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Auckland Port Workers set to strike

February 23, 2012

The Maritime Union has confirmed it has today placed another strike notice on Ports of Auckland.

The seven day full stoppage would start on Friday 9 March immediately following two week long periods of full strike action that begin tomorrow (Friday 24 February 2012.)

Maritime Union National President Garry Parsloe says the strike action is due to the port management seeking to contract out labour and create a casualized workforce.

“The strike notice can be lifted as soon as we hear from the CEO at the port that he will stop the contracting out plan he has embarked on.”

He says the actions of the port are threatening the livelihoods of workers and their families.

Mr Parsloe says the contracting out plan is dead in the water, as growing opposition from political representatives, a community coalition of port stakeholders, and the public of Auckland, comes on to management to find a negotiated settlement.

He says the Union is ready and waiting to engage in negotiations over a collective agreement, as soon as the threat to its members jobs was lifted.

A major campaign has been launched by the Maritime Union and Council of Trade Unions to promote secure jobs at the port (

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