things you don't agree with!! And quit with this KKK stuff she didn't contact them! They are just as crazy acting as the naacp! Like I said before being gay is a RIGHT it doesn't chose you.... that's just stupid! And just because someone doesn't agree with being gay doesn't mean they have been in a hole somewhere! It just means they aren't spineless and controlled by political correctness!!

  • Name: Josh
    Date posted: 10/7/2010 3:55:03 PM
    Hometown: Mason City


    It all has to do with the profession and how she would treat others. In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder; the American Psychological Association Council of Representatives followed in 1975. The fact that this girl wants to treat it as a disorder goes against national guidelines and could end up doing more harm than good to young people in need. It's not a case of free speech because she can still have her beliefs and speak out at church, rallies, whatever if she'd like... but in her practice, she can't just decide something is a disorder because she feels it is. Doctors, cops, etc. - they cannot let their biases affect their jobs. Unfortunately it does happen sometimes, but it's nothing that should be taught or encouraged.

  • Name: Jen
    Date posted: 10/7/2010 1:51:45 PM
    Hometown: Minnesota


    This is just insane...people are allowed to voice what they belive in, but really the kkk?? why would people even be apart of this, and even rally about this?! i thought we were over all of this, just because people are gay doesnt mean they derseved to be attacked with all this dumb crap!! spend your time with more imporant stuff, and if someone being gay bothers you, ignore it. no one is going to change thier lifestyle because people dont agree with it. this has been an ongoing thing for many years and it is not going to change. i cant belive people are even getting involved with the damn kkk you might as well being buring crosses and murdering innocent black people, you guys can just burn in hell!!!!!!

  • Name: RY
    Date posted: 10/7/2010 6:39:14 AM
    Hometown: Houston


    To anyone who supports this girl or the kkk.... "Like have you been living in a dark hole somewhere, tied up and thrown scraps like a dog, never having read a book, watched tv, interacted with other real people????? you're an insane freak!!!!"

  • Name: Tom
    Date posted: 10/7/2010 6:15:15 AM
    Hometown: Berwyn


    Of course, we can all hold whatever opinions we want. The problem here, among other things, is that she is trying to enter a profession. Professions have standards, and telling your school that you plan to act on your personal belief rather than the standard of the profession is enough to get you booted. You can't make up an identity disorder (which is what she's doing--there is no such thing in the professional literature she would be required to know and use) despite its nonexistence in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual). Doing what she did is essentially saying she will not adhere to professional practices; therefore, she would be seen as unfit to practice as a professional in that field.

  • Name: Roger
    Date posted: 10/7/2010 3:05:23 AM
    Hometown: Big Spring


    So first they said we chose to be gay. Now they are saying it's an identity disorder? WTF? You've got to be kidding me.

  • Name: David
    Date posted: 10/7/2010 12:11:45 AM
    Hometown: Indianapolis


    And Jonathan, no, we do NOT have a "right" to be gay. That's like saying people have a right to be White. Or Black. Voting is a right. Sexual orientation is not because it is something we have no control over. We don't choose it. It was chosen for us.

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