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available for use:

We have a number of resources available for your own community building, educational events and other kinds of activities, so please get in touch. These include:

  • megaphone
  • PA/sound system (indoor)
  • portable PA/sound system (outdoor)
  • projector

past texts by Beyond Resistance:


Collated and ready to print PDF’s. Feel free to download and distribute.

Capitalism Class, & Class Struggle for (ex) Dummies

A brief introduction to capitalism, class, and class struggle.

Downloadable, ready-to-print PDF adapted from‘s introductions to capitalism, class, and class struggle (a section on unwaged work has been added). Includes graphics and a poster centerfold. Have a peek and distribute freely!

Attachment Size
Capitalism for ex-dummies.pdf 2.67 MB
Organizing a Community Union
Credit Crisis (pdf)

The Credit Crisis (pdf)

Fuck Their Crisis (ready to print pdf)

Fuck Their Crisis! (ready to print pdf)

What is Anarchism? (pdf)

What is Anarchism? (pdf)


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