maureen’s blog

Israel closes organizations, destroys dwellings in campaign against Palestinian life in East Jerusalem

Israeli police shut down two Palestinian organizations in the Silwan neighborhood of occupied East Jerusalem on Sunday and destroyed dwellings in the Beit Hanina and Shufat neighborhoods of the city.

US alleges "terrorism" convict plotted to have FBI informants murdered

A domestic terrorism case in the US state of North Carolina that I have scrutinized because of the vague nature of the conspiracy charges, and the use of paid undercover FBI informants, has taken a new twist as the government now alleges one of those convicted attempted to hire someone to kill those who testified against him.

Decades-long sentences for young US Muslims convicted of vague terrorism conspiracy by "sleeping" jury

A judged handed down lengthy prison sentences yesterday to three young US Muslims who were convicted of vague terrorism conspiracy charges.

Young US Muslims face sentencing for material support conspiracy so vague, government can't even say what terrorists they intended to support

The case of Ziyad Yaghi and Omar Aly Hassan of North Carolina raises questions about the use of preemptive prosecution to get convictions in the vast majority of domestic terrorism cases.

Photos: Chicagoans release balloons for each child killed during Gaza massacres

Yesterday in Chicago, more than 300 balloons were released in downtown Grant Park — one balloon for each child killed during Israel’s 22-day assault on the Gaza Strip three years ago.

One year after FBI subpoena, civil liberties protections in US frighteningly eroded even further

A year after being served a subpoena by the FBI because of my political work, the state of civil liberties in the US has only gotten worse.

Video: Israeli army violence follows funeral of Mustafa Tamimi, "martyr of popular resistance"

A ten-minute video released today by David Reeb shows moving scenes from yesterday’s funeral for Mustafa Tamimi and the Israeli army’s use of force against protesters following the funeral.

Israel forcibly transfers Palestinian lawmaker from Jerusalem

Ahmad Attoun, a lawmaker from the Hamas party, was expelled from Jerusalem today after Israeli forces released him from prison and took him to Qalandia checkpoint between the city and Ramallah.

Video: Students organize mass walk-out targeting Israel's token Arab spokesperson

Students at the University of Michigan have done it again — a year after the silent mass walk-out from a propaganda event on campus featuring an Israeli soldier, setting an example followed by students at several other campuses, students organized another mass walk-out from a hasbara lecture by the Israeli government’s token Arab spokesperson, Ishmael Khaldi.

Student tells EI about Sabra hummus boycott victory at her high school

Today Nadine Darwish, a sophomore at Lincoln-Way High School in the Chicago suburbs, tweeted the news that her school will no longer serve Sabra brand hummus. This afternoon she told me more about what happened, and that others concerned with human rights shouldn’t be intimidated from speaking up.


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