Local Interest

UC-IMC General Membership Meeting, Oct. 9,

How the Tea Party Took Over American Politics

John K. Wilson discusses the Tea Party and the 99% movement. He is the author of seven books, including works on Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh, political correctness, academic freedom, and Barack Obama.

Sunday, October 9, 7pm

South Rec Room, Allen Hall

IMC Weekly Oct 3: Concerts, Knowledge, and life style boosts

Occupy217 website

An ad-hoc UCIMC group has just put up a local site for posting OCCUPY info & events for Champaign, Urbana, Central Illinois :



Seeking others interested in co-organizing!



Books To Prisoners Fall Book Sale

Books To Prisoners Presents: Fall 2011 Book Sale-Pages for Pennies

B2P Booksale




Friday September 30th: 4pm-8pm

Saturday September 31st: 8pm-5pm

Sunday October 1st: 10am-2pm



$0.75  for paperbacks

$1 for hard covers

***Sunday Special: Bag Sale (fill a bag for only $5)***



202 S. Broadway

Independent Media Center (Main Floor)


To learn more about the Books To Prisoners Program visit: www.books2prisoners.org




B2P Flyer.pdf349.97 KB

IMC Weekly Sept 26th: Blue Grass, Books and Coal Mines

UC-IMC Remembering 9/11

GEO IFT Local 6300 Wins Binding Arbitration Ruling Against University Over Unilateral Tuition Waiver Denial



In this GEO-L:








Urbana native Nina Paley's classic animated feature "Sita Sings the Blues" to air on UPTV

Urbana Public Television is proud to present three broadcasts of Urbana native Nina Paley’s critically-acclaimed film Sita Sings the Blues

The animated classic combines stories from the Ramayana and Paley’s personal life with the music of 1920s singer Annette Hanshaw in one feature-length, unforgettable work.  Film critic and fellow Urbana native Roger Ebert wrote, "I am enchanted. I am swept away. I am smiling from one end of the film to the other. It is astonishingly original.”

IMC Weekly Sept 19th: Dancing, Music, and Culture



This is an awareness and fundraising walk, free and open to the public.  The National Alliance on Mental Illness Champaign County Affiliate invites you to join us to support individuals and families living with brain disorders, meet new people, and spread the word that recovery is possible!


Westside Park-meet at 202 W. Park Ave. (across from Virginia Theater)


217 419-5345


BTL:International Human Rights Groups Campaign to Stop Georgia Execution of Troy Davis

International Human Rights Groups Campaign to Stop Georgia Execution of Troy Davis

Interview with Laura Moye, Death Penalty abolition campaign director at Amnesty International USA, conducted by Melinda Tuhus
Troy Davis is an African American man who's been sitting on Georgia's death row for 20 years. Though no physical evidence linked him to the 1989 murder of police officer Mark Allen MacPhail, nine witnesses testified that he was the killer. Since then, seven of these witnesses have recanted their testimony, declaring that they were pressured by law enforcement to wrongly point to Davis. However, Georgia’s judicial system has chosen to believe only what these witnesses stated on the record during the trial 1991. 

Story continues:

IMC Film Festival This Weekend

The Third Annual Film Festival features local film and video by local artists. Come out to catch this year's festival to catch films like Revolting by Mike Boedicker, This is My Journey by Kate Brickman, Imperial Tourism by David Gracon, and Once Upon a Time in 1972 by Chris Lukeman. Friday night is documentary and will feature a film and discussion hosted by Aaron Ammons on the topic of felony convictions. All events are free to the public, thanks to the help of a grant from the Urbana Public Arts Commission.


JOBS: The Real Crisis and What We Can Do About It

Unlike the phony debt crisis, the jobs crisis is real.  It did not just happen, either, but results from very specific policies over many years.  Unemployment and underemployment are much higher than the official unemployment rate, simply because so many categories of people are not counted: students, workers who are laid off after a short time on a new job, workers who are laid off seasonally or from time to time, the long-term jobless, people who have never had a job, people who are barely employed at just a few hours a week, etc. 

(For more: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t15.htm)

Unit 4 Administrative Salaries and Benefits

Unit 4 is now mandated to post administrative salaries and benefits. They can be found at this link. BD


Update in the Bill Walton Case

On Wednesday, August 3, two Urbana police officers approached "homeless" Bill Walton in the back foyer of the Urbana City Building, and asked Mr. Walton if he would come with them, pursuant to a court order issued July 22 that Walton be "medically" evaluated. Officers were ordered to drive Walton to the Danville Veteran's Hospital rather than Carle Clinic where Walton has been seen before. Walton complied without incident. On August 6, The News-Gazette's Jim Dey reported that Walton was visited by his Guardian Ad Litem, attorney Andrew Bequette, and Bequette was quoted by Dey that Bill "....doesn't want the public to know his business." (Which is the right of those being placed under permanent guardianship.) Therefore, the proceedings would be closed to the public. Ironically, the media, i.e. the almighty News-Gazette, would be allowed into the courtroom to carefully broadcast Bill's "business" county-wide.

Catherine Hogue, RIP

We are saddened to hear of the passing of Catherine Hogue, long-time Democratic member of the Champaign County board, and community activist, this morning.

I remember seeing Ms. Hogue at every year's Unity March until she fell ill. When I would say, "It's nice to see you see you," she would reply, "It's nice to be seen."

You can listen to a 2003 interview with Ms. Hogue here.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to her family.




Despite Massive For-Profit Healthcare Facilities, Champaign County Health Ranks Only 34th out of 102 IL Counties

Despite regional health facilities that regularly brag on the medical expertise they offer, Champaign County ranks only 34th out of 102 Illinois counties in the overall quality of healthcare available to the local population.

Champaign County Health Rankings

Illinois Health Rankings

The Health Ranking Model

IMC Weekly Sept 8: Concerts, Culture, and Dancing