- published: 10 Dec 2020
- views: 211930
Command master chief petty officer (CMDCM) is an enlisted rating in the United States Navy and United States Coast Guard.
First referenced in OPNAVINST 1306.2C dated 16 October 1995 (now 1036.2G), the Navy's command master chief program is intended to stimulate free-flowing communications, and ensure the highest standards of professionalism are upheld at all levels within the chain of command. Command master chiefs strengthen the chain of command by keeping the commanding officer aware of existing or potential situations as well as procedures and practices which affect the mission, readiness, welfare and morale of the sailors in the command. CMCs are the senior enlisted leaders who report directly to their respective commanding officers. They formulate and implement policies concerning morale, welfare, job satisfaction, discipline, utilization and training of navy personnel. By reporting directly to their commanding officer, the CMCs keep their chain of command aware and informed of sensitive and current issues.
A petty officer (PO) is a non-commissioned officer in many navies and is given the NATO rank denotion OR-6. They are equal in rank to sergeant in the British Army and Royal Air Force. A petty officer is superior in rank to leading rate and subordinate to chief petty officer, in the case of the British armed forces.
The modern petty officer dates back to the Age of Sail. Petty officers rank between naval officers (both commissioned and warrant) and most enlisted sailors. These were men with some claim to officer rank, sufficient to distinguish them from ordinary ratings, without raising them so high as the sea officers. Several were warrant officers, in the literal sense of being appointed by warrant, and like the warrant sea officers, their superiors, they were usually among the specialists of the ships's company. The Oxford English Dictionary suggests that the title derives from the Anglo-Norman and Middle French "petit", meaning "of small size, small, little".
Two of the petty officer's rates, midshipman and master's mate, were a superior petty officer with a more general authority, but they remained no more than ratings. However, it was quite possible for a warrant officer (such as the armourer), in his role as a superior officer, to be court-martialed for striking a midshipman. This is because both were regarded as future sea officers, with the all-important social distinction of having the right to walk the quarterdeck. Midshipmen wore distinctive uniforms, master's mates dressed respectably, and both behaved like officers. The master's mate rating evolved into the rank of sub-lieutenant, and midshipman evolved into naval cadet.
A chief petty officer is a senior non-commissioned officer in many navies and coast guards.
"Chief petty officer" refers to two ranks in the Royal Canadian Navy. A chief petty officer 2nd class (CPO2) (premier maître de deuxième classe or pm2 in French) is equivalent to a master warrant officer in the Army and Air Force, and chief petty officer 1st class (CPO1) (premier maître de première classe or pm1) is equivalent to a chief warrant officer in the Army and Air Force. In spoken references, chief petty officers may be addressed as "chief" but are never addressed as "sir".
In the Royal Navy, the rank of chief petty officer comes above that of petty officer and below that of warrant officer class 2, which is being phased out. It is the equivalent of colour sergeant in the Royal Marines, staff sergeant in the Army, and flight sergeant in the Royal Air Force.
Chief petty officer is the seventh enlisted rate in the U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard, just above petty officer first class and below senior chief petty officer. Chief petty officers are classified as senior non-commissioned officers. The grade of chief petty officer was established on April 1, 1893 for the U.S. Navy. The U.S. Congress first authorized the U.S. Coast Guard to use the promotion to chief petty officer on 18 May 1920.
Chief Petty Officer (CPO) is the seventh enlisted rate (E-7) in the United States Navy and U.S. Coast Guard, just above petty officer first class and below senior chief petty officer. The rate of chief petty officer is that of a senior non-commissioned officer, and was established on 1 April 1893 for the United States Navy. The United States Congress first authorized the Coast Guard to use the promotion to chief petty officer on 18 May 1920. Chief petty officer is also the final cadet rate in the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps.
Prior to 1958, chief petty officer was the highest enlisted rank in both the U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard. This changed on 20 May 1958 with the passage Public Law 85-422, the Military Pay Act of 1958, which established two new pay grades of E-8 and E-9 in all five branches of the U.S. Armed Forces. In the U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard, the new E-8 pay grade was titled Senior Chief Petty Officer (SCPO) and the new E-9 pay grade as Master Chief Petty Officer (MCPO), with the first selectees promoting to their respective grades in 1959 and 1960.
U.S. Coast Guard
Master Chief
Petty Officer
cap & collar device
U.S. Coast Guard
Master Chief
Petty Officer
Good conduct
rating badge
Master chief petty officer is the ninth, and highest, enlisted rate (pay grade E-9) in the U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard, just above senior chief petty officer. Master chief petty officers are addressed as "Master Chief (last name)". They constitute the top 1.25% of the enlisted members of the maritime forces.
In the Navy, advancement to master chief petty officer is similar to that of chief petty officer and senior chief petty officer. It carries requirements of time in service, superior evaluation scores, and selection by a board of master chiefs. Similarly, senior chief petty officers and chief petty officers are chosen by selection boards. In the Coast Guard, advancement to master chief petty officer is similar to other advancements consisting of competition with other advancement-eligible senior chief petty officers. Advancement-eligible senior chief petty officers are prioritized based on written examination scores, evaluations, award points, time in service, and time in grade. Master chief petty officers are then selected monthly from this prioritization list as positions become available.
The evolution of Chief Petty Officer rate, the increase in responsibilites and authority of CPOs, and the establishment of senior chiefs, master chiefs, and the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy.
This video I discuss a post that was made about a viral post on facebook about junior sailors in the navy not wanting to become chief petty officers. This is some thoughts as to why that might be. I dont provide quote on quote solutions because each leadership style etc can vary and there is no one right way. https://www.reddit.com/r/navy/comments/b1dv4w/i_have_not_met_a_chief_i_aspire_to_be/ Use discount code "NICKYMGTV" with your next purchase of supplements with Bare Performance Nutrition for 10% off!!! (https://www.bareperformancenutrition.com/) Social Media Instagram: NickyMGTV Snapchat: Emseagray Subscribe to me at " https://www.youtube.com/dashboard?o=U"
In the first installment of our Chief History videos, here we present a short history of the rank of Chief Petty Officer (CPO) in the United States Navy. Additionally, this video briefly introduces viewers to the stories of several well-known chiefs throughout history, including Loretta Perfectus Walsh, Bob Feller, Carl Brashear, and Ed Byers. Which chiefs would you like us to profile in this new series? Comment below! This video is written, directed, and produced by staff at the Hampton Roads Naval Museum.
Retired Master Chief Petty Officer April Beldo talks about her 34 years in the U.S. Navy and how she lead and inspired the sailors she served with.
United States Navy ranks. Sailors and petty officers - In this video I tell you about the junior ranks in the Navy United States, as a look at the uniforms of the military naval forces link on my channel with a lot of interesting video https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3af_Acy2AubwhTWQmYbSBQ The rights to the music The songs are taken from the YouTube library Fringe 3:18 Topher Mohr and Alex Elena Last Second 2:11 Silent Partner
had a lot of fun with the Chiefs ,, much love to the worlds greatest goat locker ,, let me know what other 5 types you would like to see ! how to support the channel social medias instagram - JTsuits snapchat - JTsuits twitter @JTsuits https://www.patreon.com/jtsuits ***if you want to be a patreon*** any amount helps ,, the goal is to make the best videos I can for you guys ! thanks so much for all the continued support I wouldn't be here without you. https://www.patreon.com/jtsuits ** The internets fastest growing Military App!!! ** @Sandboxx https://lynm.app.link/sandboxx-navy -Let them know I sent ya ;) !!! My EQUIPMENT: vlogging camera: https://goo.gl/7H1Kd0 motovlog camera: https://goo.gl/A0zGbN usb microphone: https://goo.gl/VEBDzW if you made it this far you might as we...
VIDEO: A husband and wife were selected for promotion to Senior Chief Petty Officer.
Feb. 11, 2013 Arlington, TX, the Dallas Cowboy Stadium, was the site of a Military Funeral for Chief Petty Officer Christopher Scott "Chris" Kyle (April 8, 1974 -- February 2, 2013). He was a United States Navy SEAL and the most lethal sniper in American military history, with 160 confirmed kills. Estimates indicate the funeral was attended by 7000+ people from all walks of life to pay their respects to an American Hero. This video highlights the entrance to the stadium by members of the Patriot Guard Riders from across the country and photos of the services.
7 new Navy Chief Petty Officers were pinned today in Orlando at the Reserve Center with a couple of really funny moments.
Command master chief petty officer (CMDCM) is an enlisted rating in the United States Navy and United States Coast Guard.
First referenced in OPNAVINST 1306.2C dated 16 October 1995 (now 1036.2G), the Navy's command master chief program is intended to stimulate free-flowing communications, and ensure the highest standards of professionalism are upheld at all levels within the chain of command. Command master chiefs strengthen the chain of command by keeping the commanding officer aware of existing or potential situations as well as procedures and practices which affect the mission, readiness, welfare and morale of the sailors in the command. CMCs are the senior enlisted leaders who report directly to their respective commanding officers. They formulate and implement policies concerning morale, welfare, job satisfaction, discipline, utilization and training of navy personnel. By reporting directly to their commanding officer, the CMCs keep their chain of command aware and informed of sensitive and current issues.