Thousands of stories relating to paranormal phenomena are found in popular culture, folklore, and the recollections of individual subjects. In contrast, the scientific community, as referenced in statements made by organizations such as the United States National Science Foundation, maintains that scientific evidence does not support a variety of beliefs that have been characterized as paranormal.
''Para'' has a Greek and Latin origin. Its most common meaning (the Greek usage) is 'similar to' or 'near to', as in paragraph. In Latin, ''para'' means 'above,' 'against,' 'counter,' 'outside,' or 'beyond'. For example, ''parapluie'' in French means 'counter-rain' – an umbrella. It can be construed, then, that the term paranormal is derived from the Latin use of the prefix 'para', meaning 'against, counter, outside or beyond the norm.'
The belief in ghosts as souls of the departed is closely tied to the concept of animism, an ancient belief which attributed souls to everything in nature. As the 19th-century anthropologist James Frazer explained in his classic work, ''The Golden Bough'', souls were seen as the creature within that animated the body. Although the human soul was sometimes symbolically or literally depicted in ancient cultures as a bird or other animal, it was widely held that the soul was an exact reproduction of the body in every feature, even down to clothing the person wore. This is depicted in artwork from various ancient cultures, including such works as the Egyptian Book of the Dead, which shows deceased people in the afterlife appearing much as they did before death, including the style of dress.
A widespread belief concerning ghosts is that they are composed of a misty, airy, or subtle material. Anthropologists speculate that this may also stem from early beliefs that ghosts were the person within the person, most noticeable in ancient cultures as a person's breath, which upon exhaling in colder climates appears visibly as a white mist. This belief may have also fostered the metaphorical meaning of "breath" in certain languages, such as the Latin ''spiritus'' and the Greek ''pneuma'', which by analogy became extended to mean the soul. In the Bible, God is depicted as animating Adam with a breath.
Numerous theories have been proposed by scientists to provide normal explanations for ghost sightings. Although the evidence for ghosts is largely anecdotal, the belief in ghosts throughout history has remained widespread and persistent.
Early in the history of UFO culture, believers divided themselves into two camps. The first held a rather conservative view of the phenomena, interpreting them as unexplained occurrences that merited serious study. They began calling themselves "ufologists" in the 1950s and felt that logical analysis of sighting reports would validate the notion of extraterrestrial visitation.
The second camp consisted of individuals who coupled ideas of extraterrestrial visitation with beliefs from existing quasi-religious movements. These individuals typically were enthusiasts of occultism and the paranormal. Many had backgrounds as active Theosophists, Spiritualists, or were followers of other esoteric doctrines. In contemporary times, many of these beliefs have coalesced into New Age spiritual movements.
Both secular and spiritual believers describe UFOs as having abilities beyond what are considered possible according to known aerodynamic constraints and physical laws. The transitory events surrounding many UFO sightings also limits the opportunity for repeat testing required by the scientific method. Acceptance of UFO theories by the larger scientific community is further hindered by the many possible hoaxes associated with UFO culture.
A cryptid is an animal whose existence is not confirmed by science. The study of these creatures is known as cryptozoology. Those that study the existence of cryptids are called cryptozoologists. Cryptids have been sighted and documented for centuries. There are hundreds of creatures thought to be in existence today. Some of the more popular cryptids include Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, and werewolves.
The Loch Ness monster, another famous cryptid, was first sighted in Scotland in the 1930s. Nessie, which the creature is often called, is described "as having sleek, rubbery blackish-gray skin, about twenty feet long." The creature has a serpentine-like body, like that of a sea monster and a head shaped like that of a horse. "The typical Nessie does roughly resemble the average sea serpent, but it lives in the biggest freshwater lake in Scotland instead of the ocean." Experts offer a variety of different explanations, one of which is that the Loch Ness monster is in fact a zeuglodon due to the fact that Nessie has been spotted several times with horns. "The idea of horns may sound ridiculous, but they would make sense if the Loch Ness monster is actually a zeuglodon, a weird primitive whale, because the zeuglodons were only a few steps removed from the mesonychids, ungulate predators, and ungulates often have horns." Whether or not Nessie truly does exist is up for debate, but reports of sightings continue to catch the attention of avid crytozoologists today, like they did 90 years ago.
Werewolves "In folklore, werewolves are people who sometimes shape-shift into wolves. Because werewolves are usually thought to be part of the supernatural, they are seldom investigated by people working in the field of cryptozoology. After all, cryptozoologists are trying to discover new species of animal to be accepted by the mainstream scientific establishment, not resurrect mythical beasts. And werewolves seem to be about as far to the mythical side as beasts can get." Still, cryptozoologists are not quite ready to rule them out. Werewolves, also known as Lycans, have been sighted all across the world for centuries. There have even been several books and movies on the creatures and the legends surrounding them. Legend has it that werewolves are men or women that can transform themselves into a wolf-like creature. They transform on full moons and can only be killed by silver. Professional cryptozoologists in the fringe department offer a few other explanations. "Some researchers think that these sightings may represent a hidden species of hyper-intelligent wild dogs that evolved to become bipedal and therefore, these dogs coincidentally ended up looking something like a cross between a person and a wolf. Other researchers try to classify these cryptids as a subcategory of Bigfoot with long snouts and pointed ears, or as sightings of Bigfoot where the witnesses panicked so much that they superimposed werewolfish features on what was actually an ordinary Bigfoot. Only a few cryptozoologists think that werewolves are actually people who can shape-shift into wolves, because it is hard to think of a scientific, biological explanation for shape-shifting that doesn't involve dozens of absurdities. The few researchers working in fringe cryptozoology who actually believe in shape-shifting tend to ascribe this power to aliens in one way or another, either by saying that werewolves are actually aliens masquerading as human, or by saying that werewolves are the result of alien experiments on human beings."
The Chupacabra Originated in The towns of San Sebastian and Moca in Puerto Rico, shortly after, the phenomenon spreads all around America. Actually, the incidence has almost disappeared; although there keep appearing some isolated cases. In appearance the Chupacabra has "large eyes that are usually red or orange and about the same size and shape as an egg, a mouth full of big fangs, sharp claws on the hands and feet, a bunch of spikes or spike-like fins running in a row down the spine, a bipedal stance, three-toed hind feet that might also be webbed, and a hind portion shaped like a kangaroo with oversized legs for jumping. There are different theories, even though, no one has been officially confirmed. "
The Jersey Devil is a cryptid that has been spotted several times over 200 years in the state of New Jersey. "The Jersey Devil of folklore is a creature that may or may not be vaguely human-shaped. It has hooves, a snake's tail, bat-wings and a head that looks something like a horse. Altogether, except for being hairy in some reports, it roughly resembles a dragon."
The Yeti, also referred to as the Abominable Snowman, is similar to Bigfoot of the Pacific Northwest. The creature is spotted in the Himalayas. It is very similar in appearance to Bigfoot. The creature is around six feet in height and has long, shaggy hair, usually a whitish color. It has been reported that the Yeti has been spotted since the 19th century. It is well-known everywhere apart from the USA, hence its classification as "Lesser Known".
An anecdotal approach to the paranormal involves the collection of stories told about the paranormal.
Charles Fort (1874–1932) is perhaps the best known collector of paranormal anecdotes. Fort is said to have compiled as many as 40,000 notes on unexplained paranormal experiences, though there were no doubt many more than these. These notes came from what he called "the orthodox conventionality of Science", which were odd events originally reported in magazines and newspapers such as The Times and scientific journals such as ''Scientific American'', ''Nature'' and ''Science".'' From this research Fort wrote seven books, though only four survive. These are: ''The Book of the Damned'' (1919), ''New Lands'' (1923), ''Lo!'' (1931) and ''Wild Talents'' (1932); one book was written between ''New Lands'' and ''Lo!'' but it was abandoned and absorbed into ''Lo!.''
Reported events that he collected include teleportation (a term Fort is generally credited with coining); poltergeist events, falls of frogs, fishes, inorganic materials of an amazing range; crop circles; unaccountable noises and explosions; spontaneous fires; levitation; ball lightning (a term explicitly used by Fort); unidentified flying objects; mysterious appearances and disappearances; giant wheels of light in the oceans; and animals found outside their normal ranges (see phantom cat). He offered many reports of OOPArts, abbreviation for "out of place" artifacts: strange items found in unlikely locations. He also is perhaps the first person to explain strange human appearances and disappearances by the hypothesis of alien abduction, and was an early proponent of the extraterrestrial hypothesis.
Fort is considered by many as the father of modern paranormalism, which is the study of the paranormal.
The magazine ''Fortean Times'' continues Charles Fort's approach, regularly reporting anecdotal accounts of the paranormal.
Such anecdotal collections, lacking the reproducibility of empirical evidence, are not amenable to scientific investigation. The anecdotal approach is not a scientific approach to the paranormal because it leaves verification dependent on the credibility of the party presenting the evidence. Nevertheless, it is a common approach to paranormal phenomena.
Experimental investigation of the paranormal has been conducted by parapsychologists. Although parapsychology has its roots in earlier research, it began using the experimental approach in the 1930s under the direction of J. B. Rhine (1895–1980). Rhine popularized the now famous methodology of using card-guessing and dice-rolling experiments in a laboratory in the hopes of finding a statistical validation of extra-sensory perception.
In 1957, the Parapsychological Association was formed as the preeminent society for parapsychologists. In 1969, they became affiliated with the American Association for the Advancement of Science. That affiliation, along with a general openness to psychic and occult phenomena in the 1970s, led to a decade of increased parapsychological research. During this time, other notable organizations were also formed, including the Academy of Parapsychology and Medicine (1970), the Institute of Parascience (1971), the Academy of Religion and Psychical Research, the Institute for Noetic Sciences (1973), and the International Kirlian Research Association (1975). Each of these groups performed experiments on paranormal subjects to varying degrees. Parapsychological work was also conducted at the Stanford Research Institute during this time.
With the increase in parapsychological investigation, there came an increase in opposition to both the findings of parapsychologists and the granting of any formal recognition of the field. Criticisms of the field were focused in the founding of the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (1976), now called the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, and its periodical, ''Skeptical Inquirer''. Eventually, more mainstream scientists became critical of parapsychology as an endeavor, and statements by the National Academies of Science and the National Science Foundation cast a pall on the claims of evidence for parapsychology. Today, many cite parapsychology as an example of a pseudoscience.
Though there are still some parapsychologists active today, interest and activity has waned considerably since the 1970s. To date there have been no experimental results that have gained wide acceptance in the scientific community as valid evidence of the paranormal.
While parapsychologists look for quantitative evidence of the paranormal in laboratories, a great number of people immerse themselves in qualitative research through participant-observer approaches to the paranormal. Participant-observer methodologies have overlaps with other essentially qualitative approaches as well, including phenomenological research that seeks largely to describe subjects ''as they are experienced'', rather than to explain them.
Participant-observation suggests that by immersing oneself in the subject being studied, a researcher is presumed to gain understanding of the subject. Criticisms of participant-observation as a data-gathering technique are similar to criticisms of other approaches to the paranormal, but also include an increased threat to the objectivity of the researcher, unsystematic gathering of data, reliance on subjective measurement, and possible observer effects (observation may distort the observed behavior). Specific data gathering methods, such as recording EMF readings at haunted locations have their own criticisms beyond those attributed to the participant-observation approach itself.
The participant-observer approach to the paranormal has gained increased visibility and popularity through reality television programs like ''Ghost Hunters'', and the formation of independent ghost hunting groups that advocate immersive research at alleged paranormal locations. One popular website for ghost hunting enthusiasts lists over 300 of these organizations throughout the United States and the United Kingdom.
Scientific skeptics advocate critical investigation of claims of paranormal phenomena: applying the scientific method to reach a rational, scientific explanation of the phenomena to account for the paranormal claims, taking into account that alleged paranormal abilities and occurrences are sometimes hoaxes or misinterpretations of natural phenomena. A way of summarizing this method is by the application of Occam's razor, which suggests that the simplest solution is usually the correct one. The standard scientific models gives an explanation for what appears to be paranormal phenomena is usually a misinterpretation, misunderstanding, or anomalous variation of natural phenomena, rather than an actual paranormal phenomenon.
The Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, formerly the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP), is an organisation that aims to publicise the scientific, skeptical approach. It carries out investigations aimed at understanding paranormal reports in terms of scientific understanding, and publishes its results in its journal, the ''Skeptical Inquirer''.
Former stage magician James Randi is a well-known investigator of paranormal claims. As an investigator with a background in illusion, Randi feels that the simplest explanation for those claiming paranormal abilities is often trickery, illustrated by demonstrating that the spoon bending abilities of psychic Uri Geller can easily be duplicated by trained stage magicians. He is also the founder of the James Randi Educational Foundation and its million dollar challenge offering a prize of US $1,000,000 to anyone who can demonstrate evidence of any paranormal, supernatural or occult power or event, under test conditions agreed to by both parties.
Anomalistics works on the premise that paranormal phenomena may be hoaxes, understood within current scientific models, or else be rationalized using an as yet unexplored avenue of science.
One survey of the beliefs of the general United States population regarding paranormal topics was conducted by the Gallup Organization in 2005. The survey found that 73 percent of those polled believed in at least one of the ten paranormal items presented in the survey. The ten items included in the survey were: extrasensory perception (41% held this belief), haunted houses (37%), ghosts (32%), telepathy (31%), clairvoyance (26%), astrology (25%), communication with the dead (21%), witches (21%), reincarnation (20%), and channeling spiritual entities (9%). These items were selected as they "require the belief that humans have more than the 'normal' five senses." Only one percent of respondents believed in all ten items.
Another survey conducted in 2006 by researchers from Australia's Monash University sought to determine what ''types'' of phenomena that people claim to have experienced and the effects these experiences have had on their lives. The study was conducted as an online survey with over 2,000 respondents from around the world participating. The results revealed that around 70% of the respondents believe to have had an unexplained paranormal event that changed their life, mostly in a positive way. About 70% also claimed to have seen, heard, or been touched by an animal or person that they knew was not there; 80% have reported having a premonition, and almost 50% stated they recalled a previous life.
Polls were conducted by Bryan Farha at Oklahoma City University and Gary Steward of the University of Central Oklahoma in 2006, and compared to the results of a Gallup poll in 2001. They found fairly consistent results.
+Percentage of US citizens polled | ! | !belief | !not sure | !belief | !not sure |
! | Farha-Steward | !colspan="2" | |||
56 | 26 | 54 | 19 | ||
28 | 39 | 50 | 20 | ||
haunted houses | 40 | 25 | 42 | 16 | |
demonic possession | 40 | 28 | 41 | 16 | |
ghosts/spirits of the dead | 39 | 27 | 38 | 17 | |
telepathy | 24 | 34 | 36 | 26 | |
17 | 34 | 33 | 27 | ||
clairvoyance and prophecy | 24 | 33 | 32 | 23 | |
communication with the dead | 16 | 29 | 28 | 26 | |
astrology | 17 | 26 | 28 | 18 | |
26 | 19 | 26 | 15 | ||
reincarnation | 15 | 28 | 25 | 20 | |
10 | 29 | 15 | 21 |
Other surveys by different organizations at different times have found very similar results. A 2001 Gallup Poll found that the general public embraced the following: 54% of people believed in psychic/spiritual healing, 42% believed in haunted houses, 41% believed in satanic possession, 36% in telepathy, 25% in reincarnation, and 15% in channeling. A survey by Jeffrey S. Levin, associate professor at Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk found that over 2/3 of the U.S. population reported having at least one mystical experience.
A 1996 Gallup poll estimated that 71% of the people in the United States believed that the government was covering up information about UFOs. A 2002 Roper poll conducted for the Sci Fi channel reported that 56% thought UFOs were real craft and 48% that aliens had visited the Earth.
A 2001 National Science Foundation survey found that 9 percent of people polled thought astrology was very scientific, and 31 percent thought it was somewhat scientific. About 32% of Americans surveyed stated that some numbers were lucky, while 46% of Europeans agreed with that claim. About 60% of all people polled believed in some form of Extra-sensory perception and 30% thought that "some of the unidentified flying objects that have been reported are really space vehicles from other civilizations."
In 1922, ''Scientific American'' offered two US $2,500 offers: (1) for the first authentic spirit photograph made under test conditions, and (2) for the first psychic to produce a "visible psychic manifestation." Harry Houdini was a member of the investigating committee. The first medium to be tested was George Valiantine, who claimed that in his presence spirits would speak through a trumpet that floated around a darkened room. For the test, Valiantine was placed in a room, the lights were extinguished, but unbeknownst to him his chair had been rigged to light a signal in an adjoining room if he ever left his seat. Because the light signals were tripped during his performance, Valiantine did not collect the award. The last to be examined by Scientific American was Mina Crandon in 1924.
Since then, many individuals and groups have offered similar monetary awards for proof of the paranormal in an observed setting. These prizes have a combined value of over $2.4 million dollars.
The James Randi Educational Foundation offers a prize of a million dollars to a person who can prove that they have supernatural or paranormal abilities under appropriate test conditions. No famous psychic has gone through with taking the challenge.
Authors: Charles Fort, Bernard Heuvelmans, J.B. Rhine, Robert Ripley, Arthur C Clarke, Carl Sagan, Ivan Sanderson, John Keel, Hilary Evans, Bruce Barrymore Halpenny.
Skepticism: Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, Debunking, Ghost Hunters, Hoaxes, James Randi, Prizes offered for paranormal proof, Skepticism
Science: Fringe science, Pseudoscience, Scientific method
Category:Paranormal Category:Forteana Category:Parapsychology
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