Tim Reaper's Jungle Book // Chapter Forty Six

Akustik Research - Original Silencer

Digging well deep on this one, released in 1994 on a short lived obscure label called Vinyl Addiction, with only 4 releases to its name, yet each one is worth bagging. Out of all of them, I decided to pick this tune to talk about because of one interesting fact. One half of Akustik Research, also known as Banaczech is better known now as Survival. Yes, he's more known now for his rolling techy/deep style of drum & bass, but when jungle was the in thing and drum & bass was nothing more than an idea waiting to happen, Survival was involved into making heavyweight amen tracks like this one, ticking many boxes of 1994 style jungle, including the use of soundclash samples, lo-fi pads, pounding 808 basslines and frenzied drum patterns, a winning formula in my book. The b-side, Back Against The Wall, is just as solid a tune as this one, taking a more simple route and focusing mainly on the amen edits and not adding too many elements, other than reverbed vocal samples and small teases of reggae samples, as to not distract from the main focus. I quite like this release, it's nothing phenomenal, but it meets the benchmark and it's always interesting to see what artists nowadays were doing way back when and to compare & contrast between their older stuff and their current stuff.

Missing - Back To Coney

If you cast your mind back to a long while ago, where I covered the topic of compilation only artists/tunes using the example of Timeline, well this is another prime example of artists/tunes that appeared on compilations, with the purpose of filling space in between the more well known material on the compilation. The compilation that this track appears on WAS released in 1997, around the time that atmospheric sound of "intelligent" drum & bass was really taking off and the deeper side was at the forefront of the scene. So, what you'll see is a lot of compilations hastily compiled like this, by record labels wanting a piece of the action, usually showing through some of the slapdash selection of tunes that appear on these compilations. But, this tune is actually pretty good. In fact, more than that, I was taken back by how good this was, as I expected it to sound like a desperate cash-in on current trends of the time, but it's actually very well made. The drums roll along nicely on this track and on top of that is some of the most soothing atmospherics you'll hear, layered nicely with some rhodes, vocals, strings & pianos all weaving in and out of each other perfectly. It's tunes like this that encourage me to dig deeper, because you never know what you're gonna get and I was really surprised by how great this tune was, especially as this track has never appeared anywhere else and this is the only drum & bass tune that this producer has (this is not the same Missing from 3rd Party), but yeah, this tune, top notch. Easily the standout track of this compilation and I can say that, not having checked the rest of it. :)

DFRNT // Actaeon EP

A fresh EP from DFRNT is now available for free download via his own Cut Music imprint. The other releases are all well worth checking out as well, superb stuff right across the whole spectrum of electronic music.

"The tenth Cut EP is brought to you by label curator DFRNT, and provides a showcase for some of the minimal drum & bass styling he has been working on over the past year.

Clean-cut and minimal intricacies, infinite synth stabs and mellow vocal work with a suitable helping of bass when required. This EP showcases a slightly alternative side to DFRNT's work, and is bound to please fans of the recent output of Autonomic affiliates such as Synkro, Indigo, ASC or similar.

The second EP to surface in 2012, the tenth release from Cut is as much a curve-ball for the label sound as one might expect. Despite the clear shift in tempo, we reckon the emotion, melodies and musical sensibility within these 3 originals and 2 remixes is more than enough to tie it to the Cut family."

[via Cut Music]

1. Dark Spaces
2. Too Long To Wait
3. Everything
4. Smoothiesform - Will This Ever End (DFRNT Remix)
5. Seba - Painted Skies (DFRNT Remix)


12" Of The Week // NCQL - The Framed Dreams Of Loki b/w Professional Daydreamer

NCQL - The Framed Dreams Of Loki b/w Professional Daydreamer [Subtle Audio]

Sometimes, very rarely it must be said, a track or release comes along that just blows you away. There really isnt any better way to descibe that feeling of just total awe, amazement and joy when the music is pretty much as close to perfection for you as it is possible to be.

Now, I'm not saying this is going to be the case for most people with this latest 12" on Subtle from newcomer NCQL, but it is/was for me. Both sides are wonderfully rich, emtionally expressive drum & bass that not a lot comes close to matching. I could waffle on about it in my usual slightly pompous style but in this case it really is better to just let the music do the talking.

Sit back and drink it in folks...

Out Now

Skeptical // FABRICLIVE x Commercial Suicide Mix

Fucking deadly. Nuff said...

1. Mute & Mako - Always - Utopia Music
2. Unknown
3. Skeptical & MC Fokus - Fluctuate - Dispatch
4. Code 3 - Living Proof VIP - Exit
5. K & E - Intervene
6. Unknown
7. Commix - Justified (Spectrasoul rmx) Metalheadz
8. Homemade Weapons - Cabin Fever
9. Skeptical - Blue Eyes VIP - Ingredients
10. Unknown
11. Foreign Concept & Bringa - Cemetery VIP - Shogun Audio
12. Dally - Untitled
13. Skeptical - Frozen - Commercial Suicide
14. Dub Phizix & Skeptical Feat. T Man - Run It Like President - Samurai
15. Tyrone - Behemoth - Ingredients
16. dBridge - Fire Fall You - Cylon
17. Calibre - Student Music - Commercial Suicide
18. DBR UK - Kartel - Broken Audio
19. Unknown
20. Skeptical - Process Of Elimination - Dispatch
21. Unknown
22. Loxy & Resound - League Of Shadows - Samurai
23. Clarity - Untitled - Exit
24. Dub Phizix & Skeptical - Marka (Skeptical Special) - Exit
25. Loxy & Resound - Hades


John Rolodex // Everyday Junglist Guest Mix Vol. 21

Having made his name back in the early 00's with releases on Dread, Metlaheadz & Tech Itch amongst others, John Rolodex is making waves again both with his productions and new label Machinist Music. EDJ caught up with one of Canada's original Junglists for a chat about the past, learning from mistakes, the state of the scene at the moment and what the future holds...

John Rolodex - Everyday Junglist Guest Mix Vol. 21

EDJ: So, youre name might not be as well known as some of your contemporaries (certainly amongst the younger heads) but your history with d&b stretches back a long way right? Releases on Dread, Tech Itch and so on...give us a brief history lesson...

I got started DJing around 1997 on the local scene in Edmonton, Canada, where I grew up. I was among the first to represent DnB in this part of the country. I started to put together my own tracks in 2000 and signed a few to Dread Recordings, Ray Keith’s label in 2001. My first release was ‘Dragon EP’ which was followed by 2 more EPs on Dread as well as a remix of Ray Keith’s ‘No No’ which still gets drawn today. I also released ‘Novocaine’ with long-time friend Synoflex on Metalheadz, a 12” on Tech Itch Records, a split 12” on Freak Recordings and a handful of others. Under my Amenizm moniker, I released a 12” on PI Recordings in 2005 (which folded as the release was on promo) called ‘Amenizm Pt. 1’ which received a lot of attention from some surprising sources. Around this time I moved to Toronto and things slowed down a bit for me in terms of release output. Then in 2010 I got back in the game and started building my own imprint, Machinist Music.

EDJ: You mentioned in an interview with DOA that you ‘handled your relationships badly’ during that period which had a detrimental impact on both your releases and progress within the ‘scene’ at the time...care to elaborate? What went wrong and what did you learn from those experiences?

Essentially, I had let my ego get the better of me. I burned a few bridges and despite my best efforts after the fact, I’m probably still on the shit list with certain people. I’m not going to go into specifics but when you’re a young man who’s exceeded both your wildest expectations and those of people you grew up with (releasing on Metalheadz, touring Europe etc.) the temptation is to believe your own hype and I bought in. But it didn’t serve me well, and I would caution others not to make that mistake.

EDJ: Safe to say you’d do things differently than if you had your time again, or would you? Learning from your mistakes is an important part of life not just the microcosmic d&b industry, do you think you’re, paradoxically, all the better for it given those past struggles?

Hindsight is always 20/20. But I would have kept my ego in check in a lot of situations. I’m definitely better off now, knowing how others perceive a jackass who won’t take his sunglasses off.

EDJ: Clearly it sapped your energy and enthusiasm for d&b quite a bit but coming back with a vengance at the moment with Machinist Music – what was the thinking behind the label? Merely a vehicle to get your own productions out there or something more deeper/substantial behind it all?

I certainly wanted an outlet for MY music. But starting a label was always something I wanted to do. It was on the list I made when I was a teenager, even before I was a DJ, so I can tick that box now. Back then I looked at labels like Ninja Tune, Warp Records, Metalheadz etc. and thought it was amazing how these were vehicles that could consistently deliver quality material tied together by some common thread. Later on I started to understand what a label actually did, but I never lost the idea that a record label could be the access point for people who loved the music. That’s what I want Machinist to be for people. And for our artists, I want it to be a place for them to grow and develop; and to feel both challenged and at home at the same time.

EDJ: You say that it ‘navigates the realm between the techstep & hardstep of dnb’s platinum era’...what era is that for you? What is about that era that you still hold dear?

I was reminded how key this is just last week. I did a guest mix for Fathom Audio’s radio show and one of the lads commented that the mix was fresh but somehow brought back the vibe of the old days of DnB. That’s really what it’s about. It’s about chasing that feeling of excitement I had in the pit of my stomach when I finally got a copy of that special record and couldn’t wait to play it out. That type of excitement is completely unique to music for me. That’s what I’m always chasing; in the studio, on the decks and with Machinist releases. For me, vibe is rooted in tunes like ‘Moving 808’s’ or ‘Armoured D’. It doesn’t mean we won’t put out a liquid tune, or something that isn’t techstep as those sounds were also key back then. What I call ‘the platinum era’ of DnB is a sacred thing and it’s the inspiration for the label.

EDJ: Seems to have been quite a resurgence in the ‘classic’ techstep sound, albeit with a bit of a modern twist, in the last couple of years...do you think that this sound is still relevant today? Why do you think so many people are so keen on reviving it? Surely it had its time in the limelight and its better off just letting it be....obviously you don’t feel like that right?

I hear a lot of tunes today built on the classic techstep sound but in a new way. People have definitely contemporized it. The common thread, besides the vibe of course, is the minimal aspect of it. Producers are realizing it’s more effective to make a tune with 20 channels than with 80. It’s a direct response to some of the maximal tunes that have occupied ‘the top 40’ of DnB over the past few years.

Clearly I don’t feel that it’s ‘had its time in the limelight’. And as my inbox gets filled with fresh tunes with that same vibe and people keep booking me and buying our music, clearly I’m not the only one.

EDJ: Although not personally totally my cup of tea (although do have a penchant for a few bits here and there) , do you not think the fact that it has seen such a resurgence in popularity amongst both producers & punters is a damning indictment on d&b today, if people are just trying to make it sound like it did 10-15 years ago and people are happy it does? What, if anything, do you think is lacking from modern drum & bass?

I think the big difference between 10-15 years ago and today in terms of production is the quality of equipment we have. Even an unplayed copy of the best-produced DnB record from ’97 would sound weak compared to any decent tune from today. I’m talking about production values here. So even if we remake those old tracks, we’re still using new and better equipment so we can update those sounds for today.

But from where I’m viewing things, I don’t think people are living in the past. I think generally producers today are using inspiration from those classic sounds and adding something new made possible by all the new toys we have today. The quality of the production is better than ever and I love DnB as much or more than ever.

EDJ: Flipping styles to the polar opposite, what do you make of the more minimal autonomic style stuff that currently en vogue too? A fan, or not?

I like some of the minimal stuff. When it first came around I heard somebody call it ‘click and bass’, which is funny. Much of that stuff has no place on the dancefloor but would be great soundtrack music, which is cool. I’m all for that.

EDJ: You hooked up with Rene LaVice for Machinist..making some serious moves at the moment with Headlock being signed to the mighty Ram Records...must be heartening to see one of your own make such strides right?

Yeah, absolutely. The support for that tune has been across the board. It was originally set for release on Machinist so I had sent it around and the response was totally shocking. After a while Andy C asked us if he could release it and we decided it was best for both Rene and Machinist so the rest is history. Our next release on Machinist is ‘Vika EP’ which features two of Rene’s solo tunes, a collab with Trex and a collab with myself.

EDJ: Surely too must be an enormous boost for the label too, with the energy of such a well-regarded up and comer helping keep things moving...

Definitely. It’s brought a lot of attention to the label from both fans and some of the tastemakers wondering what’ll come next from our corner.

EDJ: What else have you got lined up for 2012?

As mentioned, we’ve got an EP from Rene LaVice, ‘Vika EP’ coming shortly. Then ‘Hidden Corners EP’ from myself. We’ve got two remixes of my tracks; Morphy has remixed ‘Keep on Truckin’ and Trex has remixed ‘Connector’. Both are blinding! We’ve got absolutely killer solo EP’s in the works from Trex, Acid_Lab and Dioptrics (who produced Hornet Head with Rene LaVice). I’ve also got a new artist I’m working with who I have to keep secret as we can’t settle on an artist name. ;)

I’ve also signed a solo tune from T.Power who’s coming with some very cutting-edge stuff. He does our mastering and is an absolute genius with them frequencies. He and I are working on a few beats together and some other projects that are top secret for now.

This year I’ve got loads of touring planned, both here in North America and my first European tour since 2007 in September. Promoters holla!

I’m also planning to start filming a short film project I’ve been planning for a long time starting late this year. Some of the scenes will be written around Machinist Material and the label will be a part of the production. 2012 is a big year!

EDJ: Canadian D&B has a fair amount of pedigree what with yourself and artists like Gremlinz, Stranjah and so on...whats it looking like at the moment? Aside from Rene (and the 3 aforementioned of course) who should people be keeping an eye on?

Yeah Canada has had a strong presence in DnB for a long time. Aside from those you mentioned, from Toronto there’s Grimm, who’s both a talented vocalist and producer and Schematic who’s extremely talented and needs to finish that tune for me (if you’re reading this, Dan). On the west coast Spinlock has been making a name for himself for some time, and I hear Psidream has been hitting the studio though, I haven’t heard the beats. Of course Marcus Visionary from Toronto needs to be mentioned, one of the originals.

At the moment all of us are making moves so keep your eyes peeled. It’s a good look.

EDJ: Shouts...

Shouts to T.Power, Rene, Trex, Acid_Lab, Dipotrics, and all the Machinist fam, John Ohms, Bassdrive crew, DnB Lives Here crew, all the DJs who support the label, all the promoters who book us, and of course the fans who make it all possible. BIG UP!

If you like what you hear below then make sure to catch more of the same on his weekly Monday Bassdrive show...

John Rolodex - Abduction Scene [Machinist dub]
Brainwash & Mystic - Fear of Noise (John Rolodex rmx) ]OIK dub]
Rene LaVice - Vika
Mechanizm - Archimedes [dub]
Schematic - Everywhere I Go [Liquid Brilliants]
John Rolodex - Connector (Trex rmx)
Rene LaVice - Bass Kick
Rene LaVice - Pulserate VIP
Fade - Nutty Reese [Architecture dub]
Rene LaVice & Trex - Secrets
Original Ninja - Wounds [dub]
John Rolodex - Hidden Corners
John Rolodex - Throwback
Outrage - More Light [Backlash dub]
Dj E,Fade,Kantyze & Abiotic - Jumble [dub]
Soul Intent & Ms Tempz - 2 Bad - dub
Trex - Chicken Pox (John Rolodex rmx) [Lockdown dub]
Acid_Lab - Stratosphere
Fade & Original Ninja - Cold Flow [Vampire dub]
Trex - Destination Moon
Dub (classified)
Meth & Audio - Alone [dub]
Dioptrics - Limitless (Machinist dub)


Tim Reaper's Jungle Book // Chapter Forty Five - 'Promised Land' special including Minimix!

This may come as a surprise to a few of you, but up until last week I had never bought anything from Discogs, only using the website as a source of information about releases and to catalogue my obscenely huge wishlist (now at 3000+ releases). But recently I broke my Discogs virginity and received the first of what will most likely be many orders and it happened to be this:

Yes, what I bought is Promised Land Vol. 3, released on Higher Limits (one of this labels which specialised in releasing jungle/drum & bass mixes/compilations), 4 discs of atmospheric goodness. It contains a mix by Peshay, a mix by Slipmaster J & two unmixed CD's. It was released in 1997, around the time where the deeper side of drum & bass had been brought to the forefront, with Good Looking Records for instance reaching a height of fame where they were organising worldwide tours, sorting out publishing deals with the major label companies, selling 10s of 1000s of every records (selling so well that 5000 units was considered a limited edition release for them) & many an imitator tried to get a slice of the pie. But these guys weren't jumping on the bandwagon as many others, as Higher Limits had affiliations with the labels Lucky Spin & Dee Jay, both already established and known for pushing atmospheric drum & bass. This release was the last edition of the Promised Land series, a great compilation/mix CD series with a mix from Bukem & Conrad on the first volume and Fabio & Cleveland Watkiss on the second, each edition also coming with an unmixed CD, featuring some of the deepest d&b out at the time. The reason in particular that I bought this was because of these two tunes.

Universal Traveller - Midnite

Believe it or not, Universal Traveller was a one time alias used by a producer you may know called Simon 'Bassline' Smith. Yes, before he was making upfront jump-up with Drumsound, he was making some real lush & melodic jungle, this tune being one of my favourites. This track is just too sublime and hooks you in instantly with that combination of pads, bird sounds, reverbed percussion, vocal teases & sweeping FX from the get go, with a deep 808 bassline coming in along with a rolling hotpants break, this tune's already won me over. But it gets better with a brilliant saxophone riff on top of the already winning tune to just confirm what I thought about this tune, I had to have it. But of course, as is the case with a fair amount of jungle, the only available copies of it are going for obscene prices on Discogs. However, when I spotted it along with the next track on this compilation, on a 4 disc compilation going for not even 2 pounds a disc, it had to be done.

Fokus - Jazzed Out

This track is surprisingly even rarer than the above track, strangely only being available on the vinyl promo release of Midnite, which would make it a very desirable and sought after vinyl with it having this track, Midnite & a stunning remix of Midnite by Voyager - 3 examples of the best "intelligent" drum & bass known to man. This tune starts off simple with drums rolling out, but when it breaks down into that oh so understated section of musicality, pads, horns, vocal snippets, keys & one of the smoothest bassline I've heard in drum & bass, it wins you over so quickly, then the drums kick in again with it all working together. You'd think that this would go on for a while, but soon enough, the tune switches with slightly more ominous keys, transforming into a more rolling affair. This tune really does have it all, don't it?

So yes, this is a top notch compilation, with the Peshay & Slipmaster J mixes both living up to expectations and bringing it all together, although, this didn't stop me from throwing my hat in the ring, so to speak. With there being two discs of unmixed tunes, I thought I'd have a go at doing one of my minimixes containing tracks off Disc 2, which was a collection of tracks on the Dee Jay label & Disc 3, which is a collection of older d&b/jungle tracks from other labels, which were considered classics at the time...

Skanna - This Way
DJ Crystl - Warp Drive
Fokus - Jazzed Out
N-Jay - Revibe
Personelle - Rebound (Nookie Mix)
LTJ Bukem - Music (my favourite mix in this minimix)
Big Bud - Millenium
Helen T - Jakes Progress '97
Universal Traveller - Midnite
Roni Size & DJ Die - Music Box
Addiction & Helen T - Jazz U Like It
DJ Crystl - Meditation
The Collektive - Ambient Nature
Peshay - Vocal Tune