Get Involved!

There are plenty of ways to get involved in WRFU:

  • Attend a meeting. We meet every first and third Tuesday of the month at the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center (the IMC). Meetings begin at 8:00 pm and generally run an hour. The IMC is located at 202 South Broadway, Urbana, IL
  • Want to be on the air? The first step is to become an WRFU member (and the best way to do that is to attend a meeting). The next step is to find a programming group that's doing something you're interested in, or start your own. Programming groups consist of two or more people who are in charge of a given time slot. You can split it up however you want - do a joint show every week, have four or five members and each do one show a month, whatever. There are a few more guidelines for programming groups, you can check out the structure document reference on this or come to a meeting.
  • Donate! We are accepting donations to help us defer the costs that helped put us on the air (we're still quite a bit in the hole).
  • More Info For more information you can also join our e-mail list and ask any questions you have or voice an ideas. The list has become somewhat high-traffic lately due to a flurry of activity surrounding the station's operation.

We love new people, so please don't hesitate to get involved in any way you can!

Syndicated Public Affairs