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    Youngest Kids in Grade More Likely to Be Diagnosed with ADHD

    A new study out of Canada suggests that some doctors are labeling children's immaturity as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and prescribing them unnecessary medications. More »Surprising news about kids and ADHD

    Paula Deen's Controversial Year

    Paula Deen is used to trouble: she's been robbed , had a ham thrown at her head and been … More »Paula Deen's weird new controversy

    Ann Romney Doesn't Consider Herself Wealthy. What Makes You Feel Rich?

    Ann Romney wasn't doing husband Mitt Romney any favors when she told Fox News: "I don't … More »Ann Romney's "wealth" problem


    • Megaphone
      Meet the New Shine!

      Shine has been upgraded with a sleek new look, more categories, and lots of fun modules. But here's the best part - our new blogging platform is now powered by Yahoo! Contributor Network! Here's what these improvements and changes mean to you: More »Meet the New Shine!


      Shine has been upgraded with a sleek new look, more categories, and lots of fun modules. But here's the best part - our new blogging platform is now powered by Yahoo! Contributor Network! Here's what these improvements and changes mean to you: