
Book review: "Patriot Acts" tells shocking stories of post-9/11 injustice

Maureen Clare Murphy
22 March 2012

Patriot Acts: Narratives of Post-9/11 Injustice tells the stories of individuals in the United States whose rights have been abused as a result of the racist, Islamophobic backlash and the so-called War on Terror that followed the attacks of 11 September 2001.

Athlete abused by Israeli soldier for carrying Palestine flag in Jerusalem marathon

Emily Lawrence
20 March 2012

An activist running the Jerusalem Marathon sought to bring attention to Israel’s rights abuses at the event.

What Palestinian political prisoners are fighting for

Ameer Makhoul
Gilboa Prison
20 March 2012

Khader Adnan’s hunger strike was not in protest of administrative detention but against Israel’s entire colonial system, argues Ameer Makhoul, writing from Gilboa prison.

"The house is dark without them": Israel kills father and daughter as they water vegetables

Rami Almeghari
Beit Lahiya
19 March 2012

Muhammad al-Hisoumi and his daughter Fayza were killed in an Israeli missile attack as they tended their land in the Gaza Strip on 12 March 2012, leaving behind a devastated family and a darkened house. Rami Almeghari profiles them.

Israel actively supports theft of Palestinian water, says new UN report

Jillian Kestler-D'Amours
19 March 2012

The Israeli government has turned a blind eye — and often actively supported — the illegal takeover of water springs located on private Palestinian land in the occupied West Bank by Israeli settlers, according to a new report.

UN body "appalled" by Israel's racial segregation policies

Adri Nieuwhof and Mireille Fanon Mendès-France
16 March 2012

Israel is severely criticized for violating the right to equality in a new report by the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

Factual errors undermine new book on Hamas

Asa Winstanley
16 March 2012

A new book on the Palestinian political party Hamas fails to accurately analyze the policies of the Islamic resistance movement.

Why did Israel stop me from visiting the West Bank?

Patrick Keddie
15 March 2012

What kind of liberal democracy bars human rights activists in an attempt to stifle the truth about its behavior?

"I can't take part in these crimes": Israeli refusenik interviewed

Jillian Kestler-D'Amours
14 March 2012

Eighteen-year-old Noam Gur, the first Israeli to reject mandatory military service this year, speaks out about refusing to partake in Israel’s ongoing crimes against humanity even if it means jail time.

Palestinian Christians attacked for challenging Christian Zionism

Emily Lawrence
12 March 2012

Christian theologians, academics and church leaders recently converged in Bethlehem to meet with the local Palestinian church and challenge the Christian Zionist influence within the evangelical movement.


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