125 Jahre Automobil - Bertha Benz - Der Benz Patent-Motorwagen
125 Jahre Automobil - Bertha Benz - Der Benz Patent-Motorwagen
Bertha Benz hat am 5. August 1888 mit Ihrer geheimen Fahrt über 106 Kilometer von Mannheim nach Pforzheim den Benz-Patent-Motorwagen zum Erfolg verholfen und Automobilgeschichte geschrieben. Mehr Informationen unter www.faszination-oldtimer.de
The Car is Born - A documentary about Carl and Bertha Benz
The Car is Born - A documentary about Carl and Bertha Benz
The automobile was invented 125 years ago by Carl Benz. He himself had doubts about the durability of his machine so never drove far from home. So, his wife Bertha took matters into her own hands. Early one morning in 1888, against all common sense and fully without her husband's permission, Bertha gathered up her two sons and made off with the automobile. Despite breakdowns and other misadventures, she secured renown for her husband's automobile as well as a place in the history books for herself: The first-ever long-distance road trip was made by a woman!
Mercedes-Benz.tv: Making-of 'Carl & Bertha'
Mercedes-Benz.tv: Making-of 'Carl & Bertha'
The film 'Carl & Bertha' tells of the love story between Carl and Bertha Benz, and shows the birth of the automobile. Watch the making-of here. In 1888 Bertha Benz, played by Felicitas Woll, undertook the first voyage with her husband's Patent Motor Car from Mannheim to Pforzheim. This bold pioneer ride secured the success of Carl's company.
Carl & Bertha Benz - The Car is Born - Trailer
Carl & Bertha Benz - The Car is Born - Trailer
125 years ago, Carl Benz invented the automobile. Unfortunately he was thwarted from driving and making his invention known by the two most powerful individuals: the Kaiser and the Bishop. This documentary describes in detail how he and his wife Bertha maneuvered around all barriers in order to bring the automobile to the attention of the world!
The Blacksmiths of Bruchsal meet Bertha Benz and the boys
The Blacksmiths of Bruchsal meet Bertha Benz and the boys
During her historic first ever long distance drive from Mannheim to Pforzheim in August 1888, the chain on their automobile stretched and came off the drive gear. Luckily, Bertha and her sons were close to a village just outside of Bruchsal. They located the village blacksmith. He repaired the chain and they could make progress with the journey. Kampelmann Productions is producing the documentary about Carl Benz' invention and his wife's first drive. WE welcome your support and interest. Visit www.thecarisborn.com
Frank Christoph Schnitzler im ARD - Film Carl und Bertha Benz
Frank Christoph Schnitzler im ARD - Film Carl und Bertha Benz
Frank Christoph Schnitzler (Mit Zylinder und Oberlippenbart von Min.1,34 -- Min.1,43 ) am Set in Wackershofen. Quelle: Sendemitschnitt SWR - BW Landesschau 04.10.2010
Carl and Bertha Benz Dance the Waltz
Carl and Bertha Benz Dance the Waltz
Carl and Bertha Benz loved to waltz. Go to www.thecarisborn.com for info on the new documentary THE CAR IS BORN
Carl and Bertha Benz Waltz
Carl and Bertha Benz Waltz
Carl Benz invented the automobile in 1885. But the first ever long distance road trip in an auto was made by a woman..... by Bertha Benz, Carl's wife.
Berta Benz Strasse Bickenbach 29.OKT 2009
Berta Benz Strasse Bickenbach 29.OKT 2009
A little fogy at the morning of the 29.OKT 2009
Carl und Bertha Benz - das Making-Of zum TV-Film
Carl und Bertha Benz - das Making-Of zum TV-Film
www.beresa.de Am 23.05.2011 würdigt die ARD den 125. "Geburtstag" des Automobils mit einem Fernsehfilm über die Erfinder des Autos. Sehen Sie hier das Making-Of und freuen Sie sich auf einen Film, der Ihnen Einblicke gewährt, die Sie bislang noch nicht hatten.
Dolce Amore Du Gue De L'adour x Vintage Boutique Bertha Benz (1.5 months) часть 1
Dolce Amore Du Gue De L'adour x Vintage Boutique Bertha Benz (1.5 months) часть 1
Dolce Amore Du Gue De L'adour x Vintage Boutique Bertha Benz (1.5 months) часть 1 yorkie.ucoz.com
Dolce Amore Du Gue De L'adour x Vintage Boutique Bertha Benz (1.5 months)
Dolce Amore Du Gue De L'adour x Vintage Boutique Bertha Benz (1.5 months)
Dolce Amore Du Gue De L'adour x Vintage Boutique Bertha Benz (1.5 months) yorkie.ucoz.com Tallinn, Estonia iluskoer@mail.ru skype: kubarikt4
dw-tv: Bertha Benz Challenge - Autos der Zukunft
dw-tv: Bertha Benz Challenge - Autos der Zukunft
Ein Beitrag von "Deutsche Welle TV" zur Bertha Benz Challenge 2011, mit Initiator Edgar Meyer. Der Beitrag wurde von "Deutsche Welle TV" gefilmt und produziert. Die Bertha Benz Challenge Initiative besitzt keine Rechte an Bild und Ton.
Dolce Amore Du Gue De L'adour x Vintage Boutique Bertha Benz \ 23 days
Dolce Amore Du Gue De L'adour x Vintage Boutique Bertha Benz \ 23 days
Puppy Dolce Amore Du Gue De L'adour x Vintage Boutique Bertha Benz \ 23 days 2 female + 1 male, born 14.12.2011 pedigree ingrus.net kontakt: +3725166184 iluskoer@mail.ru
Bertha-Benz-Challenge 2011
Bertha-Benz-Challenge 2011
Vor 125 Jahren ist Bertha Benz unerschrocken in ein Gefährt gestiegen, von dem nicht einmal mehr sein Erfinder - ihr Mann Carl - überzeugt war. Doch Bertha Benz wollte es wissen, bloß nicht aufgeben, kurz vorm Ziel. Und so haben sich rund hundert Teilnehmer mit den neusten und innovativsten Fahrzeugen auf den Weg von Mannheim nach Pforzheim gemacht
Dolce Amore Du Gue De L'adour x Vintage Boutique Bertha Benz (2 months)
Dolce Amore Du Gue De L'adour x Vintage Boutique Bertha Benz (2 months)
Dolce Amore Du Gue De L'adour x Vintage Boutique Bertha Benz (2 months)
dw-tv: Geschichte des Automobils inkl. Bertha Benz Challenge
dw-tv: Geschichte des Automobils inkl. Bertha Benz Challenge
Ein Beitrag von "Deutsche Welle TV" zur Bertha Benz Challenge 2011, mit Initiator Edgar Meyer. Der Beitrag wurde von "Deutsche Welle TV" gefilmt und produziert. Die Bertha Benz Challenge Initiative besitzt keine Rechte an Bild und Ton.
Bertha Benz Challenge 2011 Interview mit Edgar Meyer
Bertha Benz Challenge 2011 Interview mit Edgar Meyer
Das heutige Automobil mit seinem auf Erdöl basierenden Verbrennungsmotor stößt erkennbar an seine Grenzen. Daher müssen zur Zeit alternative Antriebe entwickelt werden. Dies erfordert nicht nur tiefgreifende Entscheidungen, sondern auch verantwortungsbewußte Entscheider! Aus diesem Grunde wurde die "Bertha Benz Challenge" ins Leben gerufen. Metropolregion.tv unterstütz als offizieller Medienpartner diese Veranstaltung und hat mit dem Organisator Edgar Meyer ein Interview geführt.
125 Years of the Car - The History of Motoring | Made in Germany
125 Years of the Car - The History of Motoring | Made in Germany
Three wheels, one cylinder and a handle instead of a steering wheel. That's what the world's first car looked like. The Benz Motor Car Number One saw the beginning of our love affair with the automobile.The car quickly became a symbol of unlimited individual freedom. Then in the 1970's the oil crisis changed our approach to motoring. Report by Wolf Gebhardt.
The Car is Born - Invention of the automobile and the first ever road trip
The Car is Born - Invention of the automobile and the first ever road trip
The automobile was invented 125 years ago by Carl Benz. He himself had doubts about the durability of his machine so never drove far from home. So, his wife Bertha took matters into her own hands. Early one morning in 1888, against all common sense and fully without her husband's permission, Bertha gathered up her two sons and made off with the automobile. Despite breakdowns and other misadventures, she secured renown for her husband's automobile as well as a place in the history books for herself: The first-ever long-distance road trip was made by a woman!