Sarah Irving

Murdered for being Palestinian; Wael Zuaiter remembered 40 years on

Sarah Irving
2 October 2011

Janet Venn-Brown was Palestinian spokesperson Wael Zuaiter’s partner for eight years and one of the last people to see him before his assassination. Sarah Irving interviews for The Electronic Intifada.

Australian activists put Palestine travel ban on trial

Sarah Irving
26 September 2011

How two 69-year-old women challenged Israel’s restrictions on Welcome to Palestine protest.

Palestinian Christians protest Anglican chief's occupation blindspot

Sarah Irving
29 July 2011

Comments by Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury and leader of the Anglican and Episcopalian churches worldwide, have aroused anger among Palestinian Christians.

Tutu boosts Murdoch-battered BDS campaign in Sydney

Sarah Irving
5 July 2011

A letter of support from South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu is regarded as a vindication of an Australian city council’s fight — currently unsuccessful — to align its purchasing policies with the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions against the State of Israel.

Interview: Antony Loewenstein on Palestine's struggle in Australia

Sarah Irving
8 June 2011

Antony Loewenstein, a writer and journalist based in Sydney and a founder of Independent Australian Jewish Voices, speaks to The Electronic Intifada about the growing boycott, divestment and santions movement and the resistance to it in Australia.

Breaking down stereotypes: Randa Abdel-Fattah interviewed

Sarah Irving
4 May 2011

The Electronic Intifada contributor Sarah Irving interviews Randa Abdel-Fattah, the author of five novels for young adults and children, about her writing and activism.

Israel appropriating historical sites for colonial ends

Sarah Irving
18 April 2011

Moves by the Israeli government and settler movement to appropriate historical sites undermine Palestinian cultural rights and highlight how Israel exploits archaeological claims for colonial ends.

Boycott vote in Sydney suburb sparks media furor, death threats

Sarah Irving
24 January 2011

On 15 December 2010, the councilors of a suburb of Sydney, Australia voted to support the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions. They have since become the subjects of vilification in the press death threats from Australia’s lunatic fringe.

Book Review: Europe's Alliance with Israel

Sarah Irving
30 December 2010

David Cronin’s immensely valuable new book, Europe’s Alliance with Israel: Aiding the Occupation, charts how the European Union and its member states back Israel, and dispels the idea that the US is the only game in town (and that those of us who aren’t resident there can therefore change nothing), while also offering activists new targets for institutional lobbying and boycotts.

How Europe aids the occupation: David Cronin interviewed

Sarah Irving
20 December 2010

In his new book Europe’s Alliance with Israel: Aiding the Occupation, journalist David Cronin exposes the bad faith behind Europe’s position as a neutral force and its claims to support the basic rights of the Palestinian people. Sarah Irving interviews for The Electronic Intifada.


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