Payments for developers

Stripe makes it easy to start accepting
credit cards on the web today.

Get Started with Stripe

Why you'll love Stripe

Full-stack payments

You don't need a merchant account or gateway. Stripe handles everything, including storing cards, subscriptions, and direct payouts to your bank account.

To make it all happen, we work closely with some of the best financial institutions in the world.

Skip the sensitive stuff

Stripe.js lets you build your own payment forms while still avoiding most PCI requirements.

Credit cards go directly to Stripe's secure environment, and never hit your servers. Learn more

An API that gets out of your way

It's so easy, we've embedded a bunch of examples right here. Copy some of these requests into your terminal and check out what happens.

With wrappers in Ruby, PHP, Python and more, you can get started in minutes. Learn more

curl \
  -u XPCMusIxXsQyHfk2RQ9QKOCMukRF1k8V: \
  -d amount=400 \
  -d currency=usd \
  -d "card[number]=4242424242424242" \
  -d "card[exp_month]=6" \
  -d "card[exp_year]=2012" \
  -d "description=Charge for"

Pricing like it should be

2.9% + 30 cents per successful charge. No setup fees, no monthly fees, no card storage fees, no hidden costs: you only get charged when you earn money.

Earnings are transferred to your bank account on a 7 day rolling basis. Pricing details

We're developers too

Our team is full of developers and entrepreneurs who have been there and seen the problems in this industry firsthand.

We're dedicated to building the best and simplest payment solution for developers. Meet the team

Start accepting payments instantly. Get Started with Stripe