Michelle Gyeney

Attempts to break Gaza blockade won't stop, vows Freedom Waves activist

Michelle Gyeney
28 November 2011

As the Australian delegate on the Tahrir boat with the recent Freedom Waves initiative, Michael Coleman recently confronted all of the barriers that the government of Israel could muster.

US aid freeze designed to further punish Palestinians

Michelle Gyeney
11 October 2011

The US Congress has voted to freeze aid to the Palestinian Authority worth $200 million. The common theme of the freeze is the disruption of activities that might reinforce the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) drive for statehood.

Why was the PA hosting American Kabbalah tourists in Nablus?

Michelle Gyeney
17 August 2011

The Palestinian Authority cooperated with Israeli forces to host a fabricated “Peace and Freedom Day” rally in Nablus, while prohibiting local Palestinian tour guides from discussing politics with Kabbalist tourists from the US.

Film review: women footballers struggle to play (and win)

Michelle Gyeney
12 August 2011

Sawsan Qaoud documents how the idea for a Palestinian women’s football team was brought to life — and recounts the difficulties the players face on a regular basis just to play — in Women in the Stadium.

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