Jonathan Cook

Stealing a moment in a stolen land: the photography of Katie Ramadan

Jonathan Cook
5 March 2012

Katie Ramandan’s collection of photos currently on exhibition in Nazareth explores the meaning of home and the boundaries between private and public space.

Bunker state cemented by new Israeli law against refugees

Jonathan Cook
19 January 2012

Just as Israel did — and still does — with Palestinians wanting to return to their homeland, thousands of desperate asylum seekers from Africa are being criminalized under the “Prevention of Infiltration law.”

Netanyahu shattering the myth of Israeli democracy

Jonathan Cook
3 December 2011

It takes some chutzpah — or, at least, epic self-delusion — for Israel’s prime minister to be lecturing the Arab world on liberalism and democracy at this moment.

Setting a price tag for Israeli supremacy

Jonathan Cook
14 October 2011

Far-right Zionist groups are becoming bolder because of impunity but Palestinians can overcome apartheid.

The (unplanned) victory of the UN statehood bid

Jonathan Cook
27 September 2011

There was one significant victory at the United Nations for Mahmoud Abbas, even if it was not the one he sought.

Israel's war on nonviolent protest

Jonathan Cook
19 July 2011

The newly-passed boycott law is the latest in a series of ever-more draconian laws being introduced by Israel’s far right. The legislation’s goal is to intimidate those Israeli citizens, Jews and Palestinians, who have yet to bow down before the majority-rule mob.

Why was Salah muzzled for preaching peace in London?

Jonathan Cook
5 July 2011

Israel’s legal system, despite its reputation for presuming that Palestinian citizens are habitual security offenders, has neither found Sheikh Raed Salah guilty of anti-Semitism nor of directly helping terrorists. So why is Britain being even “more Israeli rather than the Israelis,” as two Arab members of the Israeli parliament caustically observed, and detaining him?

Goldstone reconsideration undermines justice for Gaza

Jonathan Cook
6 April 2011

Israeli leaders have barely hidden their jubilation at an opinion article in last Friday’s Washington Post by the South African jurist Richard Goldstone reconsidering the findings of his United Nations-appointed inquiry into Israel’s attack on Gaza in winter 2008-09. In reality, however, he offered far less consolation to Israel than its supporters claim.

Israel admits role in disappearance of Gaza engineer

Jonathan Cook
24 March 2011

Israel admitted this week that it was behind the abduction of a Palestinian engineer from Gaza who went missing more than a month ago while traveling on a train in the Ukraine.

Global unpopularity wearing down Israeli government

Jonathan Cook
9 March 2011

Benjamin Netanyahu’s advisers conceded last week that the Israeli prime minister is more downcast than they have ever seen him. The reason for his gloominess is to be found in Israel’s diplomatic and strategic standing, which some analysts suggest is at its lowest ebb in living memory. Jonathan Cook reports.


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