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Volksdeutsche (ethnic Germans) is a historical term that the German government started using in the early 20th century to describe ethnic Germans living outside of (or more precisely, born outside) the Reich. This is in contrast to Imperial Germans (Reichsdeutsche), German citizens living within Germany. The term also contrasts with the modern term Auslandsdeutsche (Germans abroad), which generally denotes German citizens residing in other countries.
This is the loosest meaning of the term, used mainly during the Weimar Republic regime. In a stricter sense, under Hitler and the Nazis, "Volksdeutsche" was used to mean ethnic Germans living outside the country but without German citizenship, i.e., the juxtaposition with "Reichsdeutsche" was sharpened to denote difference in citizenship as well as residence.
For Hitler and other Germans of his time, the term "Volksdeutsche" also carried overtones of blood and race not captured in the common English translation "ethnic Germans". According to German estimates in the 1930s, about 30 million Volksdeutsche and Auslandsdeutsche (= German citizens residing abroad, see McKale 1977: The Swastika Outside Germany, p. 4) were living outside the Reich. A significant proportion of them were in eastern Europe: Russia, Poland, Ukraine, the Baltic states, and Romania, Hungary and Yugoslavia, where many were located in villages along the Danube. Many of their ancestors had migrated to such areas of eastern Europe in the 18th century, invited by governments that wanted to repopulate areas decimated by the Ottoman Empire occupation and sometimes by disease.
The Nazi goal of expansion to the east assigned the Volksdeutsche a special role in German plans, to bring them back to German citizenship and elevate them to power over the native populations in those areas. The Nazis detailed such goals in Generalplan Ost.
Over the last thousand years, Germans emigrated from traditional German lands in Central Europe and settled further east in Russia, present day Romania and other countries. Many Germans settled in the Baltic and parts of present day Poland in colonies established by the Teutonic Knights beginning in the thirteenth century. The Knights were also granted rights in Transylvania, resulting in the settlement of many Germans there.
In the sixteenth century Vasili III invited small numbers of German craftsmen, traders and professionals to settle in Russia so that the empire could exploit their skills. These settlers (many of whom intended to stay only temporarily) were generally confined to the German Quarter in Moscow (which also included Dutch, British and other western or northern European settlers whom the Russians came to indiscriminately refer to as "Germans"). They were only gradually allowed in other cities, so as to prevent the spread of alien ideas to the general population.
In his youth, Peter the Great spent much time in the German quarter. When he became Tsar, he brought more German experts (and other foreigners) into Russia, and particularly into government service, in his attempts to westernize the empire. He also brought in German engineers to supervise the construction of the new city of Saint Petersburg.
Catherine the Great, who was German, invited German farmers to immigrate and settle in Russian lands along the Volga River. She guaranteed them the right to retain their language, religion and culture. Germans were also sent in organized colonization attempts aiming at Germanization of conquered Polish areas.
Frederick the Great settled around 300,000 colonists in the eastern provinces of Prussia, acquired in Partitions of Poland, with the intention of replacing the Polish nobility. He treated the Poles with contempt and likened the 'slovenly Polish trash' in newly reconquered West Prussia to Iroquois, the historic Native American confederacy based in the state of New York.
Prussia encouraged a second round of colonization with the goal of Germanisation after 1832. Prussia passed laws to encourage Germanisation of the provinces of Posen and West Prussia in the late 19th century. The Prussian Settlement Commission relocated 154,000 colonists, including locals.
The reconstitution of Poland following the Treaty of Versailles separated German minorities of the Prussian provinces of the German Empire from a German nation state. Ethnic German inhabitants of provinces of the dissolved Austro-Hungarian Empire, such as Sudeten Germans, Danube Swabians and Transylvanian Saxons, became citizens of newly established Slavic or Magyar nation states. Tensions between the new administration and the ethnic German minority arose in the Polish Corridor.
In 1936 the Nazis set up an office to act as a contact for the Volksdeutsche. According to the historian Lumans Valdiso, :"[one of Himmler's goals was] centralizing control over the myriad of groups and individuals inside the Reich promoting the Volksdeutsche cause. Himmler did not initiate the process but rather discovered it in progress and directed it to its conclusion and to his advantage. His principal instrument in this effort was an office from outside the SS, a Nazi party organ, the Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle (VoMi), translated as the Ethnic German Liaison Office."
In Yugoslavia, the 7th SS Volunteer Mountain Division Prinz Eugen was formed. It was conspicuous in its operations against the Resistance partisans and among the population. About 300,000 Volksdeutsche from the Nazi-conquered lands and the satellite countries joined the Waffen-SS, the majority conscripted involuntarily. In Hungary, for instance, some 100,000 ethnic Germans volunteered for service in it. "After the initial rush of Volksdeutsche to join, voluntary enlistments tapered off, and the new unit did not reach division size. Therefore, in August 1941, the SS discarded the voluntary approach, and after a favourable judgement from the SS court in Belgrade, imposed a mandatory military obligation on all Volksdeutsche in Serbia-Banat, the first of its kind for non-Reich Germans."
Among the indigenous populations in the Nazi-occupied lands, Volksdeutsche became a term of ignominy.
During the early days of WWII (i.e., before the US entered the war), a small number of Americans of German origin returned to Germany; generally they were immigrants or children of immigrants, rather than descendants of migrations more distant in time. Some of these enlisted and fought in the German army.
Following the September 1st German invasion of Poland, on September 3, between 100 and 400 Volksdeutsche were killed in the city of Bromberg, in what was is now known as "Bromberg Bloody Sunday". The circumstances are controversial. Nazi Germany used the deaths to justify reprisal atrocities against the ethnic Poles. Similar to that of Operation Tannenberg, many such actions had been organized and planned well before the war.
After the Germans occupied western Poland, they established a central registration bureau, called the German People's List (Deutsche Volksliste, DVL), whereby Polish citizens of German ethnicity were registered as Volksdeutsche. The Germans encouraged such registration, in many cases forcing it or subjecting Polish Germans to terror assaults if they refused. Those who joined this group were given benefits, including better food as well as a better social status.
The Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle organised large-scale looting of property and redistributed goods to the Volksdeutsche. They were given apartments, workshops, farms, furniture, and clothing confiscated from Jews and Poles. In turn, hundreds of thousands of the Volksdeutsche joined the German forces, either willingly or under compulsion.
During World War II, Polish citizens of German ancestry, who often identified with the Polish nation, were confronted with the dilemma of registering in the Deutsche Volksliste. Many ethnic Germans had families who had lived in Poland for centuries; even the more recent immigrants had arrived 30 years or more before the war. They faced the choice of registering and being regarded as traitors by other Poles, or not signing and being treated by the Nazi occupation as traitors to the Germanic "race".
In occupied Poland, the status of "Volksdeutscher" gave many privileges, but one big disadvantage: Volksdeutsche were subject to conscription into the German army. The Deutsche Volksliste categorised German Poles into one of four categories:
* Category I: Persons of German descent committed to the Reich before 1939.
Volksdeutsche of statuses 1 and 2 in the Polish areas annexed by Germany numbered 1,000,000, and Nos. 3 and 4 numbered 1,700,000. In the General Government there were 120,000 Volksdeutsche. Volksdeutsche of Polish ethnic origins were treated by the Poles with special contempt, but were also committing high treason according to Polish law.
{|class=wikitable |- bgcolor="#C2E6FF" |rowspan="2"|Annexed area |colspan="4" align="center"|Deutsche Volksliste, early 1944 |- bgcolor="#C2E6FF" |Cat. I |Cat. II |Cat. III |Cat. IV |- |bgcolor="#C2E6FF"|Warthegau |230,000 |190,000 |65,000 |25,000 |- |bgcolor="#C2E6FF"|Reichsgau Danzig-West Prussia |115,000 |95,000 |725,000 |2,000 |- |bgcolor="#C2E6FF"|East Upper Silesia |130,000 |210,000 |875,000 |55,000 |- |bgcolor="#C2E6FF"|South East Prussia |9,000 |22,000 |13,000 |1,000 |- |bgcolor="#C2E6FF" rowspan="2"|Total |484,000 |517,000 |1,678,000 |83,000 |- |colspan="4" align="center"|Toal 2.75 million on Volkslisten plus non-German population(Polish) of 6.015 million- Grand Total 8.765 million in annexed territories. |- |colspan="5"|Source: Wilhelm Deist, Bernhard R Kroener, Germany (Federal Republic). Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt, Germany and the Second World War, Oxford University Press, 2003, pp. 132,133, ISBN 0-19-820873-1, citing Broszat, Nationalsozialistische Polenpolitik, p. 134 |}
Because of actions by some Volksdeutsche and particularly the atrocities committed by Nazi Germany, after the end of the war, the Polish authorities tried many Volksdeutsche for high treason. In the postwar period, many other ethnic Germans were expelled to the west and forced to leave everything. In 21st century Poland, the word Volksdeutsche is regarded as an insult, synonymous with "traitor".
In some cases, individuals consulted the Polish resistance first, before signing the Volksliste. There were Volksdeutsche who played important roles in intelligence activities of the Polish resistance, and were at times the primary source of information for the Allies. In the turmoil of the postwar years, the Communist government did not consider this sufficient mitigation. It prosecuted many of the double-agent Volksdeutsche and sentenced some to death.
In August 1940, Soviet Foreign minister Molotov told the Germans that, with the government change, they could close down their Baltic consulates by September 1. Instead of permitting full indemnification, the Soviets put restrictions on the wealth that the Volksdeutsche could take with them and limited the totals that the Soviets would apply to the Reich's clearing accounts. The parties discussed total compensation of between 200 million and 350 million Reichsmarks for the Volksdeutsche, while the Soviets requested 50 million Reichsmarks for their property claims in German-occupied territories. The two nations reached general agreement on German shipments of 10.5-cm flak cannons, gold, machinery and other items. The agreement covered protected migration to Germany within two and a half months of Volksdeutsche, and similar migration to the Soviet Union of ethnic Russians, Baltic and "White Russian" "nationals" from German-held territories.
An estimated 12 million ethnic Germans fled or were expelled from the Soviet Union and eastern Europe. Most left the Soviet-occupied territories of the Eastern Bloc; they comprised the largest migration of any European people in modern history. The Allies had agreed to the expulsions during negotiations in the midst of war. The western powers hoped to avoid ethnic Germans being an issue again in eastern Europe.
Local authorities forced most of the ethnic Germans to leave between 1945 and 1950. Remnants of the ethnic German community survive in the former Soviet republics of Central Asia. A small ethnic German community has continued in Siebenbürgen (Transylvania) in Romania.
Instead, ethnic Germans living outside of Germany are called "Auslandsdeutsche", or names more closely associated with their earlier places of residence, such as Wolgadeutsche or Volga Germans, the ethnic Germans living in the Volga basin in Russia; and Baltic Germans, who generally called themselves Balts. They were relocated to German-occupied Poland during World War II by an agreement between Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin), and most were expelled to the West after the war.
Ethnic Germans were among the millions of displaced peoples on the roads of Europe in the years after the war.
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