Besançon - Charles Fourier
Besançon - Charles Fourier
Comment lier lindividu et le collectif ? Comment inventer du lien social, respectant à la fois les diversités et permettant le vivre-en-commun dans des économies éthiques ? Quelles leçons futures pour les pensées libertaires du XIXe siècle, les idées de coopération, ici et dans le monde ? Dès janvier avec Charles Fourier, Besançon secoue les idées dans tous les domaines.
The Phalanstery Commune
The Phalanstery Commune
This video explores the ideas of the radical 19th century French thinkers Henri de Saint-Simon and Charles Fourier. Did these utopian visionaries, advocates of a much more communitarian approach to life, offer the solution to humanity's ills? From the book: www.smashwords.com Website: www.armageddonconspiracy.co.uk
"così parlò Zap Mangusta" - Charles Fourier 1/2
"così parlò Zap Mangusta" - Charles Fourier 1/2
una breve lezione divertente di filosofia del grande Zap Mangusta che in radio 2 ci parla di Charles Fourier detto Benzedrina
Einführung in Leben und Werk des Charles Fourier
Einführung in Leben und Werk des Charles Fourier
Eine Einführung von Nemetico (Pedro Kreye) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Der utopische Sozialist Fourier war einer der sogenannten „Frühsozialisten". Scharfer Kritiker der Sitten und Gesellschaft seiner Zeit. Entwarf als Gegenbild zur „Zivilisation" die Zukunftsgesellschaft der „Harmonie", die wiederum zur Grundlage der Kommunismusvorstellungen von Marx und Engels wurde.
Walter Benjamin - "Fourier or the Arcades"
Walter Benjamin - "Fourier or the Arcades"
Presentation on Walter Benjamin's essay "Fourier or the Arcades" and Benjamin's analysis of Fourier's Phalanstery screenr.com
Attraktive Arbeit und Freie Liebe - Die Zukunftsvisonen des Charles Fourier (Version 1)
Attraktive Arbeit und Freie Liebe - Die Zukunftsvisonen des Charles Fourier (Version 1)
Musikvideo garniert mit Zitaten von Charles Fourier sowie von Friedrich Engels über Charles Fourier. Die Musik ist GEMA-frei, selbst produziert.
Autour de Charles Fourier - 2010
Autour de Charles Fourier - 2010
Autour de Charles Fourier (1772-1837), grand théoricien et philosophe bisontin, réunir des œuvres contemporaines, choisies avec pertinence, en fonction de leur affinité avec la doctrine du penseur. En réaction contre l'ordre social existant à son époque, ce dernier conçut une théorie novatrice, radicale et absolue, une utopie sociale appelée Harmonie. Après un premier volet historique nécessaire, présentant le contexte de la naissance de la pensée fouriériste - à travers ses écrits et ceux de ses disciples, comme par le biais de créations d'artistes fouriéristes et de tentatives de réalisation de sa cité idéale - le parcours contemporain s'articule autour des douze passions développées par le théoricien. Par exemple le thème de la cosmogonie, avec des artistes comme Parmiggiani ou Skoda, à la gastrosophie et les banquets colorés de Vanessa Beecroft, les œuvres s'immisçant habillement dans les collections permanentes...
"così parlò Zap Mangusta" - Charles Fourier 2/2
"così parlò Zap Mangusta" - Charles Fourier 2/2
una breve lezione divertente di filosofia del grande Zap Mangusta che in radio 2 ci parla di Charles Fourier detto Benzedrina
Murray Bookchin - (1/7) - London - 1992
Murray Bookchin - (1/7) - London - 1992
Bookchin describes how and why he became an anarchist. He also answers whether or not he believes work is inherently hierarchical (as Friedrich Engels believed so). Murray Bookchin interviewed by Mark Saunders in London sometime in May of 1992.
Jordi Colomer L'avenir #BOZAR
Jordi Colomer L'avenir #BOZAR
Jordi Colomer L'avenir What is to come De toekomst Vendredi 29.04 - Dimanche 12.06.2011 Palais des Beaux-Arts Friday 29.04 - Sunday 12.06.2011 Centre for Fine Arts Vrijdag 29.04 - Zondag 12.06.2011 Paleis voor Schone Kunsten En avril 2011, Jordi Colomer présente en première mondiale à Bozar L'Avenir, un projet de grande ampleur autour du Phalanstère de Charles Fourier. Jamais réalisé, à peine dessiné mais en revanche minutieusement planifié et abondamment décrit par son auteur au dix neuvième siècle, ce bâtiment utopique était censé offrir à ses habitants choisis une vie et un habitat rigoureusement construits sur l'harmonie du temps, de l'espace, des caractères et des passions. Aboutissement des réflexions autant que rêve éternel de Fourier, le Phalanstère paraît à bien des égards rassembler les idées autour desquelles Colomer tourne depuis ses débuts. Mais pour l'artiste catalan, il est bien question d'avenir. Ces fictions non racontées, ces mondes idéaux qui suscitent par-delà les contradictions la conviction de l'imaginaire, sont les sources esthétiques d'une émancipation politique toujours à conquérir. Ce sont des aventures qu'a toujours écrit Colomer à travers films, maquettes, photographies, installations. Des fictions grandioses à l'état de possibles, qui font des plus ordinaires des hommes, citoyens comme spectateurs, les pionniers d'une terre inconnue. Ce sera une épopée en haute définition conclue par un repas festif dans une péninsule de la région du Delta de <b>...</b>
Jenseits des Realitätsprinzips - Vortrag über Leben und Werk des Herbert Marcuse
Jenseits des Realitätsprinzips - Vortrag über Leben und Werk des Herbert Marcuse
Herbert Marcuse wird zu Unrecht auf seine Skepsis gegenüber der zeitgenössischen Arbeiterbewegung in den USA reduziert. Kernstück seines Werkes ist eine Synthese zwischen den grundlegenden Gedanken von Karl Marx und Siegmund Freud. Und diese Synthese findet er konsquent ausgerechnet über den utopischen Sozialisten Charles Fourier. Marcuse: Charles Fourier hat die Differenz zwischen einer freien und einer unfreien Gesellschaft erstmals deutlich gemacht, indem er eine Gesellschaft in Aussicht stellte, „in der selbst gesellschaftlich notwendige Arbeit im Einklang mit den befreiten, eigenen Bedürfnissen der Menschen organisiert werden kann."
How Capitalism Works: An Economic Lecture on the Merits and Workings of American Capitalism (1955)
How Capitalism Works: An Economic Lecture on the Merits and Workings of American Capitalism (1955)
In years 1000 - 1820 world economy grew sixfold, 50 % per person. After capitalism had started to spread more widely, in years 1820 - 1998 world economy grew 50-fold, ie, 9-fold per person. In most capitalist economic regions such as Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, the economy grew 19-fold per person even though these countries already had a higher starting level, and in Japan, which was poor in 1820, to 31-fold, whereas in the rest of the world the growth was only 5-fold per person. Many theorists and policymakers in predominantly capitalist nations have emphasized capitalism's ability to promote economic growth, as measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP), capacity utilization or standard of living. This argument was central, for example, to Adam Smith's advocacy of letting a free market control production and price, and allocate resources. Many theorists have noted that this increase in global GDP over time coincides with the emergence of the modern world capitalist system. Proponents argue that increasing GDP (per capita) is empirically shown to bring about improved standards of living, such as better availability of food, housing, clothing, and health care. The decrease in the number of hours worked per week and the decreased participation of children and the elderly in the workforce have been attributed to capitalism. Proponents also believe that a capitalist economy offers far more opportunities for individuals to raise their income <b>...</b>
Communities of Resistance (6/6)
Communities of Resistance (6/6)
interview with Peter Lamborn Wilson AKA Hakim Bey in his home in May 2009 Part 1 www.youtube.com Part 2 www.youtube.com Part 3 www.youtube.com Part 4 www.youtube.com Part 5 www.youtube.com Part 6 www.youtube.com -- If we give agriculture a specific definition, then agriculture is a major problem. But if we realize that there are gradations in the technae of agriculture, and that we could talk about horticulture, for example, which I think the modern version would be permaculture. Charles Fourier, who is one of my main guys, was one of the first critics of agriculture. And he realized that civilized agriculture was very destructive of community, and of well-bring, for everybody except the rulers. And so he proposed that we revert, in a sense, to horticulture, so that, for example, only small amounts of grain would be grown, and those would be for special treats, like little pastries that he was so fond of. But they would no longer be the staple, because the kind of agriculture needed to produce that staple was just too counter-productive, in terms of a free and delightful communal existence. So that's why he puts so much emphasis on fruit and on orchard-based horticulture...
Trailer SPARK 2010 soon coming in France in LC IT SUD PARIS
Trailer SPARK 2010 soon coming in France in LC IT SUD PARIS
The SPARK is one of the fourth seminary organised by AIESEC France during the year and the biggest as well. During 4 days the values and the AIESEC activities will be showed up to all the new members of local comitees. This year, the SPARK is from 11th to 14th November 2010 and will be organized by our Local Comitee AIESEC IT SUD PARIS. You can found out the place by google mapped "Telecom Ecole de Management" or by google "5, rue Charles Fourier 91000 Evry" which is the adress where this event will take place. Website : www.spark2010.com
As Borboletas do Imperador - Episódio 1 (parte 1)
As Borboletas do Imperador - Episódio 1 (parte 1)
Um documentário de Bhig Villas Boas em 03 capítulos, sobre a história do médico homeopata Benoit Jules Mure, entusiasta dos pensamentos utópicos de Charles Fourier e um dos responsáveis pela criação do Falanstério do Saí em São Francisco do Sul e do Instituto Homeopático do Brasil, no século XVIII. O pensador saint-simoniano Michel Derrion também faz parte desta história de paixão e Utopia. Entre os entrevistados, está a prof. Raquel San Thiago e Gleison Vieira.
UO Today #452: Jonathan Beecher
UO Today #452: Jonathan Beecher
Jonathan Beecher, History, UC Santa Cruz, discusses the French Revolution of 1848 and the intellectual thought of that time. He also talks about utopian idealists Charles Fourier and Victor Considerant.
Teaser SPARK 2010 in France organized by AIESEC IT SUD PARIS
Teaser SPARK 2010 in France organized by AIESEC IT SUD PARIS
The SPARK is one of the fourth seminary organised by AIESEC France during the year and the biggest as well. During 4 days the values and the AIESEC activities will be showed up to all the new members of local comitees. This year, the SPARK is from 11th to 14th November 2010 and will be organized by our Local Comitee AIESEC IT SUD PARIS. You can found out the place by google mapped "Telecom Ecole de Management" or by google "5, rue Charles Fourier 91000 Evry" which is the adress where this event will take place. Website : www.spark2010.com
Der Geist Der Utopie V 1.0 (Urversion)
Der Geist Der Utopie V 1.0 (Urversion)
"Wer sind wir? Wo kommen wir her? Wohin gehen wir? Was erwarten wir? Was erwartet uns? Viele fühlen sich nur als verwirrt. Der Boden wankt, sie wissen nicht warum und von was. Dieser ihr Zustand ist Angst, wird er bestimmter, so ist er Furcht. .... Einmal zog einer aus, das Fürchten zu lernen. Das gelang in der eben vergangenen Zeit leichter und näher, diese Kunst ward entsetzlich beherrscht. Doch nun wird, die Urheber der Furcht abgerechnet, ein uns gemäßeres Gefühl fällig. Es kommt darauf an, das Hoffen zu lernen. Seine Arbeit entsagt nicht, sie ist ins Gelingen verliebt statt ins Scheitern." Diese wundervollen Sätze von Ernst Bloch inspirierten mich zum Musikstück und zum Film. Für dich, Ernst, und für die anderen natürlich auch, für Tomasso, für Charles, für Friedrich. Nachtrag: die Menschen auf dem letzten Bild sind von links nach rechts Andre Breton, der Schöpfer des Surrealismus, Diego Rivera, der geniale Maler der Revolution, und Leo Trotzki, Leitfigur der russischen Revolution. Nachtrag 2: Verbesserte Version des Videos www.youtube.com
Murray Bookchin - (7/7) - London - 1992
Murray Bookchin - (7/7) - London - 1992
Bookchin talks about Guy Debord and the Situationists, as well as Daniel Cohen Bendit. He also talks about the undesirability of endless ecstasy. Murray Bookchin interviewed by Mark Saunders in London sometime in May of 1992.
Socialismo Utópico - AsPoNE
Socialismo Utópico - AsPoNE
Socialismo utópico A reação operária aos efeitos da Revolução Industrial fez surgir críticos ao progresso industrial que propunham reformulações sociais ea construção de uma sociedade mais justa. Os primeiros socialistas, ao formularem profundas críticas ao progresso industrial, ainda estavam impregnados de valores liberais. Atacavam os grandes proprietários, mas tinham, em geral, muita estima pelos pequenos, acreditando ser possível haver um acordo entre as classes sociais. Elaboraram soluções que não chegaram, porém, a constituir uma doutrina, e sim modelos idealizados, sendo por isso chamados de utópicos. Um dos principais teóricos dessa fase inicial do socialismo era o conde francês Claude de Saint-Simon, que havia aderido à revolução de 1789. Um racionalista, como a maioria de seus contemporâneos, propôs em Cartas de um habitante de Genebra (1802), a formação de uma sociedade em que não haveria ociosos (como ele considerava os militares, os religiosos, os nobres e os magistrados) nem a exploração econômica de grupos de indivíduos por outros. Propôs, ainda, a divisão da sociedade em três classes: os sábios, os proprietários e os que não tinham posses. O governo seria exercido por um conselho formado por sábios e artistas. Outro teórico da fase inicial do socialismo foi o francês Charles Fourier, que, ao lado de Pierre Leroux, teria sido um dos primeiros a utilizar a palavra "socialismo". Filho de comerciantes, era herdeiro da idéia de Jean-Jacques Rousseau de que o <b>...</b>