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Summer of Resistance 2012


A summer of antics and opposition to Brighton’s very own peddlers of death. Start working on your cunning plans now and join in!

Summer of Resistance flyerSince 2001, EDO/ITT’s products have been used to attack civilian populations in Afghanistan, Gaza, Iraq, Lebanon, Somalia and Pakistan. ITT, EDO’s parent company, has a track record of clients that includes the Nazis, Franco and the Pinochet regime. ITT continue to lobby Western governments to pursue military action in order to boost their profit margin. EDO/ITT may be only one cog in the global war machine but shutting them down will throw a spanner in the works. Continue reading

Report of Barclays Picket – Divest from Israel and the arms trade

Over 30 people turned out on Saturday 25th February to demonstrate against Barclays’ investments in the arms trade and in Israeli companies.

The demonstration was called by Brighton Jordan Valley Solidarity, Smash EDO and Brighton and Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign. After demonstrators arrived security guards, clearly fearing a repeat of UK-Uncut style protests, shut the front doors of the bank and would only grant access to customers who were carrying Barclay Cards.

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Barclays is the largest global investor in the arms trade and is the market maker for arms company ITT Exelis.
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John Catt challenges police surveillance

On 9th February 2012 John Catt, a campaigner against arms dealers EDO MBM Technology Ltd in Brighton, a subsidiary of American arms company ITT Exelis Inc, brought a case in the high court over the retention of data by the National Public Order Intelligence Unit (NPOIU) on the National Domestic Extremist Database.

During the case Jeremy Johnson, lawyer for the Metropolitan Police and ACPO, said that 261 individuals details were stored on the database because of their connections to Smash EDO. Continue reading

RBS blockaders found not guilty

During Smash EDO’s Hammertime demonstration in 2010 two people were arrested for gluing themseves to the doors of the Royal Bank of Scotland over its investments in ITT and its loan services to the arms trade. They were found not guilty at Brighton Magistrates Court last week.