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  1. Britain: stop arming the world…
  2. 4days to go!Come&hear abt flower workers fight 4decent wage&conditions in Colombia,Tanzania&Zambia @waronwant talks on 12/13!
  3. Vacancy at War on Want: Senior Campaigns Officer (Economic Justice). Please forward to anyone who might be interested!…
  4. The fight for a living wage - 2 days of discussions on living wage campaigns across different sectors and countries
  5. Living wage vs min wage:Bangladesh textile workers sharing their fight 4decent wages at WarOnWant talks on 12-13 Sep/!
  6. Kenya's forgotten informal traders take to the streets demanding changes in the law
  7. UN panel report on #Gaza flotilla killings leaked to New York Times, available on their website #palestine
  8. @GuidoTallman PS now we're following you again...
  9. @GuidoTallman Hi Guy. You were automatically unfollowed by our software cos you didn't follow us back :)
  10. The global food system is in crisis. What's produced, consumed & who has access to food are defined by multinationals #ThingsWeNeedToChange
  11. Our publications can be downloaded for FREE from…. If you want to order a load then take a look at…
  12. We'll be at #Reunion2011 with #LoveFashion Hate Sweatshops & @playfair2012 campaigns this Saturday thx 4 the invite @UKScouting!! #iScout
  13. The inspirational story of Meredith in Honduras, who fought for her rights after being sacked for work-related injuries…
  14. New vacancy at War on Want: Senior Campaigns Officer (Economic Justice)…
  15. The Fight for a Living Wage! Applying lessons from other sectors to the cut flower sector. Conference 12&13 Sept.…
  16. 6 amazing years of fighting for SA's poor. Happy birthday to our partner Abahlali baseMjondolo
  17. @JoeyKhoury thanks for the tweet!