Affordable Medical Practice Websites & Local Marketing


  • Proven to help grow medical practices — 6,000+ satisfied clients
  • Websites, mobile sites, local search and more...
  • Fast, Easy and Affordable
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Partnering with over 20 medical associations:

  • American Dental Association

  • American College of Cardiology

  • American Academy of Pediatrics

  • American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery

  • American Academy of Dermatology

  • American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

  • American Academy of Podiatric Practice Management

  • American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons

  • Canadian Federation of Podiatric Medicine

  • American College of Nurse-Midwives

Officite became our search marketing team, and helped us become a dominating presence in all of our markets.

Dr. Stephen Rogers

Officite’s paid search campaign has delivered a consistent flow of new patients and significant website traffic every month.

Dr. Nathan Lucas

With Officite’s customized video features, our patients get the feel of our office long before they arrive.

Dr. Lou Graham

Officite made me a believer: their SEO program has undeniably increased traffic and new visits to my practice.

Dr. Ivan Stein

By getting us to the first page of Google, Officite has given us a large increase in site traffic and appointments.

Dr. Paresh Patel

Officite is not only affordable, they are always three steps ahead in terms of marketing strategy and technology.

Dr. Mary Sue Stonisch

After turning to Officite for my search marketing, I saw a big increase in new patient phone calls within six months.

Dr. Jeff Feffer

We've generated over 2,000 new patients since launching our Officite website in 2005. Every day we get a new patient who found us on our website.

Darla Scheidt, Dental Practice Marketing Director

Officite helps us use every technology out there, from Facebook and Twitter to blogging and search marketing.

Dr. Mary Sue Stonisch

Officite did an excellent job designing our custom website. We appreciate and value their expertise.

Dr. Kelly Suchman

Since starting SEO with Officite, I’ve received ten times the amount of traffic to my website.

Dr. Robert Stender

Officite’s mailers keep the phones ringing and the new patients coming!

Dr. Matt Church, Indianapolis, IN

In our first month with our Officite website, we received 64 new patients.

Dr Dan. Strobel

Medical Website Services


Your site will be fully customized to showcase your practice. We take care of all the backend technology so that you can stay focused on your work.

Local Search Marketing

When people are looking for medical assistance, they go to one place: the Internet. Our search specialists make sure local patients can find your practice on Google, Bing, and all the other major search engines.

Mobile Websites

More and more, people use smart phones and tablets to connect online. Officite offers a mobile website feature that allows you to connect with new and existing patients anywhere, any time.

Social Media & Blogs

Officite can build, manage and integrate your entire social network and blog, exposing your practice to new patients via this all-important referral marketing medium.

Reputation Management

Officite will launch your local directory presence in the top review sites, and use an array of online and offline programs to protect and enhance your online reputation.

Patient Education

Education is the key to preventative healthcare and treatment acceptance. We can enhance your site with a variety of trusted and proven online educational options from industry leaders, powerfully conveying your role as an authority and teacher.

Doctor Portal

Our exclusive Web presence management tool, Doctor Portal, allows you to easily manage your entire online presence. You or your staff can make content updates to your site using a simple content editor, at your convenience and quickly.

Brand Marketing

From custom logos and office banners to brochures and direct mail, brand marketing from Officite is designed to connect and unify your online and offline communications, so that new and potential patients remember you and recognize you as a leader in your field.

Medical Websites that Deliver Patients and Referrals

Officite is the world’s leading provider of websites and online marketing for healthcare practices. We are recommended by more than 20 highly regarded medical associations and have worked with over 6,000 healthcare providers worldwide. Our medical practice website services can give you top rankings on Google, a strong image for your practice, more patients and more referrals.


As recently as five years ago, “any old” medical website might have gotten the job done for a medical practice. No more! Today, the competition is fierce, because people in every age group use the Internet to find whatever it is they are looking for, from researching a condition to finding a doctor to treat it. Whether it’s from an office desktop computer or a mobile phone in a sandwich shop, people are searching for the services that your practice provides. Will they find you?

Without a state-of-the-art Web presence, your practice will be invisible. Forward thinking medical practices in every locale are responding to the demands of an Internet-obsessed world by building high caliber websites. They are embracing social media and managing their online reputations. And – they are reaping the rewards, by being seen, being contacted, being referred and being remembered.

Now is truly the time to benefit from the power of the interactive Web. Officite will help you develop a Web presence every bit as strong and reliable as your own practice. Let’s get started.