News & Analysis

The News & Analysis section of the Electronic Intifada (EI), offers a quick window on the latest articles added to the Opinion/Editorial, Diaries from Palestine, Human Rights, Development, Israel Lobby Watch, Internet & Technology, and Business & Economy feeds.


Israel rides the rollercoaster of mass hysteria

Ilan Pappe
18 April 2012

French grandmas, a retired poet and nuclear holocaust are all threats of the same magnitude in the post-modern world of the current captains of the Israeli Titanic.

Why are Palestinians paying for Germany's sins?

Susan Abulhawa
14 April 2012

While Palestinians continue to be robbed of their land, heritage and human rights to atone for Germany’s sins, Germany unreservedly supports Israel.


Islamic aid to Gaza grows, despite restrictions

Gaza Strip
30 January 2012

Despite movement and access restrictions on humanitarian staff and supplies, and obstacles to the transfer of funds into Gaza, the number of Islamic organizations working with the vulnerable in Gaza is actually increasing.

Food shortages make Gaza residents rely on aid at Eid

Gaza City
9 November 2011

International aid organizations donate fresh meat, clothing, and assistance to thousands of families in the Gaza Strip for the Eid holiday, as child malnutrition and deep poverty levels rise due to Israel’s strict blockade.

Israel Lobby Watch

California professor under attack for opposing "study in Israel" scheme

Nora Barrows-Friedman
25 January 2012

The well-funded Israel lobby continues to wage attacks against university faculty, staff and students who engage in Palestine solidarity activism. One professor talks about why he refuses to be silent despite the threats against him, and why he thinks the tide is turning.

UK Labour Party student officials face backlash over free tour of Israel, settlements

Asa Winstanley
16 January 2012

A member of the UK’s National Union of Students Executive Council has denounced several youth and student officers from the opposition Labour Party for taking part in an all-expenses-paid tour of Israel and its illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank. The Labour students delegation met with Captain Barak Raz, an Israeli army spokesperson and other Israeli officials.

Human Rights

Interview: "counterrevolution" threatens mass hunger strike by Palestinian prisoners

Asa Winstanley
17 April 2012

The Palestinian Authority announced that Palestinian Prisoners’ Day would mark the start of a massive new wave of hunger strikes. But factionalism threatens the success of this movement, says Addameer’s Mourad Jadallah in an interview with The Electronic Intifada.

Gaza family awaits new home, 9 years after demolition by Israel

Rami Almeghari
13 April 2012

Gaza families whose homes were destroyed in Israeli attacks can’t rebuild until Israel allows a sufficient quantity of building material into Gaza.

Internet & Technology

An Egyptian revolution, unplugged

Aprille Muscara
1 February 2011

WASHINGTON (IPS) - Despite the Hosni Mubarak regime’s attempts at muzzling communication and dissent, and the reportedly government-sanctioned shutdown of Egypt’s last standing Internet service provider to individual users Monday, Egyptians are still managing to get their voices heard and mobilize — both through advanced technical workarounds and older, traditional technologies.

Business & Economy

Bamboo furniture-making tradition, brought from Jaffa, survives in Gaza

Rami Almeghari
Gaza City
17 January 2012

It is a craft that has been passed down from one generation to the next. The al-Mathloums were one of the best-known bamboo furniture-making families in Gaza but now, of his brothers, only Zakariya, the eldest son, is struggling to keep the tradition and the business alive.