
Meeting with the President of the Italian Senate, Renato SCHIFANI
Meeting with the President of the Italian Senate, Renato SCHIFANI
Herman VAN ROMPUY, President of the European Council, meets with Renato SCHIFANI, President of the Italian Senate, in Brussels.

Italian Senate Approves Economic Reform Bill
Italian Senate Approves Economic Reform Bill
Italy's Senate has approved crucial economic reforms demanded by the European Union, the first step in paving the way for Premier Silvio Berlusconi to resign and a transitional government to be formed. (Nov. 11)

Italian senate approves austerity package
Italian senate approves austerity package
The Italian senate has approved key austerity cuts aimed at convincing investors that the eurozone's third-largest economy will not be swept into the growing European debt crisis. The measures were passed in a 161-135 senate vote on Thursday.

Italian Senate debate austerity measures
Italian Senate debate austerity measures
The Italian government on Tuesday announced a cabinet meeting to authorise a confidence vote on an austerity package to speed its adoption amid the eurozone member's burgeoning debt crisis. The news came as the Italian Senate met to debate the package.Duration: 00:50

Leading Italian senator wants wide support for Monti
Leading Italian senator wants wide support for Monti
www.euronews.net The Vice President of the Italian Senate, Emma Bonino, was among the first politicians to congratulate Mario Monti upon his taking up the role of Italian premier. She has spoken to euronews' Cecilia Cacciotto, and said: Emma Bonino: "Monti is an extraordinary person and very worthy. The problem is that the demands of Italian corporations and the lack of reforms go back 20 years." Cecilia Cacciotto, euronews: "Is Mario Monti capable of restoring Italy's important role within Europe?"

Italian Senate gives confidence vote to Mario Monti
Italian Senate gives confidence vote to Mario Monti
Italy's new Prime Minister Mario Monti received a confidence vote by Senate now is pending the vote of the House of Representatives, then, his government will have the final approval, However Monti's government has to face the opposition of the e Northern League, who are partners of former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. teleSUR multimedia.telesurtv.net

Europe Day Ahead: Monti to present plan to Italian senate
Europe Day Ahead: Monti to present plan to Italian senate
Nov. 16 - Italy takes centre stage on Thursday as the new prime minister presents his programme for government to the senate. The move comes after unveiling a cabinet lineup featuring academics and businessmen.

Italian senators approve austerity plan
Italian senators approve austerity plan
The Italian Senate on Wednesday approved an austerity plan with 54.2 billion euros ($76.3 billion) in savings through 2013, as the debt-laden eurozone country sought to assuage markets.Duration: 00:30

Vince Megna Slams Republican Senators with "Italian Salute" During Hearing
Vince Megna Slams Republican Senators with "Italian Salute" During Hearing
Consumer advocate and Lemon Law Lawyer Vince Megna, surprises Republican Senators with "Italian Salute" during hearing in Madison, Wisconsin.

Italy - Italian senate debates unpopular austerity package
Italy - Italian senate debates unpopular austerity package
Italy - Italy's parliament met Tuesday to debate President Giorgio Napolitano's austerity package, on the heels of a sell-off of Italian government bonds a day earlier that had eurozone investors worried about a worsening debt crisis. FRANCE 24 INTERNATIONAL NEWS 24/7 www.france24.com

RAW VIDEO Continuing Violence in Syria
RAW VIDEO Continuing Violence in Syria
Amateur video emerged on Friday purporting to show street fighting on the edge of Damascus and bodies on Syrian streets. (11 Nov 2011)


Italian government pledges to bolster austerity plan
Italian government pledges to bolster austerity plan
Italy's senate is due to vote on an austerity package that will cut $67bn from the budget over three years. The government has also announced its plans to sell stakes in state owned companies. Speculation over whether Italy is next in line for a Greek-style bail-out hit a nerve on investor confidence. At the beginning of the week, the stock exchange plunged to new lows and so did the profits of big corporations and the country's biggest banks. Italians are already feeling the strain. Al Jazeera's Claudio Lavanga reports from Rome.

The Italian senate approves austerity package
The Italian senate approves austerity package
July 14 2011 Al Jazeera -- The Italian senate has approved key austerity cuts aimed at convincing investors that the eurozone's third-largest economy will not be swept into the growing European debt crisis. The measures were passed in a 161-135 senate vote on Thursday.

BBC HARDtalk - Emma Bonino: Italy "not a democracy anymore" (Part 1/2)
BBC HARDtalk - Emma Bonino: Italy "not a democracy anymore" (Part 1/2)
Emma Bolino, vice-president of the Italian senate, says that Italy "is not a democracy anymore" and argues that Berlusconi is a "symptom", not the problem. To learn why, you can read www.radicalparty.org Broadcast on BBC News Channel, 4.30AM Wed, 15 Jun 2011

TODOMODO - A Journal of Sciascia Studies, University College Cork (UCC)
TODOMODO - A Journal of Sciascia Studies, University College Cork (UCC)
A new, international, peer-reviewed journal was presented at UCC by Dr Charles Burdett, University of Bristol and Chairperson of the Society for Italian Studies, and by Dr Mark Chu of UCC's Department of Italian, Associate Editor of the journal. The event took place in the context of the Italian Studies in Ireland Research Colloquium and the Graduate Conference in Italian Studies (3-4 February 2012). Todomodo, founded by Francesco Izzo of the Amici di Leonardo Sciascia, and published by the prestigious Florentine academic publisher, Leo S. Olschki, is dedicated to the critical study of the life and works of the Sicilian author, Leonardo Sciascia (1921-1989). The journal was officially launched in Florence in November 2011, but the UCC presentation, together with a presentation at the Italian Senate on 14 February and a roundtable at the Annual Conference of the American Association for Italian Studies at the beginning of May, are indicative both of the journal's international vision and of the international significance of Sciascia as a writer and political commentator and activist.

Pakistan Army (ISPR) Documentary Film "Glorious Resolve" - Death Before Disgrace
Pakistan Army (ISPR) Documentary Film "Glorious Resolve" - Death Before Disgrace
24/11/11: "Glorious Resolve" won Jury special award in the recently held International film festival "Eserciti-e-Popoli" held at Bracciano,Italy. The festival saw the participation of NATO and 24 other countries with 60 films produced by renowned film makers which were evaluated by qulaified and reputed jury. Glorious Resolve recieved the medal from the Chairman of the Italian Senate with the citation "A technically outstanding and emotionally powerful dramatization of the story of courageous soldier under fire in combat situation". -------------------- The Glorious Resolve highlights the epic of infantry soldiers, who fought against all odds even being totally outnumbered when the miscreants raided one of the section level outpost of an infantry battalion in South-Waziristan Agency. This Documentary focuses not only the sacrifices and achievements of Pakistan Army in Global War on terrorism but also projects Pakistan Army's glorious resolve to uproot the menace of terrorism from the land of pure. It reenacts the sacrifice of jawans of 43 Punjab who laid their lives and the two Ghazis Sepoy Mashooq and Sepoy Muslim who withheld their positions till the reinforcements came.. Glorious Resolve, a documentary but more of resolve to produce an action documentary on the valor and sacrifices of Pakistan Army on war against terrorism.

NEW PRIME MINISTER OF ITALY IS A LEADING MEMBER OF THE BILDERBERGER GROUP Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail] Date: Monday, 14-Nov-2011 13:59:05 Mario Monti is an Italian economist and politician. He served as European Commissioner for the Internal Market, Services, Customs, and Taxation from 1995 to 1999 and then as European Commissioner for Competition from 1999 to 2004. He has also been rector and president of Bocconi University. Since November 2011, he serves as a Senator for Life in the Italian Senate, and he has been asked to lead a new government in Italy after the Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's resignation. Mario Monti was born in Varese, in 19 March 1943. Mario Monti holds a degree in economics and management from Bocconi University, Milan. He completed graduate studies at Yale University, where he studied under James Tobin, the Nobel prize-winning economist. He taught economics at the University of Turin (1970-85) before moving to the Bocconi University, of which he has been rector (1989-1994) and then president (since 1994). He was President of SUERF (1982-85)[5]. His research has helped to create the Klein-Monti model, aimed at describing the behaviour of banks operating under monopoly circumstances. Monti is a Praesidium member of Friends of Europe, a leading European think tank, was the first chairman of Bruegel, a European think tank founded in 2005, and he is European Chairman of the Trilateral Commission, a think tank founded in 1973 by David <b>...</b>

Prem Rawats at Italian Senate 07
Prem Rawats at Italian Senate 07
tprf.org Prem Rawat Maharaji Speaks at the Italian Senate Prem Rawat Maharaji Rome, Italy, April 27, 2007 — Prem Rawat, known worldwide by the honorary title Maharaji, was guest of honor and speaker at a special celebration called "Peace, a Message without Boundaries," held in Rome on...

Daily Commission press briefing of 30/03/2012
Daily Commission press briefing of 30/03/2012
- announcement of upcoming press events - College Agenda for next week Communication by Dacian CIOLOŞ, Member of the EC in charge of Agriculture and Rural Development on promotion of agriculture products: Commission fires starting gun on European Citizens' Initiatives: - announcement and Q&A (Antony Gravili, Spokesperson) (Pia Ahrenkilde Hansen, Spokesperson) - Friends of Syria meeting on 01/04/2012 - Syria: - Q&A (Michael Mann, Spokesperson) Senegal: - Q&A (Michael Mann, Spokesperson) Agenda of Catherine Ashton: - Q&A (Michael Mann, Spokesperson) José Manuel Barroso meeting with Anders Fogh Rasmussen on 02/04/2012: - Q&A (Pia Ahrenkilde Hansen, Spokesperson) Outcome of meeting between EC President José Manuel Barroso and Chairman of the Italian Senate, Renato Schifani: - announcement (Pia Ahrenkilde Hansen, Spokesperson) Ref-84291 // Commission , Brussels //

peace message in the Italian Senate
peace message in the Italian Senate
Rai 3 news about Prem Rawat peace message given in the Italian Senate the 26 of April 2007

Italy PM Monti wins second confidence vote
Italy PM Monti wins second confidence vote
www.euronews.net Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti on Friday won the second of two confidence votes in parliament. The Chamber of Deputies, the country's lower house, backed his appointment by 556 votes to 61. It clears the way for Monti and his ministers to officially take up their posts and embark on a reforms to revive Italy's sluggish economy. The second vote victory came a day after the Italian Senate approved Monti's technocratic government by an equally large margin.