Ameer Makhoul

What Palestinian political prisoners are fighting for

Ameer Makhoul
Gilboa Prison
20 March 2012

Khader Adnan’s hunger strike was not in protest of administrative detention but against Israel’s entire colonial system, argues Ameer Makhoul, writing from Gilboa prison.

Waging liberation in and outside Israel's prison walls

Ameer Makhoul
Gilboa Prison
18 January 2012

The official Palestinian position on the release of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails serves to undermine their cause, which is a central component of the Palestinian people’s liberation struggle, comments Ameer Makhoul from Gilboa prison.

Political prisoner: Hamas deal a "great step forward"

Ameer Makhoul
Gilboa Prison
2 November 2011

The prisoner exchange deal was a major achievement for Hamas and a great step forward for the Palestinian people, particularly the prisoners’ movement.

A Palestinian political prisoner's take on Israel's protest movement

Ameer Makhoul
Gilboa Prison
5 October 2011

By not dealing with the root causes of the unjust system in Israel, the Israeli social movement wishes to make things less unjust rather than to change the system and the regime.

The story of the watermelon and the forty prisoners

Ameer Makhoul
Gilboa Prison
19 September 2011

Palestinian political prisoner Ameer Makhoul writes about a recent “watermelon party” amongst fellow prisoners, and the struggle for liberation that continues.

The rebellions of our peoples make us stronger

Ameer Makhoul
Gilboa Prison
17 June 2011

The Arab rebellions are being created by the social movement — by the people — in all its currents and forces that seek change; in other words, by the great majority of the peoples in revolt. Ameer Makhoul writes from Gilboa Prison.

A year of steadfastness in Israeli prison

Ameer Makhoul
Gilboa Prison
25 May 2011

A year of imprisonment has passed. To spend one year in prison is a high price to pay for Israel’s unjust rule. My share has been more modest compared to other prisoners who are about to enter their fourth decade in Israeli prisons. Ameer Makhoul writes from Gilboa prison.

Remembering Palestinian prisoners, renewing our struggle

Ameer Makhoul
Gilboa Prison
27 April 2011

Palestinian Prisoners Day was marked on 17 April, an annual day to contemplate the individual and collective suffering and impossible pain of political prisoners and their families. Ameer Makhoul writes from Gilboa prison.

The struggle for al-Araqib is the struggle for Palestine

Ameer Makhoul
Gilboa Prison
4 March 2011

Al-Araqib was the last village I visited before my arrest. Al-Araqib is not just a village, but the very heart of a nation and a people. On 5 May 2010, I was there under the tent of Sheikh Sayah, a local leader. There was a big crowd after the destruction and the reconstruction of the village. We met there until late at night, taking advantage of the desert darkness. Ameer Makhoul comments.

Letter from prison: I have a lot of energy to struggle

Ameer Makhoul
Gilboa Prison
29 November 2010

The following is an excerpt from a letter by Palestinian political prisoner and civil society leader Ameer Makhoul, written in response to a postcard featuring an image of a lighthouse sent by The Electronic Intifada contributor Adri Nieuwhof: “The lighthouse, al-fanar in Arabic, is an inspiration. I have built a lighthouse here in jail. It has been built in my mind because I am not allowed to use the space, but my mind is totally mine.”


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