
21. Chaos and Reductionism
21. Chaos and Reductionism
(May 19, 2010) Professor Robert Sapolsky gives what he calls "one of the most difficult lectures of the course" about chaos and reductionism. He references a book that he assigned to his students. This lecture focuses on reduction science and breaking things down to their component parts in order to understand them best. Stanford University: www.stanford.edu Stanford Department of Biology: biology.stanford.edu Stanford University Channel on YouTube: www.youtube.com

Stuart Kauffman on Beyond Reductionism
Stuart Kauffman on Beyond Reductionism
Stuart Kauffman discusses his book Beyond Reductionism

emergent properties and reductionism
emergent properties and reductionism
Lost? Start here - www.youtube.com Use the link above my "about me" section to help you navigate my videos. Enjoy.

Is Materialistic Reductionism Self Refuting?
Is Materialistic Reductionism Self Refuting?
Blog post: www.godless.biz Background music: "Clang" by the Propellerheads. Title music: "Leaving Planet Earth (Eelke Kleijn Remix)" by Talisman & Hudson. Great track! Movie clip: "Brainstorm". An interesting look at the intersection of neuroscience and spirituality. Check it out -Christopher Walken is in it! Twitter: www.twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com Podcast & Blog: www.godless.biz

Tim Maia ~ Rational Culture (A. Zuki Reductionism Edit)
Tim Maia ~ Rational Culture (A. Zuki Reductionism Edit)
Very cool, rolling groover. Enjoy.

Stuart Kauffman "Beyond Reductionism"
Stuart Kauffman "Beyond Reductionism"
complex systems biologist talks about his new book about the need for science to recognize novelty in nature. he suggests that this admission makes reductionism inadequate for understanding reality and opens the door to a new scientifically aware spirituality

Red State vs. Blue State Reductionist Dichotomy (part 1 of 2
Red State vs. Blue State Reductionist Dichotomy (part 1 of 2
NOTES: i'll post a follow-up vid soon, once i can compress it for file size limitation (came out 106 MB). i certainly misspoke a couple times in this vid - you'll probably spot them. stupid mouth not keeping up. the politicians of the Democratic National Committee don't represent me much better than the politicians of the Grand Old Party. our potential is limited by narrowing our understanding of political choices into a one-dimensional spectrum of RED to BLUE. They were once a single party, about 200 years ago, who were formed to oppose the Federalists. While Democratic-Republican, they opposed a national bank and supported both states' rights and individual liberties. Which party represents those ideals now? I guess that all got lost somewhere along the way....

Reductionism, Naturalism, and Nominalism
Reductionism, Naturalism, and Nominalism
5 June 2007 - Thomas B. Fowler: "Reductionism, Naturalism, and Nominalism: the 'Unholy Trinity' and Its Complications for the Science/Religion Dialogue" Belief in the "unholy trinity" of reductionism, nominalism, and naturalism is at the root of much anti-religious thought, whether consciously or not. Taken together, these doctrines, in the extreme form in which they are usually held, preclude any belief in the spiritual, and thus any type of theistic interpretation of science, such as theistic evolution. There are two basic approaches to resolving the science-religion conflict posed by the unholy trinity. The first involves rejection of branch or conclusion of science, as is done by Creationists. The second is to deny the scope implicitly assumed for science by the unholy trinity. This is done at the direct observational level by those such as the Intelligent Design school, and at a deeper, more indirect level by most advocates of theistic evolution. But the unholy trinity itself has many serious problems, both with respect to science and philosophy. It tends to channel scientific thought and procedures into certain directions, and keep them from others, quite independently of empirical evidence, thus imposing an intolerable burden on science, which can operate quite well on much weaker metaphysical assumptions. The unholy trinity also rests on erroneous assumptions about the nature of the real, about epistemology, and about metaphysics. Utilizing the philosophy of <b>...</b>

Hofstader's Reductionism
Hofstader's Reductionism
The "I" is a strange loop? I don't think so... The ego may be an illusion, but my interiority is not (at least no more so than any exteriority).

The Intelligent Organization Conference (Chapter 2 The Reductionist Trap) / Stafford Beer
The Intelligent Organization Conference (Chapter 2 The Reductionist Trap) / Stafford Beer
Stafford Beer creator of Management Cybernetics explains how the Reductionist Paradigm traps us with its language. Organizations continue to teach the same type of structure not realizing that change is everywhere and that a new model and a new way of looking at things is necessary to escape the trap.

TJ Response reductionism
TJ Response reductionism
ABSTRACT: TJ criticizes the idea that things really begin to exist. I aim to criticize this idea by showing that properties exist. Further, I refute the argument from reductionism against property realism Synopsis: I gave 2 arguments in favor of property realism. The first is the problem of predication, namely, that some things are similar to other things, and dissimilar to others. For instance, 2 blue spots are different from one red spot. Why is this? The property realist can say that the 2 blue spots share the property of being blue and the one red spot does not. The next argument is the problem of exact similarity, which is similar to the problem of predication. The problem of exact similarity asks why the two red spots are exactly similar to eachother, and why a red brick is similar to those 2 spots. The nominalist would have to posit that the two spots are similar because they share an exact similarity relationship, and the spots share a similarity relationship with the brick. So what makes these 3 exact similarity relationships (the one between the two spots, and the brick's relationship to each of the two spots) exactly similar? 3 more exact similarity relationships. But what makes these similar? This is a vicious infinite regress because the problem remains unsolved at each and every level. The nominalist may try to respond to this argument by appealing to explanatory reductionism. While it does some useful explaining of colors, it does not reduce them <b>...</b>

Reductionism 6 + Interpretive Duncing + Artifacts
Reductionism 6 + Interpretive Duncing + Artifacts
The evolution of this piece of Low Classical Usic is more than a bit labyrinthian to go into. From 1997 to 1998 I co-organized a series of CircumSubstantial Playings in Pennsylvania that involved site & circumstantial specificity. These were recorded & excerpts from them were published as side 1 of a tape called "A Year of Sundays" (see 3rd series, 018 here: www.fyi.net & the 2nd side was a more elaborate computer edit using recordings from the same sessions + 2 more from Baltimore. This computer edit was then used, w/ the assistance of composer Warren Burt in Australia in 2000, to drive a Pitch-to-MIDI converter to create a monophonic conventionally notated score that I called "Reductionism (A Year of Sundays w/ Mono)". Back in Pittsburgh, I used a different Pitch-to-MIDI converter & the same "Yr of Sundays (computer edit)" driver to generate 6 new recordings using piano sounds & samples from the original Yr of Sundays sessions (Reductionisms 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (take 1) & 5 (take 2)). These were then meticulously edited together to create "Interpretive Duncing" (you can hear this @: www.archive.org - it's currently (Sept, 2011) in a somewhat incorrect state that I may or may not eventually replace w/ the correct version). "Reductionism 6" then became the score generated by the 1st MIDI file (slightly revised) in combination w/ the (eventually revised) "Interpretive Duncing". I primitively (& laboriously) animated the score so that the (M)Usicians cd read it from the same <b>...</b>

Efficiency Or Reductionism?
Efficiency Or Reductionism?
Dr. David Martin describes the societal pathology of reductionist controls and their mask of efficiency. Video by: DuncanEntertainment The Duncan Group, Inc. 2010 www.duncanentertainment.com Featuring Dr. David Martin M-CAM Inc. 2010 www.m-cam.com http www.globalinnovationcommons.org www.heritableinnovationtrust.org

Re: Understanding Complexity and Reductionism
Re: Understanding Complexity and Reductionism
response to darwinshamster: www.youtube.com thermodynamics of open and closed systems en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org

Nerd Reductionism
Nerd Reductionism
2bsiriuis video about Jaron Lanier's, "You Are Not a Gadget" One of Jaron Lanier's recent articles: online.wsj.com The video in this Guardian article is excellent. Scroll beyond the Virgin ad to watch: www.guardian.co.uk There is a concerted effort to drive ALL dissenting opinion OFF of YouTube... And it usually works. Soon, we'll all be marching in lock step to the same thoughts. We'll be asserting OUR right to free speech and free expression while systematically making sure that all other voices are silenced. Do you see the irony? This excerpt from "You Are Not a Gadget" is used for educational purposes. It's a great book. Try to find it: www.amazon.com Absolute group conformity is not a force for good. If you are happy living in a tiny box, you've come to the right place. If not, become an advocate for creative intelligence. It's easy to go with the herd, but I hope you'll be subversive and THINK instead. If not, welcome to life in the box. I plan to go live my life in the real world from now on. Good luck in finding your authentic life and living it. See ya!

The edge of chaos: reductionism in healthcare and health professional training
The edge of chaos: reductionism in healthcare and health professional training
Robert Scully introduces his perspective article on reductionism in healthcare (co-authored with Liam Glynn) from the May issue of IJCP. Read online: bit.ly

Reductionist and Proud of It
Reductionist and Proud of It
Reductionists take all the beauty out of existence when they are done taking it all apart. NOT. Finding out how things work can only ADD to the beauty of something. It's mostly religious people who gripe about reductionism because when we're done taking the world apart and reverse engineering it, there's nothing left of their inept religious teachings on how the universe and even life works and changes through time. Anti-reductionists are people who can't stand hearing the truth about reality for fear of spoiling their fantastical notions of Gods, Devils and of heavens and hells.

Space, Language, Brains, Headlessness (Against Reductionism)
Space, Language, Brains, Headlessness (Against Reductionism)
"Space," all too commonly, suffers from misplaced concreteness. People really should try to understand WHY Helen Keller, when asked if she could have one sense back which would it be, said, "hearing." Some of my Related Vids: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com For More In-Depth Please Consideration Read: www.amazon.com PS Comic side note, the auto-suggestions for tags from youtube brings up the word "Brain" but not "Brains"