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    Amy L. Dalton | 09-11

    A small group of women from Code Pink held up anti-war signs and greeted the end of the labor day parade in Philadelphia on Monday. They had many moments of recognition, including when Philadelphia Federation of Teachers' river of red flowed by. Members of the Veterans for Peace were also marching, and pro-health care & "keep it local" signs abounded.

    Pictured: Anti-war protester greets PFT: "Fund Education, Not War!"

    Related: Labor Day Blues

News Briefs
  • Rich Gardner | 02-22

    There's a very real danger that folks consider "Maverick" John McCain to be, at heart, a liberal. He isn't.
  • Watchdog | 02-21

    Philadelphia....the City of Brotherly Pesticides? Philly...complicit in the most toxic, carcinogenic part of Big Cig? Who knew? Pesticide Action Network exposes Philly's Own FMC Corp., an Under-The-Radar international, locally-based, presence.
  • Resistance and Solidarity | 02-20

    On Feb. 22-24, prominent neo-nazis and other white supremacists from the US and across the world will gather at the Crowne Plaza Dulles Airport Hotel in Herndon, VA (2200 Centreville Road) to vent their hatred and spew their racist venom towards communities of color. Join area anti-fascists in a march from Chandon Park (352 Juniper Ct., Herndon, VA) to the Crowne Plaza Hotel.
  • Chris Robinson | 02-17

    The Presidents' Day Peace Event near the home of Senator Arlen Specter was a huge success on Sunday, February 17. The usual demonstrators were joined by two members of the Chester County Peace Movement, which has long been an endorsing organization of these monthly events.
  • Mary Shaw | 02-17

    What happened to the John McCain who historically worked in a bipartisan way to legislate against torture and other forms of cruel and degrading treatment of detainees?
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