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Aid agencies struggle after Haiti storm - 06 Aug 08
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 2:40
- Published: 06 Sep 2008
- Uploaded: 19 Jul 2011
- Author: AlJazeeraEnglish
Aid has started to arrive in Haiti, but agencies are struggling to get supplies to all of the tens of thousands of people affected by tropical storm Hanna. Al Jazeera's Teresa Bo reports from Gonaives, Haiti's third-largest city and one of the worst-hit areas in the country.
Aid agencies struggle with Darfur crisis - 10 May 09
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 2:30
- Published: 10 May 2009
- Uploaded: 19 Jul 2011
- Author: AlJazeeraEnglish
As Sudan's Darfur crisis drags on, its refugee camps are having to be extended to cope with the increasing number of displaced people. Al Jazeera's Mohamed Vall reports from Zam Zam camp in Northern Darfur, where humanitarian officials are struggling to cope with the growing number of people seeking their help.
Aid agencies fear Somalia famine - 18 Jul 08
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 2:36
- Published: 18 Jul 2008
- Uploaded: 19 Jul 2011
- Author: AlJazeeraEnglish
Somalia has the worst humanitarian disaster in Africa. By the end of this year, 3.5 million people will be tottaly dependent on n food aid. Adding to the problems, Somalia is one of the world's most dangerous countries. Now the Dutch Navy, which has been escorting shipments, is ending its role. The World Food Programme says it may have to pull out.. because it can't protect its workers Zeina Awad reports.
Catholic aid agencies meet in Vatican making appeal for more aid to Horn of Africa
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 2:22
- Published: 07 Oct 2011
- Uploaded: 25 Oct 2011
- Author: romereports
BBC News: Al-Shabab to allow aid agencies into Somalia 1700 06 July 2011
The Somali Islamist militant group, al-Shabab, has decided that international aid agenices will be able to operate in the parts of the country that it controls. They were banned in 2009 for being "anti-muslim". But now the drought that is gripping the Horn of Africa has forced a rethink as Jonathan Josephs reports.
Struggle to reach Bangladesh cyclone victims - 20 Nov 07
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 3:16
- Published: 20 Nov 2007
- Uploaded: 19 Jul 2011
- Author: AlJazeeraEnglish
Bangladesh has called for increased foreign help to tackle the aftermath of the worst cyclone to hit the country in a decade. Al Jazeera's Owen Fay reports from the aid-agency frontline as relief agencies attempt to reach some of the most remote areas struck by Cyclone Sidr.
Thailand Floods: Aid Agencies Warn of Humanitarian Crisis in Bangkok BY PROF. REZA SALAMI
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 20:37
- Published: 31 Oct 2011
- Uploaded: 31 Oct 2011
- Author: myshinningstar1
MUSIC BY: MAJEED ENTEZAMI, PERSIAN MUSICIAN Thailand floods: aid agencies warn of humanitarian crisis in Bangkok Aid agencies warned of a possible humanitarian crisis in areas of the Thai capital heavily inundated with flood waters after temporary dykes holding back the massive deluge in the main Chao Phraya River failed in several places. Tens of thousands of residents living in eight of Bangkok's 50 districts have been living in flood water up to 5ft deep for days, giving rise to fears of waterborne communicable diseases and a diarrhoea epidemic. In the Bangkok Noi district, across the Chao Phraya from key tourist attractions like the largely unscathed Grand Palace, the Thai Navy was directing relief boats along what is normally a four lane highway. But the Thai prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra that things would improve on Monday as high tides backing up flood waters flowing from the north to the Gulf of Thailand would recede. Three months of exceptionally heavy monsoon rains have left 381 dead and affected 2.2 million people. Bangkok's governor Sukhumbhand Paribatra said the Chao Phraya had reached another record level of 8.3ft above sea-level on Sunday, slightly above the sandbag walls lining the river. The temporary dykes built up by 50000 troops and an army of volunteers have largely held under the weight of the deluge. Bangkok residents built sandbag embankments around homes, parked cars three-deep on every overpass, and stripped supermarket shelves in panic buying.
Aid agencies tackle North Korean floods - 17 Sep 07
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 3:22
- Published: 18 Sep 2007
- Uploaded: 19 Jul 2011
- Author: AlJazeeraEnglish
North Korea has suffered its worst flooding in 40 years, with crops destoryed, sanitation systems damaged and roads and bridges washed away. Al Jazeera's Tony Cheng, reporting from Pyongyang, looks at the relief efforts, speaks to local Red Cross officials and visits a "model" North Korean farm.
Aid agencies push cash for climate change - 03 Nov 09
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 2:59
- Published: 03 Nov 2009
- Uploaded: 31 Jul 2011
- Author: AlJazeeraEnglish
A prolonged drought in Kenya - blamed heavily on climate change - has plunged hundreds of thousands of people into poverty. The worst affected are cattle-herders in the country's northeast. Communities that used to be self-sufficient, are now dependent on cash hand-outs from aid groups. Mohammed Adow reports on a new approach to aid in the town of Takaba.
Somali armed group lifts aid ban amid drought
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 2:11
- Published: 07 Jul 2011
- Uploaded: 20 Sep 2011
- Author: AlJazeeraEnglish
The Somali group, al-Shabab, says it has lifted a ban on aid agencies operating in the parts of the country it controls. Sheikh Ali Mohamud Rage, an al-Shabab spokesperson said, "We have now decided to welcome all Muslim and non-Muslim aid agencies to assist the drought-stricken Somalis in our areas..." In some areas, one out of every three children is malnourished, in one of the region's worst droughts in 60 years. The UN says close to three million people in Somalia need emergency aid. Al-Shabab, which is said to be connected to al-Qaida networks in Africa and the Gulf, controls the majority of Somalia, including almost half of the capital, Mogadishu. In the past, they have said food aid creates dependency, but they have also used aid for themselves and charged foreign organisations high fees to operate. Al Jazeera's Mariana Sanchez reports.
Somalia famine spreads 'beyond reach of aid'
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 2:29
- Published: 06 Sep 2011
- Uploaded: 25 Oct 2011
- Author: AlJazeeraEnglish
Famine has spread to a sixth area of Somalia and tens of thousands of people have died as a result of severe food shortages, the United Nations has said. More than half of Somalia's entire population faces a severe food shortage, and the world body has now officially extended the famine zone. In Mogadishu, there are now half a million refugees and there are warnings from the UN that the famine could spread to the entire south of the country by the end of the year. The UN says it needs at least $1bn, but one leading charity says the public is being mislead into believing that money can solve the crisis. Medicine Sans Frontiere, Doctors Without Borders, wants international aid agencies to admit that reaching some of the worst affected victims of famine may not be possible. The French-based charity has criticised aid agencies and parts of the media for glossing over the realities of the situation. The World Food Programme, which is providing most of Somalia's food, says lives can be saved, but admits there are millions of people it cannot reach. Al Jazeera's Nazanine Moshiri reports from Mogadishu.
Al-Shabab says aid group ban remains in place
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 1:54
- Published: 22 Jul 2011
- Uploaded: 31 Jul 2011
- Author: AlJazeeraEnglish
Aid agencies are pressing ahead with help for drought hit victims in the Horn of Africa. But that is becoming harder with Al-Shabab rebels in Somalia now saying that a ban on foreign aid remains in place. In a transit refugee camp in Dolo Ado, Al Jazeera's Peter Greste reports that some of the newest arrivals in the camp say that Al-Shabab appears to be stopping people from actually trying to cross the border. "We cannot verify that ofcourse but certainly the...stories we are hearing is that there simply is no food out there; that the security situation is deteriorating, there is a lot of fighting going on; that people simply have no choice but to move if they possibly can," he said. Greste says 1500 people are arriving in Dadaab daily, while 200-500 people are arriving in Dolo Ado from the initial 2000 people. The rebel group has also accused the UN of exaggerating the drought, calling it propaganda. But charities say it is the group's blockade of aid since 2009 that has caused a famine in areas under its control.
Is there an alternative to western aid in famine hit Somalia?-Africa Today-08-02-2011
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 23:52
- Published: 03 Aug 2011
- Uploaded: 17 Oct 2011
- Author: PressTVGlobalNews
www.presstv.com It is the world's biggest humanitarian crisis and it seems to be getting worse. Thousands of people are on the move fleeing from both war and famine and of all the countries affected, its Somalia which is most stricken with half of its seven million population at severe risk. While the UN sponsored transitional government has complained of food holding by some aid agencies the al-Shabaab militia says these NGO's have no business in the areas they control.
East Africa Famine - is Food Aid the only answer
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 9:26
- Published: 11 Sep 2011
- Uploaded: 04 Nov 2011
- Author: MrNChoudhury
5 Sep 2011 BBC News UN: 750000 at risk of death within four months. Somalia is at risk: 4 of its 8 regions now affected by famine. Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda and Eritrea also affected by lack of rain and poor harvest. 12 million of people are said to need food aid. 50 per cent of children are suffering from malnutrition. They are expecting rain in a few weeks' time. But more diseases are likely to spread. There is not enough help getting in. The window to react is very narrow. Way back in January the warnings were there. The UN is still struggling with money and food. [Harriet Harman is Labour MP for International Development] "I think the levels of suffering are absolutely dreadful. I saw the work of Islamic Relief which is a UK-based aid agency working in Northern Kenya. They saved lives through their feeding programmes backed by our government. Because they started early the aid started getting through. The problem is Somalia. It is the combination of drought and conflict. There is enough food if it could be distributed [Amazing] It is a problem of decades. Somalians are suffering at the hands of clans. Thousands of people are fleeing from the border. But while aid agencies are getting access over there....Save The Children is working there, Islamic Relief is working there, UNICEF is working there...but there are some areas where Al-Shabab which is this fundamentalist Islamist group which is controlling certain areas won't let the aid agencies in. We've got to sort out <b>...</b>
Inside Story - Somalia's food aid theft
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 24:22
- Published: 17 Aug 2011
- Uploaded: 01 Nov 2011
- Author: AlJazeeraEnglish
How can aid agencies continue humanitarian work in a country where food supplies fail to reach the needy?
Darfur refugees plead for foreign aid - 22 Mar 09
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 3:06
- Published: 22 Mar 2009
- Uploaded: 31 Jul 2011
- Author: AlJazeeraEnglish
Refugees in Sudan's western Darfur region have refused to accept food and medicine from local authorities, instead asking for the return of expelled international aid agencies. Despite international calls for Sudan to reverse its decision, officials say only local agencies will carry out relief operations. Now, Sudan is blaming rebels for telling refugees not to accept aid from local agencies. Al Jazeera's Hashem Ahelbarra reports from South Darfur.
Aid flies out to Ethiopia
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 1:54
- Published: 18 Jul 2011
- Uploaded: 12 Nov 2011
- Author: OxfamGreatBritain
Oxfam's Ian Bray reports from the Bicester warehouse where 70 tonnes of essential aid are being dispatched to Ethiopia as part of our emergency response to the food crisis in East Africa. The shipment includes clean water equipment, sanitation and emergency shelter to support 60000 people. Oxfam is raising money together with the DEC for the East Africa Crisis Appeal -- The DEC is a consortium of 14 aid agencies working together in times of disasters and emergencies. Find and more and donate - oxf.am
Somalis Call for Aid
The Horn of Africa continues to suffer from famine and disease, the result of drought and food and water shortages. Hundreds of displaced Somalis took to the streets of Mogadishu on Wednesday demanding aid to end the difficult and squalid living conditions in refugee camps. People who have suffered decades of conflict now suffer from hunger and exposure to disease and are lacking medical care, food and water. Habibo Ilmi, who was taking part in the demonstrations, tells us about the situation. "We do not receive any food and water and we also do not have any toilets to use, so we request the international community to help us, as we are suffering so much here." More than 4 million Somalis, almost half of the country's population, have left the region in search of potable water and food. Aid has only reached only 1 million people because aid agencies are having trouble accessing areas in the country controlled by al Shabaab, a group affiliated with al Qaeda. The United Nations has warned that south Somalia is falling into famine. Somalia's Prime Minister, Abdiweli Mohamed Ali, has beseeched the UN Security Council to send more peacekeepers to infiltrate the al Shabaab-controlled areas. By: Nadia Idriss Mayen Al Arabiya with Agencies
Sudan's worsening refugee crisis
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 1:06
- Published: 14 Jun 2011
- Uploaded: 19 Jul 2011
- Author: AlJazeeraEnglish
As South Sudan's July Independence date approaches, aid agencies are warning of a humanitarian crisis in Sudan. There has been fighting between the Sudanese army and the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) in the south. And according to reports, Sudan's airforce has bombed a number of towns including Kadugli while Aid agency offices have also been raided. Al Jazeera's Hazem Sika reports.
Haiti quake recovery aid frustrations
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 3:49
- Published: 09 Jan 2011
- Uploaded: 09 Jan 2011
- Author: TheJamaicaObserver

Aid only trickles to Somali children
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 2:24
- Published: 13 Aug 2011
- Uploaded: 20 Nov 2011
- Author: AlJazeeraEnglish
A child dies from hunger every six minutes in southern Somalia, according to the United Nations. Aid agencies say a malnourished child can be nursed back to health in just a month, but the difficulty of getting supplies to trouble areas is hurting those most in need. Al Jazeera's Nazanine Moshiri reports from the Kenyan capital, Nairobi.
The struggles of refugees in Somalia
The state of thousands of refugees living within Somalia hangs in the balance as the over 20-year war shows no signs of letting up. While the fighting continues in the south of Somalia, humanitarian aid agencies will find it increasingly difficult to reach those in need; indeed many communities may be so inaccessible that agencies have little idea of whether they actually need humanitarian support.
Is the West funding genocide in the Ethiopian Ogaden?-Africa Today-06-14-2011-(Part1)
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 11:42
- Published: 15 Jun 2011
- Uploaded: 05 Nov 2011
- Author: PressTVGlobalNews
www.presstv.com The Ogaden region of Somalia has been a source of conflict since the area was seeded to Ethiopia by the British in 1954. Somalia has twice unsuccessfully fought wars with Ethiopia to get the area back. The Ethiopian government has banned aid agencies and journalists from accessing the region and there are reports of famine and genocide in the region. In this edition, Africa Today studies the issue.
Aid agencies struggle after Haiti storm - 06 Aug 08
Aid agencies struggle after Haiti storm - 06 Aug 08
Aid has started to arrive in Haiti, but agencies are struggling to get supplies to all of the tens of thousands of people affected by tropical storm Hanna. Al Jazeera's Teresa Bo reports from Gonaives, Haiti's third-largest city and...

Aid agencies struggle with Darfur crisis - 10 May 09
Aid agencies struggle with Darfur crisis - 10 May 09
As Sudan's Darfur crisis drags on, its refugee camps are having to be extended to cope with the increasing number of displaced people. Al Jazeera's Mohamed Vall reports from Zam Zam camp in Northern Darfur, where humanitarian offici...

Aid agencies fear Somalia famine - 18 Jul 08
Aid agencies fear Somalia famine - 18 Jul 08
Somalia has the worst humanitarian disaster in Africa. By the end of this year, 3.5 million people will be tottaly dependent on n food aid. Adding to the problems, Somalia is one of the world's most dangerous countries. Now the Dutch Na...

BBC News: Al-Shabab to allow aid agencies into Somalia 1700 06 July 2011
BBC News: Al-Shabab to allow aid agencies into Somalia 1700 06 July 2011
The Somali Islamist militant group, al-Shabab, has decided that international aid agenices will be able to operate in the parts of the country that it controls. They were banned in 2009 for being "anti-muslim". But now the drought...

Struggle to reach Bangladesh cyclone victims - 20 Nov 07
Struggle to reach Bangladesh cyclone victims - 20 Nov 07
Bangladesh has called for increased foreign help to tackle the aftermath of the worst cyclone to hit the country in a decade. Al Jazeera's Owen Fay reports from the aid-agency frontline as relief agencies attempt to reach some of the mo...

Thailand Floods: Aid Agencies Warn of Humanitarian Crisis in Bangkok BY PROF. REZA SALAMI
Thailand Floods: Aid Agencies Warn of Humanitarian Crisis in Bangkok BY PROF. REZA SALAMI
MUSIC BY: MAJEED ENTEZAMI, PERSIAN MUSICIAN Thailand floods: aid agencies warn of humanitarian crisis in Bangkok Aid agencies warned of a possible humanitarian crisis in areas of the Thai capital heavily inundated with flood waters after te...

Aid agencies tackle North Korean floods - 17 Sep 07
Aid agencies tackle North Korean floods - 17 Sep 07
North Korea has suffered its worst flooding in 40 years, with crops destoryed, sanitation systems damaged and roads and bridges washed away. Al Jazeera's Tony Cheng, reporting from Pyongyang, looks at the relief efforts, speaks to local...

Aid agencies push cash for climate change - 03 Nov 09
Aid agencies push cash for climate change - 03 Nov 09
A prolonged drought in Kenya - blamed heavily on climate change - has plunged hundreds of thousands of people into poverty. The worst affected are cattle-herders in the country's northeast. Communities that used to be self-sufficient, a...

Somali armed group lifts aid ban amid drought
Somali armed group lifts aid ban amid drought
The Somali group, al-Shabab, says it has lifted a ban on aid agencies operating in the parts of the country it controls. Sheikh Ali Mohamud Rage, an al-Shabab spokesperson said, "We have now decided to welcome all Muslim and non-Muslim...

Somalia famine spreads 'beyond reach of aid'
Somalia famine spreads 'beyond reach of aid'
Famine has spread to a sixth area of Somalia and tens of thousands of people have died as a result of severe food shortages, the United Nations has said. More than half of Somalia's entire population faces a severe food shortage, and th...

Al-Shabab says aid group ban remains in place
Al-Shabab says aid group ban remains in place
Aid agencies are pressing ahead with help for drought hit victims in the Horn of Africa. But that is becoming harder with Al-Shabab rebels in Somalia now saying that a ban on foreign aid remains in place. In a transit refugee camp in Dolo A...

Is there an alternative to western aid in famine hit Somalia?-Africa Today-08-02-2011
Is there an alternative to western aid in famine hit Somalia?-Africa Today-08-02-2011
www.presstv.com It is the world's biggest humanitarian crisis and it seems to be getting worse. Thousands of people are on the move fleeing from both war and famine and of all the countries affected, its Somalia which is most stricken w...

East Africa Famine - is Food Aid the only answer
East Africa Famine - is Food Aid the only answer
5 Sep 2011 BBC News UN: 750000 at risk of death within four months. Somalia is at risk: 4 of its 8 regions now affected by famine. Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda and Eritrea also affected by lack of rain and poor harvest. 12 million of people are ...

Darfur refugees plead for foreign aid - 22 Mar 09
Darfur refugees plead for foreign aid - 22 Mar 09
Refugees in Sudan's western Darfur region have refused to accept food and medicine from local authorities, instead asking for the return of expelled international aid agencies. Despite international calls for Sudan to reverse its decisi...

Sudan's worsening refugee crisis
Sudan's worsening refugee crisis
As South Sudan's July Independence date approaches, aid agencies are warning of a humanitarian crisis in Sudan. There has been fighting between the Sudanese army and the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) in the south. And accord...

Aid only trickles to Somali children
Aid only trickles to Somali children
A child dies from hunger every six minutes in southern Somalia, according to the United Nations. Aid agencies say a malnourished child can be nursed back to health in just a month, but the difficulty of getting supplies to trouble areas is ...

The struggles of refugees in Somalia
The struggles of refugees in Somalia
The state of thousands of refugees living within Somalia hangs in the balance as the over 20-year war shows no signs of letting up. While the fighting continues in the south of Somalia, humanitarian aid agencies will find it increasingly di...

Is the West funding genocide in the Ethiopian Ogaden?-Africa Today-06-14-2011-(Part1)
Is the West funding genocide in the Ethiopian Ogaden?-Africa Today-06-14-2011-(Part1)
www.presstv.com The Ogaden region of Somalia has been a source of conflict since the area was seeded to Ethiopia by the British in 1954. Somalia has twice unsuccessfully fought wars with Ethiopia to get the area back. The Ethiopian governme...
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An aid agency is an organisation dedicated to distributing aid. Many professional aid organisations exist, both within government (e.g. USAID, DFID, EuropeAid, ECHO), between governments as multilateral donors (e.g. UNDP) and as private voluntary organizations (or non-governmental organisations, e.g. ActionAid, Oxfam). The International Committee of the Red Cross is unique in being mandated by international treaty to uphold the Geneva Conventions. List of development aid agencies Top 10 Humanitarian Charities
Aid can be subdivided into two categories: humanitarian aid (emergency relief efforts, e.g. in response to natural disasters), and development aid (or foreign aid), aimed at helping countries to achieve long-term sustainable economic growth, with the aim of achieving poverty reduction. Some aid agencies carry out both kinds of aid (e.g. EcoCARE Pacific Trust), whilst others specialise (e.g. Red Cross, humanitarian aid; War on Want, development aid).
See also
Category:Aid Category:International development agencies
de:Hilfsorganisation fr:Secourisme nl:Hulporganisatie
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