otto 6

“the blood-soaked refuse left from a pillage”

kovacs thumb

“Physical therapist” = shape-shifter!

otto 5

“Look! Look around you!”


Jack London’s post- apocalyptic plague novel — 5th installment


Alix Lambert’s artwork takes on crime in, and of, Hartford.

Thanks for the shout-out, Science Friday!


Why do science fiction histories airbrush out titles from 1904-33?

otto 4

“The adults have deserted us to their own cause”

His Fu Manchu yarns succeeded by stoking readers’ fear of a Yellow Peril.


Christine Sun Kim Is Unlearning Sound Etiquette

“New Depression Refuse” — while supplies last

otto 3

“We were shaken from a kind of dream”

He revitalized comics by having read something else.


Besides, you even know what an algorithm is?

otto 2

“Nothing more forlorn than an eviscer­ated machine”

Rollins is CEO, “Henry Rollins” is his product, plenitude is the priority.

2nd in a series of glosses on idling and wage slavery terms

otto 1

“Otto picked his way through the debris…”

He knew a thing or two about what grown-up women want.

Help send Death Boogie to the largest Arts Festival in the world!

Thou sorry brat! Thou transatlantic clown!

H. Rider Haggard’s When the World Shook — forth­coming


Jack London’s post- apocalyptic plague novel — 4th installment

Curvy, writhing skin-coated volumes of muscle.