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Updated March 6, 2012 - 10:05 AM EST
Holder: Assassinating Citizens 'Legal, Constitutional’
McCain Demands Immediate US War on Syria
  Report: 13 French Officers Captured in Syria
Retired Generals to Obama: No War on Iran
  Obama: We've Got Israel's Back
Child Hunger in Afghanistan Among World's Worst
  Afghan Investigators: US Quran Burning 'Intentional'
Libya Militias Use Captured Weapons as 'Leverage'

NATO: All Libya Targets Were Military, Despite UN Report

Over 140 Killed as Yemen Fighting Continues
Attack on Police Leaves Dozens Dead in Western Iraq
No to AIPAC, No to Israel, and No to War  by Sheldon Richman
US Army's Top Soldier Talks Victory in Iraq  by Nick Turse
Psychologists and Torture, Then and Now  by Laura Melendez-Pallitto & Robert Pallitto
Enlisting America  by Ted Galen Carpenter
A Broken Writ, a Kangaroo Court  by Leonard C. Goodman
On Bombing Iran, a False Choice  by T.X. Hammes

More Viewpoints


Rare Gitmo 'War Crimes' Trials Surprise Some Observers

UN Official Slams WikiLeaks Suspect Manning's Treatment

Drone Crashes Into SWAT Team Tank During Police Test Near Houston

US Supreme Court Expands Look at Abuses of Rights – Abroad


Suicide Attack on Afghan NATO Base Where Korans Burned

Pakistan Test-Fires Nuclear Capable Ballistic Missile

In Pakistan, Gone but Not Forgotten


Noose Tightens Around Iranian Oil Exports

Iran Overturns Death Sentence for 'CIA Spy'

Ron Paul Warns Sanctions Will Motivate Iran Toward a Nuke

Netanyahu Tells Obama: I Have Yet to Decide Whether to Attack Iran
Palestinians Taken Aback by Obama Embrace of Israel, but Expect Little in US Election Year
Occupy Activists Fear That America's Pro-Israeli Lobbyists Want a War

Weapons at Heart of US-Israel Talks


Some 40,000 Rally for Putin Across Siberia

Russian Election Criticism May Spur Protesters


Syrians Flee Through Snow and Gunfire to Lebanon

Gulf Jabs at Syrian Regime Also Aimed at Iran

Syrian Refugees in Lebanon Recount Terror

Relief Supplies Delivered to Syria's Homs

US to Renew Efforts to Press Post-Election Russia on Syria Issue
Canada Closes Its Embassy in Syria Due to Government Crackdown
Middle East
Weapons Smuggling From Post-Civil War Libya to Egypt on the Increase

Libya Says Wants Reporters Held by Militia Freed

Maronite Chief: Violence Turning Arab Spring Into Winter

New Blast Hits Egypt Gas Pipeline: Officials

Two Survivors Provide Intimate Look Inside Lord's Resistance Army

In Pictures: Dadaab Somali Refugee Camp in Crisis

Somalia Journalist Ali Ahmed Abdi Shot Dead in Galkayo

Malawi's President Mutharika Tells Foreign Donors 'Go to Hell'

UN Nuke Chief Says Inspectors Could Be Back in North Korea Within Weeks — if Approved
Read more

Justin Raimondo
Obama's Red Line

Kelley B. Vlahos
Tell the Truth Already!

Philip Giraldi
Corruption and the Citizen, American-Style

Ivan Eland
Energy Protectionism Is Not Good Policy

Charles V. Peña
WMDs Redux

Nebojsa Malic
Intervention, Reloaded

David R. Henderson
Is Iran a Threat?

Ran HaCohen
Was Elliott Abrams Hitler's Senior Advisor?

Additional Contributors


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