David Cronin

Book review: Putting occupation's profiteers in the dock

David Cronin
1 December 2011

Corporate Complicity in Israel’s Occupation is required reading to understand how some enterprises are accomplices to murder.

Book review: Fernández skewers empire's messenger Tom Friedman

David Cronin
4 November 2011

After reading The Imperial Messenger by Belén Fernández, the thought of sharing a profession with Thomas Friedman revolts me, says EI reviewer David Cronin.

How Greece abandoned Palestine

David Cronin
13 July 2011

No doubt, Greece’s refusal to allow the Freedom Flotilla II to set sail for Gaza was partly the result of pressure — and possibly even financial blackmail — from the US and Israel. Nonetheless, it was not an isolated occurrence but the logical consequence of a process that was already underway. David Cronin analyzes for The Electronic Intifada.

MEP joining flotilla tells EI: EU's honest broker image "a sham"

David Cronin
26 June 2011

Paul Murphy, a member of the European Parliament (MEP) for Ireland’s Socialist Party, is bound for Gaza as part of the second Gaza Freedom Flotilla. The Electronic Intifada correspondent David Cronin interviews Murphy about the flotilla and the EU’s role in the siege.

Interview: Mazin Qumsiyeh on popular resistance and breaking the spell of fear

David Cronin
16 June 2011

David Cronin interviews Palestinian activist Mazin Qumsiyeh, author of the new book Popular Resistance in Palestine: A History of Hope and Empowerment, on the popular struggle in the occupied West Bank and his experience being arrested and detained by Israeli forces.

Campaign to vilify Gaza flotilla underway in Europe

David Cronin
25 May 2011

A campaign of vilification against the flotilla that will soon try to break Israel’s siege of Gaza appears to be gathering momentum in Europe.

New book shows how aid to PA ended up in Israel's pockets

David Cronin
18 May 2011

In The Political Economy of Aid in Palestine, Sahar Taghdisi-Rad illustrates how aid earmarked for the oppressed often ends up in the oppressor’s pockets. David Cronin reviews.

Spain a bastion of support for Palestine?

David Cronin
28 April 2011

The notion that Spain’s government is more favorably disposed to the Palestinians than to the State of Israel falls apart under scrutiny. David Cronin analyzes for The Electronic Intifada.

EU turns blind eye to Palestinian citizens in Israel

David Cronin
12 April 2011

The EU’s unwillingness to address the treatment of Palestinians within Israel was exposed in a February report published by Adalah, a human rights organization based in Haifa, and the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network.

Who benefits from EU-Israel academic cooperation?

David Cronin
10 March 2011

Academic cooperation between Europe and Israel has been encouraged by governments on both sides. But who benefits and who loses? David Cronin comments for The Electronic Intifada.


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