
Explosive Expression (screenprinted poster)

This is a limited edition, hand-screenprinted SR A2 poster by Jared Davidson (aka Garage Collective), designed for...

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Solidarity (screenprinted poster)

This is a limited edition, hand-screenprinted SR A2 poster by Jared Davidson (aka Garage Collective), designed to...

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Never in History (screenprinted poster)

This is a limited edition, hand-screenprinted SR A2 poster by Jared Davidson (aka Garage Collective), designed for...

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From the Kitchen: Sexism, Anarchism and Men

In what is perhaps a first for Aotearoa Pakeha anarchists (please let us know if that isn’t the case)...

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The Myth of Passivity: Class struggles against neoliberalism in Aotearoa in the 1990s

From 1984 onwards, Aotearoa/New Zealand experienced one of the most brutal impositions of neoliberalism seen in...

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The Nervous Triggermen: Samoa’s struggle to end New Zealand colonial rule

From 1914 to 1962 the Pacific country of western Samoa was ruled by a New Zealand colonial administration. The...

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Resistance to Nazism – Shattered Armies: How the Working Class Fought Nazism and Fascism 1933-45

Great zine by the UK Anarchist Federation that tells the stories of libertarian groups that were opposing Fascism...

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Misfit #3 Otautahi

Irregular zine from Aotearoa anarcha-feminists, this edition by Otuatahi a-fems. Full of items, drawings, articles...

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Misfit Aug ’08

Irregular zine from Aotearoa anarcha-feminists, this edition by MAFIA. Includes reflection, advice and...

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An Anarchist Organising Manual

A collection of essays taken from various sources, designed to help you get organised, start a local anarchist...

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Don’t Vote, Organise!

Classic text on the pitfalls of voting and parliamentary politics, from an anarchist perspective. Includes a...

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Radical Ecology and Class Struggle: A Re-Consideration

Zine on the intersection of class and ecology, by NEFAC member Jeff Shantz. “As conflicts over nature deepen...

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!Fuera Ulises!: A Graphic Account From Oaxaca

“Fuera Ulises! A Graphic Account from Oaxaca” by Ana Nimo, is an english-language, comic book style...

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Climate Change: An Introduction to the Environmental Crisis of Our Time

An introduction to climate change written in a New Zealand context. Includes information of the causes and effects...

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Barefoot and in the Kitchen #1: Vegan Recipes for You

There are a plethora of vegan cookery books, zines, and pamphlets out there. Some are ok, some are good. A few ...

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Lock Out the Landlords! Australian Anti-Eviction Resistance 1929-36

The economic depression of the 1930s saw thousands of Australians thrown out of their homes and into the streets....

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(the) Mechanics For Disrepair: Globalization, Capitalism And Some Ideas On What To Do About It

“In all of this talk about globalization, you hear some people talking about how capitalism has always been...

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