• Hydra, Blacked Out
     What SOPA and PIPA mean for the future of independent art and online criticism. http://www.hydramag.com/2012/01/19/blackout/
  • A Horoscope for 2012
     Three prophecies on the year to come. http://www.hydramag.com/2012/02/06/horoscope-2012/
  • Revisiting the Music of 2011: Dissent, Censorship, and Apocalypse
     From turning our gaze backwards, and recycling lost time, a new music is emerging, slowly paving way for an impending rupture to come. http://www.hydramag.com/2012/01/05/music-releases-2011-dissent-censorship-apocalyps/
  • The 20 Best Films of 2011 (Part Two)
     Part Two of Hydra Magazine's 20 Best Films of 2011. http://www.hydramag.com/2011/12/30/20-films-2011-part-two/
  • The 20 Best Films of 2011 (Part One)
     Part One of Hydra Magazine's 20 Best Films of 2011. http://www.hydramag.com/2011/12/27/20-films-2011-part-one/

Revisiting the Music of 2011: Dissent, Censorship, and Apocalypse

Revisiting the Music of 2011: Dissent, Censorship, and Apocalypse

From turning our gaze backwards, and recycling lost time, a new music is emerging, slowly paving way for an impending rupture to come.

| January 5, 2012

The Soft Moon Falls into Total Decay

The Soft Moon returns with the Total Decay EP. Michael Krimper examines Luis Vasquez's fear of closure and what happens "when it's over."

| November 9, 2011

The Seduction of Drive’s Soundtrack

Why the 'Drive' soundtrack works so well, and a playlist of more menacing synth-pop tunes to cruise to.

| October 29, 2011

The 20 Best Films of 2011 (Part Two)

The 20 Best Films of 2011 (Part Two)

Part Two of Hydra Magazine's 20 Best Films of 2011.

| December 30, 2011

The 20 Best Films of 2011 (Part One)

Part One of Hydra Magazine's 20 Best Films of 2011.

| December 27, 2011

Four Paragraphs on Jean Vigo

Jean Vigo died at the age of 29. He made a total of four films. Yet his myth sails on.

| November 25, 2011

Hydra, Blacked Out

Hydra, Blacked Out

What SOPA and PIPA mean for the future of independent art and online criticism.

| January 19, 2012

miniBiography and the 99%

From radio confessionals to David Lynch's 'Interview Project': Everyday lives strain to be told.

| November 14, 2011

Orpheus and the Nine Eyes of Google Street View

Jon Rafman's "The Nine Eyes of Google Street View" project unearths the Orphic gaze from its mechanistic slumber.

| August 22, 2011

Hydra’s Occupy Wall Street Reading List

Hydra’s Occupy Wall Street Reading List

Some reading suggestions that might elucidate, antagonize, support, or deepen your ideas about the current nationwide OWS Movement.

| October 25, 2011

Book Review: Robert Duncan’s “The H.D. Book” / Richard Sieburth’s “Ezra Pound: New Selected Poems and Translations”

Robert Duncan's critical appreciation of H.D. reveals a series of poetic heresies he would share with his great predecessor, Ezra Pound.

| September 22, 2011

Saying It Anyway, A Success Story

Geoff Dyer's protagonists in 'Out of Sheer Rage' are procrastinators who get the real work done.

| August 9, 2011
A Horoscope for 2012

A Horoscope for 2012

Three prophecies on the year to come.

| February 6, 2012
Poetries of an Occupation: Police Violence and Peoples’ Voices

Poetries of an Occupation: Police Violence and Peoples’ Voices

These are interesting times indeed. When something we collectively call time is interrupted by a situation...

| November 22, 2011
Scenes from an Occupation

Scenes from an Occupation

In the final sequence of 'Wolfen' three detectives are caught crossing the stock exchange steps at Wall Street by a pack of wolves.

| November 5, 2011