Israel Lobby Watch

California professor under attack for opposing "study in Israel" scheme

Nora Barrows-Friedman
25 January 2012

The well-funded Israel lobby continues to wage attacks against university faculty, staff and students who engage in Palestine solidarity activism. One professor talks about why he refuses to be silent despite the threats against him, and why he thinks the tide is turning.

UK Labour Party student officials face backlash over free tour of Israel, settlements

Asa Winstanley
16 January 2012

A member of the UK’s National Union of Students Executive Council has denounced several youth and student officers from the opposition Labour Party for taking part in an all-expenses-paid tour of Israel and its illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank. The Labour students delegation met with Captain Barak Raz, an Israeli army spokesperson and other Israeli officials.

Exposed: UK university student claiming bias works for project of Israel pressure group

Asa Winstanley
30 December 2011

A worker at an Israeli media pressure group used her low dissertation mark as a post-graduate student at University of Warwick to smear a professor involved in Palestine solidarity activism this month.

EI exclusive: UK charity with Mossad links secretly denounced anti-Zionist Jews to government

Asa Winstanley
21 December 2011

An influential UK charity denounced Jewish critics of Israel in secret reports to the government earlier this year, The Electronic Intifada has learned.

New moves to curb criticism of Israel in US and Canada

Kristin Szremski
29 July 2011

A number of new initiatives to curtail freedom of speech by conflating opposition to Israeli crimes with anti-Semitism are underway in the United States and Canada.

Democracy under threat over EI funding, Dutch groups say

24 January 2011

Foreign Minister of the Netherlands Uri Rosenthal has threatened to punish the Dutch foundation ICCO for its continued funding of The Electronic Intifada. However, ICCO is standing its ground and Dutch civil society organizations are condemning the minister’s tactics.

Obama letter confirms Palestinian fears

Jonathan Cook
4 October 2010

The disclosure of the details of a letter reportedly sent by US President Barack Obama last week to Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, will cause Palestinians to be even more skeptical about US and Israeli roles in the current peace talks. Jonathan Cook reports.

Israeli mayors' visit runs aground in Spain, Netherlands

Adri Nieuwhof
1 October 2010

The Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG) canceled a 19 September visit by Israeli mayors because the delegation included leaders of illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, igniting a firestorm in the Dutch parliament centered at foreign affairs minister Maxime Verhagen.

Dutch Christian Zionists enjoy political clout

David Cronin
28 July 2010

Even though they are supporting settlement activities that the Dutch government officially considers to be illegal, Christians for Israel and the Christian Friends of Israeli Communities enjoy a cordial relationship with some of the most powerful politicians in the Netherlands.

Challenging the Jewish National Fund

Hazem Jamjoum
20 July 2010

As owner of 13 percent of land in Israel, and the organization that appoints the largest number of people to the Israel Lands Authority board of directors (6 out of 13), the Jewish National Fund is the central pillar of Israel’s regime over land. Hazem Jamjoum analyzes.


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