Brumal - Loess
Brumal - Loess
from Loess's album 'wind and water' COME TO MY CHANNEL FOR MORE EXPERIMENTAL MUSIC
Loess - Greensland
Loess - Greensland
LP : Wind & Water MD 138 (2006). Written & Produced By Clay Emerson And Ian Pullman. HQ Audio.
Loess Plateau
Loess Plateau
The enormity and beauty of this film never fails to stun me. This film made by John D Lui and his Earth's Hope project is truly wonderful. The Loess Plateau and area the size of France, was an eroded desert fifteen years ago.. Watch this PTV interview with John and marvel at the ingenuity of humanity, and be astonished.
Loess - Selkuth
Loess - Selkuth
Loess -- Burrows Nonresponse -- nr-005 12 May 2009 Abstract, Downtempo & Ambient
.Loess - Example 11
.Loess - Example 11
Loess - Miles Tilmann - Low Profile Society_3D Concepts
Foraging in the Loess Hills (cattails,nettles,and bluegill)
Foraging in the Loess Hills (cattails,nettles,and bluegill)
Mapleton Iowa Right Before Wedge Tornado - Loess Hills Drive Turns into Storm Cloud Watching
Mapleton Iowa Right Before Wedge Tornado - Loess Hills Drive Turns into Storm Cloud Watching
Garmin-1690.com We were just going to go for a drive on the Loess Hills Scenic Byway. We ended up filming main street Mapleton, Iowa, an hour before it was hit with a devastating wedge tornado. (1 on the video.) We were right on the edge of the cloud line and knew enough that we were seeing something unusual. When we met storm chasers parked along the road, we knew we were in a potentially dangerous area. We stayed on the outside edge of the storm and never did witness any tornadoes or severe weather. We continued on the byway, stopping to eat at Michael's in Onawa where we overheard some other diners' phone conversations about the Mapleton tornado. We certainly weren't planning to see such a show in the sky -- we were just planning to go for a nice drive.