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Unite auto workers in Europe, North America and internationally against wage-cutting and layoffs!

In our election campaign, my running mate Phyllis Scherrer and I have made the fight for the international unity of the working class the first principle of our program. Workers in every country face a common struggle against the drive of transnational corporations to boost their profits by reducing workers to sweat shop conditions of poverty and exploitation. Nowhere is the need for workers to adopt an international socialist strategy more evident than in the auto industry.

¡Votar por el Partido Socialista por la Igualdad!

The Socialist Equality Party is publishing today the Spanish translation of the statement issued by SEP presidential candidate Jerry White announcing the party’s campaign in the 2012 US elections. The statement summarizes the political basis of the party’s decision to run Jerry White and Phyllis Scherrer for president and vice president.

SEP candidate Jerry White visits Chrysler plant in Warren, Michigan

Jerry White, the Socialist Equality Party candidate for US president, visited the Chrysler Warren Truck assembly plant outside of Detroit, Michigan on Wednesday. He spoke to workers, explaining the basis of the SEP campaign in the 2012 elections.

SEP presidential candidate Jerry White addresses meeting at University of Michigan

Socialist Equality Party presidential candidate Jerry White spoke February 21 at a public meeting hosted by the International Students for Social Equality at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. White outlined the socialist perspective in the 2012 elections. He placed particular emphasis on the growing danger of war. David North, the national chairman of the SEP, also addressed the meeting, reviewing the reasons behind the party’s decision to run in the elections.


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