Board of Directors

Kevin's picture
Kevin Bowersox-Johnson, President

Kevin is the President and CEO of The Cutting Ed, Inc., an educational consultig company. He is completing his Doctorate of Education degree in Education with an emphasis in Instructional Technology and Distance Education. Kevin has served on the board of directors for another community center serving the LGBTQA community in California and is excited to be sharing that experience to help do the same in Champaign County.

(Elected 12/01/2009)
mpaceley's picture
Megan Paceley, Vice President

Megan is currently a PhD student in Social Work with a concentration in LGBTQ youth and victimization. She has worked in social services for over ten years and has a passion for advocating for underserved groups, particularly those within the LGBTQ community. She is a founding member of The UP Center and is excited to be using her social work skills to further develop this important community resource.

(Elected 12/01/2009)
Peggy's picture
Peggy Weyer, Secretary

Peggy Weyer was born and raised in the C-U area. Growing up, Peggy experienced first hand the hardships of being a part of the LGBT community. After coming out as a teenager, she was excluded from many activities in church and in her social life, and with very little resources in the area for the LGBT community at this time, she often felt isolated. Peggy is currently working in the C-U area as an insurance agent and is happy to be accepted within her company as an equal, regardless of her sexual orientation. Peggy is excited to to be a part of the UP Center and wishes to help educate the public about the LGBT community!

(Elected 01/10/2010)
wjstull's picture
Billy Stull, Treasurer

Billy is a Certified Public Accountant at YG Financial Group in downtown Champaign. He received a degree of Master in Accounting Science from the University of Illinois and a Bachelor of Business Administration - Accounting from Belmont University. He is currently studying at the Kellstadt Graduate School of Business in Chicago for a degree of Master in Science of Taxation. Billy and his partner currently reside in Champaign and enjoy being a part of the local LGBT community. Billy is eager to apply his accounting and financial advising skills in the operation and growth of The UP Center.

(Elected 08/14/2011)
jeffrey's picture
Jeffrey Chandler, Member at Large

Jeffrey has spent most of his recent volunteer time with the Champaign Urbana Theatre Company, serving as President for two years. Recently stepping down from that Board in June 2011, Jeffrey is excited to transfer his volunteerism and community service to the UP Center. Jeffrey chairs the Marketing Committee of the UP Center, and excited to get to work bringing the benefits of the organization to a larger portion of the community and county.

(Elected 03/09/2010)
annhett's picture
Ann Hettinger, Member at Large

Ann was born and raised here in the Champaign-Urbana community. She is community-minded and has volunteered for multiple organizations including the Books for Prisoners program. This is Ann's first board of director's position and The UP Center is excited that she has chosen to share her time and talents with us.

(Elected 04/05/2011)
Justin's picture
Justin Johnson, Member at Large

Justin started off as an ambassador for the UP Center as stage persona "Leiloni Stars". Hosting and performing at Turn it UP (Apr. 2010 & Apr. 2011), Class it UP (Feb. 2011), and the PrideFest (Aug. 2010 & the upcoming fest in Aug. 2011), Justin grew close to many in the community & those who work for and with the UP Center. Living in Champaign-Urbana since 2001, a connection to the area has grown in richness, as well as a need to do more to better the lives of those near and dear to him. He intends to take this new position as an opportunity for knowledge & growth in playing a bigger role in the community.

(Elected 06/12/2011)
kris's picture
Kris Koester, Member at Large

Kris is a graduate student pursuing his Master in Social Work with a concentration on Advocacy, Leadership and Social Change. Having worked in the social services field for the past 11 years, he is interested in advocating for all groups of people especially at-risk youth. Kris is looking forward to using his prior experience in startup organizations to help The UP Center make a positive impact on our communities. As past Vice President - Kris was part of the UP Center's inception and facilitated securing the UP Center's first space. In his role as member at large he focuses on Board Development and Facilities Management.

(Elected 12/01/2009)
Evelyne's picture
Evelyne Tardy, Member at Large

Evelyne grew up in Chicago and graduated from Columbia College with a BS in Fine Art. After teaching preschool for four years, she decided to go back to school to receive her MS in Art Education and Art Therapy. She has been teaching art at the high school level for six years, and has been involved in the Illinois Art Education Associaiton and the National Art Education Association for twelve years, and serves on the LGBTQI caucus of the NAEA. Evelyne is involved locally with GCAP, the Greater Community Aids Project and Artists Against Aids, and is looking forward to working with the Up Center and the community it serves.

(Elected 01/10/2010)
krfunk's picture
Kerri True-Funk, Member at Large

Kerri is the Executive Director of Rape Advocacy, Counseling, & Education Services. She moved to C-U in 2006 after graduating from Western Illinois University with a degree in Women's Studies. Kerri is interested in working with LGBT families, which is what sparked her interest in the UP Center. She lives in Urbana with her partner, two children, chihuahua, toad, and myriad of fish. This is her first time serving on a non-profit Board, and she is very excited!

(Elected 06/05/2011)