Former Secretary of Defense Donald Henry Rumsfeld at The Citadel
Former Secretary of Defense Donald Henry Rumsfeld speaks to Citadel cadets about The Bush ...
published: 26 Apr 2012
author: TheCitadelExperience
Former Secretary of Defense Donald Henry Rumsfeld at The Citadel
Former Secretary of Defense Donald Henry Rumsfeld at The Citadel
Former Secretary of Defense Donald Henry Rumsfeld speaks to Citadel cadets about The Bush Doctrine, Compassionate Conservatism, and the War on Terror. This s...- published: 26 Apr 2012
- views: 709
- author: TheCitadelExperience
The Shock Doctrine 2009
A documentary adaptation Naomi Klein's 2007 book, The Shock Doctrine. An investigation of ...
published: 30 May 2011
The Shock Doctrine 2009
The Shock Doctrine 2009
A documentary adaptation Naomi Klein's 2007 book, The Shock Doctrine. An investigation of disaster capitalism, based on Naomi Klein's proposition that neo-liberal capitalism feeds on natural disasters, war and terror to establish its dominance. Based on breakthrough historical research and four years of on-the-ground reporting in disaster zones, The Shock Doctrine vividly shows how disaster capitalism -- the rapid-fire corporate re-engineering of societies still reeling from shock -- did not begin with September 11, 2001. The films traces its origins back fifty years, to the University of Chicago under Milton Friedman, which produced many of the leading neo-conservative and neo-liberal thinkers whose influence is still profound in Washington today. New, surprising connections are drawn between economic policy, shock and awe warfare and covert CIA-funded experiments in electroshock and sensory deprivation in the 1950s, research that helped write the torture manuals used today in Guantanamo Bay. The Shock Doctrine follows the application of these ideas through our contemporary history, showing in riveting detail how well-known events of the recent past have been deliberate, active theatres for the shock doctrine, among them: Pinochet's coup in Chile in 1973, the Falklands War in 1982, the Tiananmen Square Massacre in 1989, the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Asian Financial crisis in 1997 and Hurricane Mitch in 1998.- published: 30 May 2011
- views: 162153
Three Issues (Hamdan v Rumsfeld 8)
3 legal doctrines made the proposed military commissions arguably illegal: the Separation ...
published: 01 Sep 2006
author: Randy Winn
Three Issues (Hamdan v Rumsfeld 8)
Three Issues (Hamdan v Rumsfeld 8)
3 legal doctrines made the proposed military commissions arguably illegal: the Separation of Powers, the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), and the Thi...- published: 01 Sep 2006
- views: 262
- author: Randy Winn
Joe Pags Donald Rumsfeld.mp4
Fmr Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on the Joe Pags show. Talks about remembering 9/11 -...
published: 13 Sep 2011
author: Joe Pags
Joe Pags Donald Rumsfeld.mp4
Joe Pags Donald Rumsfeld.mp4
Fmr Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on the Joe Pags show. Talks about remembering 9/11 -- his cancellation of the NYTimes at his office and home. Obama con...- published: 13 Sep 2011
- views: 2409
- author: Joe Pags
La Longue Nuit : "Seuls les morts ont vu la fin de la guerre"
Plus d'infos - http://lejournaldusiecle.com Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/LeJournaldu...
published: 25 Jul 2013
author: LeJournalduSiecleTV
La Longue Nuit : "Seuls les morts ont vu la fin de la guerre"
La Longue Nuit : "Seuls les morts ont vu la fin de la guerre"
Plus d'infos - http://lejournaldusiecle.com Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/LeJournalduSiecle Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/LeJournalduSiecleTV Dailymo...- published: 25 Jul 2013
- views: 1376
- author: LeJournalduSiecleTV
Wolfowitz Doctrine - Paul Wolfowitz - Global Domination !!!
Today our panel discusses the very belligerent Wolfowitz Doctrine: an unofficial name give...
published: 11 Jun 2012
author: freeradiorevolution
Wolfowitz Doctrine - Paul Wolfowitz - Global Domination !!!
Wolfowitz Doctrine - Paul Wolfowitz - Global Domination !!!
Today our panel discusses the very belligerent Wolfowitz Doctrine: an unofficial name given to the initial version of the Defense Planning Guidance for the 1...- published: 11 Jun 2012
- views: 1308
- author: freeradiorevolution
Condi Rice in 1988 on The Reagan Doctrine and Afghanistan
published: 31 Jul 2012
author: Andrew Kaczynski
Condi Rice in 1988 on The Reagan Doctrine and Afghanistan
Condi Rice in 1988 on The Reagan Doctrine and Afghanistan
Twitter.com/BuzzFeedAndrew.- published: 31 Jul 2012
- views: 147
- author: Andrew Kaczynski
Kucinich Discusses Fairness Doctrine on Lou Dobbs
Congressman and Democratic Presidential Candidate discusses why he will reintroduce discus...
published: 19 Jan 2007
author: KucinichBacker
Kucinich Discusses Fairness Doctrine on Lou Dobbs
Kucinich Discusses Fairness Doctrine on Lou Dobbs
Congressman and Democratic Presidential Candidate discusses why he will reintroduce discussion of the "Fairness Doctrine"in his FCC oversight committee in th...- published: 19 Jan 2007
- views: 12559
- author: KucinichBacker
Former Sec. of Defense Don Rumsfeld on Best Possible Outcome for Libya
Former Secretary of Defense Don Rumsfeld tells Scott Hennen how he feels the Libyan crisis...
published: 30 Mar 2011
author: Scotthennenshow
Former Sec. of Defense Don Rumsfeld on Best Possible Outcome for Libya
Former Sec. of Defense Don Rumsfeld on Best Possible Outcome for Libya
Former Secretary of Defense Don Rumsfeld tells Scott Hennen how he feels the Libyan crisis should be resolved.- published: 30 Mar 2011
- views: 74
- author: Scotthennenshow
The Bush Doctrine as a Partisan Wedge Issue
Jack Snyder, Professor of International Relations, Columbia University Professor Jack Snyd...
published: 30 Sep 2010
author: UChannel
The Bush Doctrine as a Partisan Wedge Issue
The Bush Doctrine as a Partisan Wedge Issue
Jack Snyder, Professor of International Relations, Columbia University Professor Jack Snyder is a leading authority on international affairs. His recent work...- published: 30 Sep 2010
- views: 149
- author: UChannel
IMMORTAL TECHNIQUE : clip "Cause of death" anti-N.O.M. (sous-titré français)
[Revolutionary Vol2 "La cause de la mort"] Paroles1/Vous feriez mieux de surveiller les co...
published: 07 Feb 2014
IMMORTAL TECHNIQUE : clip "Cause of death" anti-N.O.M. (sous-titré français)
IMMORTAL TECHNIQUE : clip "Cause of death" anti-N.O.M. (sous-titré français)
[Revolutionary Vol2 "La cause de la mort"] Paroles1/Vous feriez mieux de surveiller les conneries qui sortent de vos bouches Ou je détourne un avion pour l'écraser dans votre maison Brûle votre appartement avec votre famille attachée au canapé Et tranche votre gorge ainsi quand vous crierez seul le sang sortira Je doute que cela n'ait jamais vraiment lieu un méchant MC de plus Car les violeurs de gosses infectés par le sida ne sont pas plus dérangés que moi Je vois le monde pour ce qu'il est au delà du blanc et du noir La façon dont le gouvernement minimise des faits historiques Car les Etats-Unis ont sponsorisé la montée du 3è Reich Tout comme la CIA a entraîné les terroristes à se battre A construire des bombes et à faufiler des cutters dans des boîtes lors d'un vol Quand j'étais enfant le Diable lui-même m'a acheté un micro Mais j'ai refusé son offre car Dieu m'a envoyé militer Avec des compétences inhabituelles comme une trompe de Fallope sur une lesbienne Mes mots exploseront George Bush et Ben Laden Comme deux membres séparés du même dragon à sept têtes Et vous ne pouvez pas comprendre la vérité donc vous ne m'entendez pas Vous pensez que les illuminati sont juste une putain de théorie de conspiration C'est pourquoi les racistes de conservateurs ruinent tous la merde Et votre téléphone est mis sur écoute par le Gouvernement Fédéral Donc je brouille les fréquences dans ton cerveau quand tu me parles Technique réduira en pièces un rappeur sans pudeur Entassera des armes illégalement car je n'hésite jamais Un sniper ayant à portée la commission contrôlant le président[Refrain]Père pardonne-leur car ils ne savent pas différencier le bien du mal La vérité te libérera c'est écrit dans cette chanson Et la chanson a la Cause de la Mort écrite en langage codé La Parole de Dieu ramènera à la vie c'est ce qui sauvera ton âme Sauvez vos âmes enfoirés Sauvez vos âmes 2/J'ai piraté le Pentagone pour preuve auto-compromettante De peste de poudre blanche fabriquée par les républicains Une veste terne du corps des Marines avec les flingues et les balles Crachant des barres comme un démon coincé dans un piano Transforme un Sambo en soldat juste avec une ligne Maintenant voici la vérité sur le système qui te bousille l'esprit Ils ont donné à Al Qaïda 6 milliards de dollars entre 1989 et 1992 Et maintenant les derniers chapitres des Révélations deviennent réalité Et je connais beaucoup de gens qui trouvent cela difficile à avaler Parce que le sectarisme subliminal vous fait haïr ma politique Mais vous agissez comme si l'Amérique n'avait pas détruit les deux immeubles Dans un pays qui a sponsorisé les bombes lancées sur nos enfants Je regardais les Tours et je ne pensais pas en être le plus proche Je les ai vu s'émietter sur la Terre comme si elles étaient pleines d'explosifs Et ils pensaient que personne ne remarquerait que les news ont rapporté ce qu'ils ont fait A propos des bombes plantées dans le George Washington Bridge Quatre personnes non-arabes arrêtées pendant l'alerte Et puis cela a disparu des news de façon permanente Ils ont doublé une cassette d'Oussama, et ils ont dit que c'était la preuve "Jaloux de notre liberté " Je ne peux pas vous croire une mauvaise excuse Brandir un putain de drapeau ne fait pas de vous un héros La parole au Ground Zero Le Diable s'est infiltré au Paradis Dieu ne s'est pas réveillé à temps le 7 Le Nouvel Ordre Mondial est né le 11/9[Refrain]3/Et alors les conservateurs ne l'ont pas prit à cœur Je ne pense pas que Bush l'ait fait car il n'est pas assez intelligent C'est juste une stupide marionnette recevant ses ordres de son portable Des mêmes personnes qui ont saboté le Sénateur Wellstone L'industrie militaire la fait éjecter et enfermer Cherchant un moyen de justifier la Doctrine Wolfowitz En fait Rumsfeld maintenant que j'y repense Sans le 11/9 vous n'auriez pas pu faire la guerre en Irak Ou obtenir un budget pour la Défense aux proportions de conquête du monde Tuer la liberté de parole et abolir le droit d'avortement Des impôts extorqués une bénédiction pour les riches et les pourris Mais vous n'avez toujours pas de réponse à l'Armageddon décrite dans les textes Et toi Dick Cheney putain de sangsue dis leur quels sont tes plans A propos de construire des oléoducs à travers l'Afghanistan Et comment les troupes Israéliennes ont entraîné les Talibans au Pakistan Tu dois avoir un quelconque négro exploité à la maison mais je comprends Le colonialisme est sponsorisé par les Sociétés C'est pourquoi Halliburton a été payé pour reconstruire les nations Dis moi la vérité je ne suis pas paralysé par la peur Je sais que la CIA a vu Ben Laden en dialyse En 98 quand il faisait parti du Top Ten du FBI Les cravates du Gouvernement sont la raison pour laquelle le gouvernement ment Lisez le au lieu de demander au Gouvernement pourquoi...la fin ne rentre pas !!!- published: 07 Feb 2014
- views: 149
END WAR: Kucinich On Obama Doctrine Goes Beyond Constitution, War Powers, UN Mandate, NATO
How To Go To Heaven: http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/how_to_be_saved.html
published: 30 Mar 2011
END WAR: Kucinich On Obama Doctrine Goes Beyond Constitution, War Powers, UN Mandate, NATO
END WAR: Kucinich On Obama Doctrine Goes Beyond Constitution, War Powers, UN Mandate, NATO
How To Go To Heaven: http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/how_to_be_saved.html http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2011/03/21/exclusive-kucinich-calls-obamas-libya-attack-an-impeachable-offense/ Exclusive: Kucinich calls Obama's attack on Libya 'an impeachable offense' By Sahil Kapur Monday, March 21st, 2011 -- 12:44 pm WASHINGTON -- In an exclusive interview with Raw Story on Monday, Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) tore into President Barack Obama's decision to order U.S. air strikes against Libya, opening the door for impeachment while emphatically declaring that Obama violated the Constitution. "President Obama moved forward without Congress approving. He didn't have Congressional authorization, he has gone against the Constitution, and that's got to be said," Kucinich told Raw Story. "It's not even disputable, this isn't even a close question. Such an action -- that involves putting America's service men and women into harm's way, whether they're in the Air Force or the Navy -- is a grave decision that cannot be made by the president alone." "And I'm raising the question as to whether or not it's an impeachable offense. It would appear on its face to be an impeachable offense," Kucinich said. "Now, it doesn't necessarily follow that simply because a president has committed an impeachable offense, that the process should start to impeach and remove him. That's a whole separate question. But we have to clearly understand what this Constitution is about." The anti-war Democrat said Obama must know he violated the Constitution, referring to this quote from candidate Obama in 2007: "The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation." "So what the president did is, by his own words, outside the Constitution," Kucinich said. "This isn't a case of him not knowing. He knows clearly that he has not complied with the Constitution. And that's a very serious matter because he's using the ultimate authority of a president." The White House argues that the intervention, waged alongside the U.K. and France, may have been necessary to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe in Libya as Muammar Gaddafi uses lethal force against protesters seeking his ouster. Kucinich confirmed an anonymously-sourced report that, on a call with Democratic lawmakers Saturday, he wondered whether attacking Libya without Congressional authority was an impeachable offense. Hearkening back to some of his fierce criticisms of President George W. Bush, Kucinich criticized the "aggressive reach" of Obama. The attack on Libya, he said, would have "no end game" and would "break our Army, break out budget, and break any ability for America to play a constructive role in the world. This is going to inevitably open the door to Islamic extremists in the eastern part of Libya." "This isn't about whether you like President Obama or not," Kucinich said. "This isn't about whether you're a Democrat or not. And this isn't about 2012." http://news.yahoo.com/s/dailycaller/20110318/pl_dailycaller/lugarheadstowhitehouseformeetingonpotentiallibyaattack Lugar heads to White House for meeting on potential Libya attack Fri Mar 18, 1:21 pm ET The top Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee says that, under the Constitution, President Obama must seek congressional approval to attack Libya, something Defense Secretary Robert Gates said would be the first step of instituting a no-fly zone the United Nations just approved. Now, Sen. Richard Lugar, Indiana Republican, is heading to the White House for a meeting about the issue at 12:30, according to Lugar spokesman Mark Helmke. The meeting comes one day after Lugar insisted congressional authorization is needed for any attack on Libya at a committee hearing. "If we are going to declare war against Libya, we ought to have a congressional declaration of war," Lugar said. President Obama, Vice President Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton all insisted as candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination that presidents need congressional authorization to attack foreign countries in all but emergency situations. "The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation," Obama said as a candidate and then-senator. Alex Jones Webster Tarpley G. Edward Griffen Wayne Madsen Gerald Celente Max Keiser Bob Chapman Peter Schiff Rand Ron Paul Judge Andrew Napolitano Michael Savage Rush Limbaugh Sean Hannity Mark Lavin Senator Joe Liebermann John McCain Lindsey Graham Neocons Neoconservative Bill Kristol Racheal Maddow Chris Matthew Ander Cooper 360 Glenn Beck Jeff Rense Mike Rivero Wayne Allyn Root David Icke- published: 30 Mar 2011
- views: 2424
Youtube results:
Matalin Laments Obama Speech Just 'A Rehash of the Bush Doctrine'
more at cnn.com, December 1, 2009....
published: 02 Dec 2009
author: tpmtv
Matalin Laments Obama Speech Just 'A Rehash of the Bush Doctrine'
Matalin Laments Obama Speech Just 'A Rehash of the Bush Doctrine'
more at cnn.com, December 1, 2009.- published: 02 Dec 2009
- views: 3931
- author: tpmtv
Ukraine Clashes Fueled By U.S. Meddling as Manifest Destiny's Child Strikes Again
The violent clashes unfolding in Kiev are directly linked to policy decisions and money fl...
published: 19 Feb 2014
Ukraine Clashes Fueled By U.S. Meddling as Manifest Destiny's Child Strikes Again
Ukraine Clashes Fueled By U.S. Meddling as Manifest Destiny's Child Strikes Again
The violent clashes unfolding in Kiev are directly linked to policy decisions and money flow from Washington DC. Just as the genocide of Native Americans to make way for the U.S. colonies and our expansion westward were justified by the concept of Manifest Destiny, the fires of the tinderbox that is Kiev right now are being fanned by a subtler if just as dangerous iteration of Manifest Destiny, our blowback inducing homicidal bull in a geopolitical, cultural, and religious china shop - Manifest Destiny's Child: Neoliberalism's front line warrior. As Paul Craig Roberts writes in an article published on his website and PopularResistance.org: "There is a lack of awareness on the part of the protesters that by permitting themselves to be manipulated by Washington, they are pushing the world toward a dangerous war. A number of confirmations have come in from readers that Washington is fueling the violent protests in Ukraine with our taxpayer dollars. Washington has no money for food stamps or to prevent home foreclosures, but it has plenty of money with which to subvert Ukraine." The fact that we are meddling in the affairs of the Ukraine, spending money and influence that are resulting in violence and death should not read as tin foil hat conspiracy theory. These actions, and financial priorities have been US foreign policy dating back to at least the end of World War 2. Whether it is the 1953 CIA lead coup in Iran, or Ollie North funneling funny money to train freedom fighters in Afghanistan that would yield a young leader named Osama Bin Laden, the United States has been attempting to shape the geopolitical landscape and global economy loosing military conflicts ad wars for sixty years. But don't take my word for it. Victoria Nuland, the Assistant Secretary of State, old the National Press Club last December that the US has "invested" $5 billion in organizing a network to achieve US goals in Ukraine in order to give "Ukraine the future it deserves." As Paul Craig Robert reports, "Nuland is the Obama regime official who was caught red-handed naming the members of the Ukrainian government Washington intends to impose on the Ukrainian people once the paid protesters have unseated the current elected and independent government. What Nuland means by Ukraine's future under EU overlordship is for Ukraine to be looted like Latvia and Greece and to be used by Washington as a staging ground for US missile bases against Russia." As you watch the unfolding story coming out of Kiev, keep in mind that after 60 years (give or take) of behaving like the evil villain on the world's stage, there was a moment- around September 11, 2001 (for a day or two) when the empathy of most of the world was squarely with the United States. Spending this political capital like the trust fund, evangelical, village idiot that he is, George Bush took the advice of a cadre a Straussian, homicidal maniacs and soon began substituting Saddam Husain for Osama Bin Laden and before you could say "wham bam thank you mam can I have another?" a newly articulated foreign policy of prevention and pre-emption to wage a war with a borderless enemy meant a fete accomplie for the military industrial complex: endless, perpetual war. As Uncle Sam set about illegally invading and occupying foreign lands, engaging in overt and covert blowback inducing foreign policy, one million innocent Iraqis were killed in an illegal and immoral war. Afghanistan is the new Vietnam, and Al Quad, wounded though they might be, simply fled to Pakistan, Somalia, or just as likely, to North Brunswick, New Jersey. The Obama Administration's version of the Bush Doctrine lacks the theatrics of the shock and awe campaign of Bush, Cheney, Rice and Rumsfeld, but Obama is still generating an army of chickens- be they in the form of future military of terror attacks or in the form of the neoliberal house of cards set to crumble that will certainly come home to roost. tags Kiev Violence, Euroamaidan, Violent Protests Ukraine, Ukraine Protests, Maidan Ukraine, Acronym TV, Resistance Report, Dennis Trainor Jr, Paul Craig Roberts, Manifest Destiny, Manifest Destiny's Child, Subscribe - http://bit.ly/VUl21B Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/dennistrainorjr facebook: http://www.facebook.com/acronymwithdtrain Web http://www.acronymtv.com- published: 19 Feb 2014
- views: 59
Conservative Intellectual Tradition in America - Session 12
Hosted at The Citadel. Topic: The Bush Doctrine, Compassionate Conservatism, and the War o...
published: 20 Apr 2012
author: EducatingForLiberty
Conservative Intellectual Tradition in America - Session 12
Conservative Intellectual Tradition in America - Session 12
Hosted at The Citadel. Topic: The Bush Doctrine, Compassionate Conservatism, and the War on Terror Introduction: Professor Mallory Factor Guest Lecturer: Don...- published: 20 Apr 2012
- views: 188
- author: EducatingForLiberty
The Obama Doctrine: President Asserts Counter-terror, Law & War Vision
Top Ten American War Criminals: http://www.politicalarticles.net/blog/2012/06/06/top-ten-a...
published: 24 May 2013
author: politicalarticles
The Obama Doctrine: President Asserts Counter-terror, Law & War Vision
The Obama Doctrine: President Asserts Counter-terror, Law & War Vision
Top Ten American War Criminals: http://www.politicalarticles.net/blog/2012/06/06/top-ten-american-war-criminals/ --------------------------------------------...- published: 24 May 2013
- views: 66
- author: politicalarticles