Altars (, ''mizbe'ah'', "a place of slaughter or sacrifice") in the Hebrew Bible were typically made of earth () or unwrought stone (). Altars were generally erected in conspicuous places (; ; ; ; .) The first altar recorded in the Hebrew Bible is that erected by Noah (). Altars were erected by Abraham (; ; ), by Isaac (), by Jacob (; ), and by Moses (, ''Adonai-nissi'').
After the theophany on Mount Sinai, in the Tabernacle—and afterwards in the Temple—only two altars were used: the Altar of Burnt Offering, and the Altar of Incense.
The word "altar" (Greek: θυσιαστήριον) appears twenty-four times in the New Testament. Significantly, spoke of Christians having an altar of which those who did not believe in Jesus could not partake, a reference to the eternal, once-for-all sacrifice of Jesus Christ, thus fulfilling the sacrificial laws of the Old Testament. In early and later Catholic theology, the Eucharist is a re-presentation, in the literal sense of the one sacrifice being made "present again". Hence, the table upon which the Eucharistic meal (the Bread and the Wine) is eaten is also called an altar.
Altars occupy a prominent place in the sanctuaries of many churches, especially those belonging to the ancient Christian traditions, such as the Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Assyrian, Roman Catholic, and Anglican Churches. They are also found in many Protestant worship places. It plays a central role in the celebration of the Eucharist. A priest (or minister in Protestant circles) celebrates at the altar, on which the bread and the wine are placed.
The area around the altar is seen as endowed with greater holiness, and is usually physically distinguished from the rest of the church, whether by a permanent structure such as an iconostasis, a rood screen or altar rails, by a curtain that can be closed at more solemn moments of the liturgy, as in the Armenian Apostolic Church and Armenian Catholic Church, or simply by the general architectural layout. The altar is often on a higher elevation than the rest of the church. In Reformed and Anabaptist churches, a table, often called a "communion table", serves an analogous function. In some colloquial usage, the word "altar" is used to denote the altar rail also, although this usage is technically incorrect.
Churches generally have a single altar, although in the West, where concelebration had formerly fallen into disuse and priests always celebrated Mass individually, larger churches have had one or more side chapels, each with its own altar. The main altar was also referred to as the "high altar". Since the revival of concelebration in the West, the Roman Missal recommends that in new churches there should be only one altar, "which in the gathering of the faithful will signify the one Christ and the one Eucharist of the Church." But most existing Western churches, whether Roman Catholic or Anglican, may have a high altar in the main body of the church, with one or more adjoining chapels, each with its own altar, at which the Eucharist may be celebrated on weekdays.
Architecturally, there are two types of altars: those that are attached to the eastern wall of the chancel, and those that are free-standing and can be walked around, for instance when incensing the altar.
In the earliest days of the Church, the Eucharist appears to have been celebrated on portable altars set up for the purpose. Some historians hold that, during the persecutions, the Eucharist was celebrated among the tombs in the Catacombs of Rome, using the sarcophagi (see sarcophagus) of martyrs as altars on which to celebrate. Other historians dispute this, but it is thought to be the origin of the tradition of placing relics beneath the altar.
When Christianity was legalized under Constantine the Great and Licinius, formal church buildings were built in great numbers, normally with free-standing altars in the middle of the sanctuary, which in all the earliest churches built in Rome was at the west end of the church. "When Christians in fourth-century Rome could first freely begin to build churches, they customarily located the sanctuary towards the west end of the building in imitation of the sanctuary of the Jerusalem Temple. Although in the days of the Jerusalem Temple the High Priest indeed faced east when sacrificing on Yom Kippur, the sanctuary within which he stood was located at the western end of the Temple. The Christian replication of the layout and the orientation of the Jerusalem Temple helped to dramatize the eschatological meaning attached to the sacrificial death of Jesus the High Priest in the Epistle to the Hebrews." The ministers (bishop, priests, deacons, subdeacons, acolytes), celebrated the Eucharist facing east, towards the entrance. Some hold that for the central part of the celebration the congregation faced the same way. After the sixth century the contrary orientation prevailed, with the entrance to the west and the altar at the east end. Then the ministers and congregation all faced east during the whole celebration; and in Western Europe altars began, in the Middle Ages, to be permanently placed against the east wall of the chancel.
Most rubrics, even in books of the seventeenth century and later, such as the Pontificale Romanum, continued to envisage the altar as free-standing. The rite of the Dedication of the Church continued to presume that the officiating Bishop could circle the altar during the consecration of the church and its altar. Despite this, with the increase in the size and importance of the reredos, most altars were built against the wall or barely separated from it.
In almost all cases, the eastward orientation for prayer was maintained, whether the altar was at the west end of the church, as in all the earliest churches in Rome, in which case, the priest celebrating Mass faced the congregation and the church entrance, or whether it was at the east end of the church, in which case the priest faced the eastern apse and had his back to the congregation. This diversity was recognized in the rubrics of the Roman Missal from the 1604 typical edition of Pope Clement VIII to the 1962 edition of Pope John XXIII: ''"Si altare sit ad orientem, versus populum …"''
The present rules regarding the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite liturgy declare a free-standing main altar to be "desirable wherever possible." Similarly, in the Anglican Communion, the rubrics of the Book of Common Prayer assumed an altar fixed against the wall, until Prayer Book revision in the twentieth century removed language which assumed any particular form of altar.
As well as altars in the structural sense, it became customary in the West to have what in Latin were referred to as ''altaria portatilia'' (portable altars), more commonly referred to in English as "altar stones". When travelling, a priest could take one with him and place it on an ordinary table for saying Mass. They were also inserted into the centre of structural altars especially those made of wood. In that case, it was the altar stone that was considered liturgically to be the altar. The Pontificale Romanum contained a rite for blessing at the same time several of these altar stones. In the East the antimension served and continues to serve the same purpose. In the West, the obligation to use one for the celebration of Mass has not been encouraged.
The term "movable altar" or "portable altar" is now used of a full-scale structural altar, with or without an inserted altar stone, that can in fact be moved.
Such altars are found in Roman Catholic churches awaiting restructuring from an arrangement in which a priest celebrated Mass at a remote high altar, usually facing away from them, to one in which he is closer to the congregation and generally facing them. Both Catholic and Protestant churches use them to celebrate the Eucharist in places other than a church or chapel (such as outdoors or in an auditorium). In those Protestant churches in which the focus of worship is not on the Eucharist, which may be celebrated rarely, and in churches which want to make use of both a fixed and free-standing altar at different services, they are not only movable but are in fact occasionally moved. Churches that have adhered to the Protestant Reformation have favoured as altars free-standing wooden tables placed in the quire away from the east wall and the high altar, and without any altar stone.
In the United States the General Instruction of the Roman Missal is used regarding regulations for the altar. The Instruction recommends:
That there be a fixed altar in every church, since it more clearly and permanently signifies Christ as the living stone (; cf. ). The reason an altar is called 'fixed' is because it attached to the floor so as to be irremovable.
Roman Catholicism requires that there be only one altar in a newly built church, and that it be made of stone, ideally made of natural stone,such as granite or marble, as the altar symbolises Christ who is regarded as being the cornerstone of the Church. In practice, however, solid and well-crafted wood is often used, due to the expense of stone. It is still customary to place relics of saints,specifically those of martyrs, under the altar (as Mass in early Christianity was customarily celebrated above tombs of martyrs ).
In older church buildings where the altar is positioned against the wall and cannot be moved without damage (examples of which can be seen in this section) a table is normally placed in front, and the old one used either for aethestic purposes or for the tabernacle.
Because the altar represents Christ, only what is required for the celebration of the Mass may be placed on the ''mensa'' (the flat, horizontal surface of the altar).
Candles, which are required at every Catholic liturgical service, are placed either on or around the altar in a way suited to the design of the altar and the sanctuary. Catholics also place a cross, or crucifix (a cross with the figure of Christ), on the altar or near the altar, where it is clearly visible to the congregation.
Altars in the Anglican Communion vary widely. At the time of the Reformation, altars were fixed against the east end of the church, and the priests would celebrate the Mass standing at the front of the altar. Beginning with the rubrics of the Second Prayer Book of Edward VI published in 1552, and through the 1662 Book of Common Prayer (which prevailed for almost 300 years), the priest is directed to stand "at the north syde of the Table [altar]." This was variously interpreted over the years to mean the north side of the front of a fixed altar, the north end of a fixed altar (i.e., facing south), the north side of a free-standing altar (presumably facing those intending to receive the Elements who would be sitting in the quire stalls opposite), or at the north end of a free-standing altar placed lengthwise in the chancel, facing a congregation seated in the nave.
Often, where a celebrant chose to situate himself was meant to convey his churchmanship (that is, more Reformed or more Catholic). The use of candles or tabernacles were banned by canon law, with the only appointed adornment being a white linen cloth.
Beginning with the Catholic Revival in the 19th century, the appearance of Anglican altars took a dramatic turn in many churches. Candles and, in some cases, tabernacles were reintroduced. In some churches two candles, on each end of the altar, were used; in other cases six - three on either side of a tabernacle, typically surmounted by a crucifix or some other image of Christ.
In Anglican practice, conformity to a given standard depends on the ecclesiastical province and/or the liturgical sensibilities of a given parish. In the ''Parson's Handbook'', an influential manual for priests popular in the early-to-mid-twentieth century, Percy Dearmer recommends the size of an altar be "as nearly as possible 3 ft. 3 in. high, and ''at least'' deep enough to take a corporal [the square of linen placed underneath the Communion vessels] 20 in. square with a foot or more to spare." He also recommends that the altar stand upon three steps for each of the three sacred ministers, and that it be decorated with a silk frontal in the seasonal colour. In some cases, other manuals suggest that a stone be set in the top of wooden altars, in the belief that the custom be maintained of consecrating the bread and wine on a stone surface. In many other Anglican parishes, the custom is considerably less rigorous, especially in those parishes which use free-standing altars. Typically, these altars are made of wood, and may or may not have a solid front, which may or may not be ornamented. In many Anglican parishes, the use of frontals has persisted.
When altars are placed away from the wall of the chancel allowing a westward orientation, only two candles are placed on either end of it, since six would obscure the liturgical action, undermining the intent of a westward orientation (i.e., that it be visible to the congregation). In such an arrangement, a tabernacle may stand to one side of or behind the altar, or an aumbry may be used.
Sensibilities concerning the sanctity of the altar are widespread in Anglicanism. In some parishes, the notion that the surface of the altar should only be touched by those in holy orders is maintained. In others, there is considerably less strictness. Nonetheless, the continued popularity of altar rails in Anglican church construction suggests that a sense of the sanctity of the altar and its surrounding area persists. In most cases, moreover, the practice of allowing only those items that have been blessed to be placed on the altar is maintained (that is, the linen cloth, candles, missal, and the Eucharistic vessels).
A wide variety of altars exist in various Protestant denominations. Some Churches, such as Lutheran and Methodist will have altars very similar to Anglican or Catholic ones keeping with their more sacramental understanding of the Lord's Supper. In Protestant churches from Reformed, Baptist, Congregational, and Non-denominational backgrounds, it is very common for the altar-like table to have on it only an open Bible and a pair of candlesticks; it is not referred to as an "altar" because they do not see Communion as sacrificial in any way. Many of these groups use a very simple wooden table, known as a Communion Table, adorned perhaps with only a lengthwise linen cloth, again to avoid any suggestion of a sacrifice being offered. Such Communion Tables often bear the inscription: "Do This in Remembrance of Me" (, ), which they believe indicates Holy Communion as being a memorial rather than a sacrament. Such a table is normally not consecrated or blessed in any manner, and may be temporary, being moved into place only when there is a Communion Service. Most Protestant denominations have no altar or Communion Table at all, the sanctuary being dominated only by a large, centralized pulpit.
Some evangelical churches practice what is referred to as an altar call, whereby those who wish to make a new spiritual commitment to Jesus Christ are invited to come forward publicly. It is so named because the supplicants gather at the altar located at the front of the church (however, the invitation is referred to as an "altar call", despite the fact that most Protestant denominations which have this practice do not have altars or Communion tables). Most altar calls occur at the end of the sermon. Those that come forward will usually be asked to recite a sinner's prayer, which, in the Protestant understanding, if truly heart-felt indicates that they are now "saved". They may also be offered religious literature, counselling or other assistance. Many times it is said that those who come forth are going to "be saved". This is a ritual in which the supplicant makes a prayer of penitence (asking for his sins to be forgiven) and faith (called in Protestantism "accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior").
Altar calls may also invite those who are already fully members of the Christian community to come forward for specific purposes other than conversion; for example, to pray for some need, to rededicate their lives after a lapse, or to receive a particular blessing (such as the Gifts of the Holy Spirit) or if they are called to certain tasks such as missionary work.
Altars in Lutheran churches are often similar to those in the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches. Lutherans believe that the altar represents Christ and should only be used to consecrate and distribute the Eucharist. Lutheran altars are commonly made out of granite, but other materials are also used. A crucifix is to be put above the altar. Sometimes relics are also placed around the altar.
"Altar" has a meaning in the Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholic churches that varies with context. Its most common usage does not denote the table itself, but the area surrounding it; that is to say, the entire sanctuary. This includes both the area behind the iconostasis, and the soleas (the elevated projection in front of the iconostasis), and the ambo. When one enters the sanctuary, one is said to be "going into the altar". The altar table itself may be referred to as either the ''Holy Table'' or the ''Throne'' (''Prestól''). This section will describe the Holy Table, not the sanctuary.
For both Orthodox and Eastern Catholics, the Holy Table (altar) is normally free-standing, although in very small sanctuaries it might be placed flush against the back wall for reasons of space. They are typically about one meter high, and although they may be made of stone they are generally built out of wood. The exact dimensions may vary, but it is generally square in plan and in reasonable proportion to the size of the sanctuary. It has five legs: one at each corner plus a central pillar for supporting the relics which are placed in it at its consecration (if, however, the consecration was not performed by a bishop, but by a priest whom he delegated for that purpose, relics are not placed in the Holy Table). A plain linen covering (Greek: ''Katasarkion'', Slavonic: ''Strachítsa'') is bound to the Holy Table with cords; this cover is never removed after the altar is consecrated, and is considered to be the "baptismal garment" of the altar. The linen covering symbolizes the winding sheet in which the body of Christ was wrapped when he was laid in the tomb. Since the altar is never seen uncovered thereafter, the table tends to be constructed more with sturdiness than aesthetics in mind. Above this first cover is a second ornamented altar cloth (''Indítia''), often in a brocade of a liturgical color that may change with the ecclesiastical season. This outer covering usually comes all the way to the floor and represents the glory of God's Throne. In many churches it is the custom for a dust cover to be placed on the Holy Table between services. This is often a simple red cloth, though it may be made of richer stuff. Sometimes it covers only the Gospel Book or the front half of the Holy Table, but it may be large enough to cover the entire Holy Table and everything on it, including candlesticks and the seven-branch candelabra.
Atop the altar is the tabernacle (''Kovtchég''), a miniature shrine sometimes built in the form of a church, inside of which is a small ark containing the Reserved sacrament for use in communing the sick. Also kept on the altar is the Gospel Book. Under the Gospel is kept the ''antimension'', a silken cloth imprinted with an icon of Christ being prepared for burial, which has a relic sewn into it and bears the signature of the bishop. Another, simpler cloth, the ''ilitón'', is wrapped around the antimension to protect it, and symbolizes the "napkin" that was tied around the face of Jesus when he was laid in the tomb (forming a companion to the ''strachitsa''). The Divine Liturgy must be served on an antimension even if the altar has been consecrated and contains relics. When not in use, the antimension is left in place in the center of the Holy Table and is not removed except for necessity.
The Holy Table may only be touched by ordained members of the higher clergy (bishops, priests and deacons), and nothing which is not itself consecrated or an object of veneration should be placed on it. Objects may also be placed on the altar as part of the process for setting them aside for sacred use. For example, icons are usually blessed by laying them on the Holy Table for a period of time or for a certain number of Divine Liturgies before sprinkling them with holy water, and placing them where they will be venerated. The Epitaphios on Good Friday, and the Cross on the Feasts of the Cross, are also placed on the Holy Table before they are taken to the center of the church to be venerated by the faithful.
In place of the outer covering, some altars have a permanent solid cover which may be highly ornamented, richly carved, or even plated in precious metals. A smaller brocade cover is used on top of this if it is desired that the altar decoration reflect the liturgical season.
The Holy Table is used as the place of offering in the celebration of the Eucharist, where bread and wine are offered to God the Father and the Holy Spirit is invoked to make his Son Jesus Christ present in the Gifts. It is also the place where the presiding clergy stand at any service, even where no Eucharist is being celebrated and no offering is made other than prayer. When the priest reads the Gospel during Matins (or All-Night Vigil) on Sunday, he reads it standing in front of the Holy Table, because it represents the Tomb of Christ, and the Gospel lessons for Sunday Matins are always one of the Resurrection appearances of Jesus.
On the northern side of the sanctuary stands another, smaller altar, known as the Table of Oblation (''Prothesis'' or ''Zhértvennik'') at which the Liturgy of Preparation takes place. On it the bread and wine are prepared before the Divine Liturgy. The Prothesis symbolizes the cave of Bethlehem and also the Anointing stone at which the Body of Christ was prepared after the Deposition from the Cross. The Table of Oblation is also blessed, sprinkled with holy water and vested at the consecration of a church, but there are no relics placed in it. Nothing other than the sacred vessels, veils, etc. which are used in the Liturgy of Preparation may be placed on the Table of Oblation. The Epitaphios and Cross are also placed on the Table of Oblation before the priest and deacon solemnly transfer them to the Holy Table. In addition to the higher clergy, subdeacons are permitted to touch the Table of Oblation, but no one of lesser rank may do so. The Table of Oblation is the place where the deacon will consume the remaining Gifts (Body and Blood of Christ) after the Divine Liturgy and perform the ablutions.
In the Armenian Apostolic Church the altar is placed against the eastern wall of the church, often in an apse. The shape of the altar is usually rectangular, similar to Latin altars, but is unusual in that it will normally have several steps on top of the table, on which are placed the tabernacle, candles, ceremonial fans, a cross, and the Gospel Book.
Smaller portable altars are still employed. In Catholicism, a priest must use a consecrated stone tablet as a portable altar, on a flat surface such as a Jeep's bonnet or a drumhead, in order to say the Mass for soldiers.
In South Indian Temples, often each god will have His or Her own shrine, each contained in a minitaure house (specifically, a ''mandir''). These shrines are often scattered around the temple compound, with the three main ones being in the main area. The statue of the God (murti) is placed on a stone pedestal in the shrine, and one or more lamps are hung in the shrine. There is usually a space to put the puja tray (tray with worship offerings). Directly outside the main shrine there will be a statue of the god's vahana or vehicle. The shrines have curtains hung over the entrances, and wooden doors which are shut when the Deities are sleeping. Some South Indian temples have one main altar, with several statues placed upon it.
North Indian temples generally have one main altar at the front of the temple room. In some temples, the front of the room is separated with walls and several altars are placed in the alcoves. The statues on the altars are usually in pairs, each god with his consort (Radha-Krishna, Sita-Rama, Shiva-Parvati). However, some gods, such as Ganesha and Hanuman, are placed alone. Ritual items such as flowers or lamps may be placed on the altar.
Home shrines can be as simple or as elaborate as the householder can afford. Large, ornate shrines can be purchased in India and countries with large Hindu minorities, like Malaysia and Singapore. They are usually made of wood and have tiled floors for statues to be placed upon. Pictures may be hung on the walls of the shrine. The top of the shrine may have a series of levels, like a gopuram tower on a temple. Each Hindu altar will have at least one oil lamp and may contain a tray with puja equipment as well. Hindus with large houses will set aside one room as their puja room, with the altar at one end of it. Some South Indians also place a shrine with pictures of their departed relatives on the right side of the room, and make offerings to them before making offerings to the gods.
Taoist altars are erected to honor traditional deities and the spirits of ancestors. Taoist altars may be erected in temples or in private homes. Strict traditions describe the items offered and the ritual involved in the temples, but folk custom in the homes is much freer.
Nearly all forms of Chinese traditional religion involve ''baibai'' (拜拜)--bowing towards an altar, with a stick of incense in one's hand. (Some schools prescribe the use of three sticks of incense in the hand at one time. ) This may be done at home, or in a temple, or outdoors; by an ordinary person, or a professional (such as a ''Daoshi'' 道士); and the altar may feature any number of deities or ancestral tablets. ''Baibai'' is usually done in accordance with certain dates of the lunar/solar calendar (see Chinese calendar).
At certain dates, food may be set out as a sacrifice to the gods and/or spirits of the departed. (See, for example, Qingming Festival and Ghost Festival.) This may include slaughtered pigs and ducks, or fruit. Another form of sacrifice involves the burning of Hell Bank Notes, on the assumption that images thus consumed by the fire will reappear—not as a mere image, but as the actual item—in the spirit world, and be available for the departed spirit to use. In Taoist folk religion, sometimes chickens, pigs feet, and pig heads are given as offerings. But in orthodox Daoist practice, offerings should essentially be incense, candles and vegetarian offerings.
In Buddhism, a ''butsudan'' is an altar found in temples or homes. The butsudan is a wooden cabinet with doors that enclose and protect a religious image of the Buddha or the Bodhisattvas (typically in the form of a statue) or a mandala scroll, installed in the highest place of honor and centered. The doors are opened to display the image during religious observances. A butsudan usually contains subsidiary religious items—called ''butsugu''—such as candlesticks, incense burners, bells, and platforms for placing offerings such as fruit. Some buddhist sects place "ihai," memorial tablets for deceased relatives, within or near the butsudan. Butsudans are often decorated with flowers.
The shrine is placed in the temple or home as a place of worship to the Buddha, the Law of the Universe, etc. Scrolls (''honzon'') or statues are placed in the butsudan and prayed to morning and evening. Zen Buddhists also meditate before the butsudan.
The original design for the butsudan began in India, where people built altars the size of skyscrapers as an offering-place to the Buddha. When Buddhism came to China and Korea, statues of the Buddha were placed on pedestals or platforms. The Chinese and Koreans built walls and doors around the statues to shield them from the weather. They could then safely offer their prayers, incense, etc. to the statue or scroll without it falling and breaking.
When the Japanese finally welcomed Buddhism after many years of Shintoism, they took in the religion along with the butsudan. As many new Buddhist sects came into being, the butsudan was placed in many temples. The Japanese took the plain walls and doors of the mainland shrines and elaborately embellished them, and the butsudan became the focal point of every temple. As time went on, people began installing butsudans into their homes. Butsudan are extremely expensive.
In Shinto, altars are found in shrines. Originating in ancient times, ''himorogi'' are temporarily erected sacred spaces or "altars" used as a locus of worship. A physical area is demarcated with branches of green bamboo or ''sakaki'' at the four corners, between which are strung sacred border ropes (''shimenawa''). In the center of the area a large branch of sakaki festooned with sacred emblems (''hei'') is erected as a ''yorishiro'', a physical representation of the presence of the kami and toward which rites of worship are performed.
In more elaborate cases, a ''himorogi'' may be constructed by placing a rough straw mat upon the ground, then erecting a ceremonial eight-legged stand (''hakkyaku an'') upon the mat and decorating the stand with a framework upon which are placed sacred border ropes and sacred border emblems. Finally the ''sakaki'' branch is erected in the center of this stand as the focus of worship.
A basic altar, called a ''Hörgr'' was used for sacrifice in Norse paganism. The Hörgr was constructed of piled stones, possibly in a wood (harrow), and would be used in sacrifices and perhaps other ceremonies as well.
A possible use of the hörgr during a sacrifice would be to place upon it a bowl of the blood of an animal sacrificed to a Norse deity (e.g. a goat for Thor, a sow for Freyja, a boar for Freyr), then dipping a bundle of fir twigs into it and sprinkling the participants with the blood. This would consecrate the attendees to the ceremony, such as a wedding.
High places in Israelite (Hebrew: ''Bamah'', or ''Bama'') or Canaanite culture were open-air shrines, usually erected on an elevated site. Prior to the conquest of Canaan by the Israelites in the 12th–11th century BC, the high places served as shrines of the Canaanite fertility deities, the Baals (Lords) and the Asherot (Semitic goddesses). In addition to an altar, ''matzevot'' (stone pillars representing the presence of the divine) were erected.
The practice of worship on these spots became frequent among the Hebrews, though after the temple was built it was forbidden. Such worship was with difficulty abolished, though denounced time after time by the prophets as an affront to God. A closely related example is a "backyard" altar, so to speak. Before there was a set temple and an established altar people built their own altars. After the temple was built use of these altars was forbidden. Unlike the previous case, "backyard" altar worship was quickly eradicated.
Category:Church architecture Category:Religious furniture Category:Tables (furniture) Category:Eucharistic objects Category:Christian religious objects
ar:مذبح be:Алтар bg:Олтар ca:Altar cs:Oltář da:Alter de:Altar et:Altar el:Βωμός es:Altar eo:Altaro fr:Autel (religion) gd:Altair gl:Altar ko:제단 hr:Oltar io:Altaro id:Altar is:Altari it:Altare he:מזבח ka:საკურთხეველი kk:Алтарь sw:Altare la:Altare lv:Altāris lb:Altor lt:Aukuras li:Altaor hu:Oltár ml:അള്ത്താര nl:Altaar (religie) ja:祭壇 no:Alter nn:Altar nds:Altar pl:Ołtarz pt:Altar ro:Altar ru:Алтарь scn:Artaru simple:Altar sk:Oltár sl:Oltar sr:Олтар sh:Oltar fi:Alttari sv:Altare tl:Dambana te:బలిపీఠము th:แท่นบูชา tr:Altar uk:Вівтар zh:祭壇This text is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA License. This text was originally published on Wikipedia and was developed by the Wikipedia community.
Coordinates | 50°4′33″N20°42′20″N |
name | Ray Boltz |
background | solo_singer |
birth name | Ray Boltz |
alias | Mr. Boltz |
born | 1953 |
origin | Muncie, Indiana, USA |
genre | Worship, Contemporary Christian, pop |
occupation | Singer-songwriter |
years active | 1986–2004, 2008–present |
instrument | Vocals, piano, guitar |
website | Official Website }} |
Ray Boltz (born 1953 in Muncie, Indiana, United States) is a singer songwriter that first came to wide notice in contemporary Christian music, many of his songs tell stories of faith and inspiration. He was raised by his parents William and Ruth Boltz, and was married to his wife Carol Boltz for over 30 years prior to coming out as gay in 2008. They have four children.
Boltz was virtually unknown when he wrote "Thank You", which won the Song of the Year prize at the 1990 GMA Dove Awards. His song "I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb" also won a Dove Award for Inspirational Recorded Song of the Year at the 25th GMA Dove Awards in 1994. After the release of ''Songs from the Potter's Field'' in 2002, and his last tour in 2004, Boltz retired from the music industry and moved to Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
In a September 2008 interview with the ''Washington Blade'', Boltz came out of the closet and announced he was gay Since then, Boltz has performed at several churches of the Metropolitan Community Church, a gay-affirming Christian denomination.
In 2010, he released the album ''True'', which won Album of the Year at the OUTMusic Awards.
Year | Album | Chart | Position |
Category:American male singers Category:American singer-songwriters Category:English-language singers Category:People from Muncie, Indiana Category:LGBT musicians from the United States Category:LGBT Christians Category:American performers of Christian music Category:Christian religion-related songwriters Category:1953 births Category:Living people
This text is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA License. This text was originally published on Wikipedia and was developed by the Wikipedia community.
Coordinates | 50°4′33″N20°42′20″N |
name | Pagan Altar |
background | group_or_band |
origin | Brockley, England |
genre | Doom metal, NWOBHM |
years active | 1978–19822004–present |
website | |
current members | Terry JonesAlan JonesDean AlexanderManny CookeVince Hempstead |
past members | Trevor PortchMark ElliottJohn MizrahiGlenn RobinsonLes MoodyIvor BiggunMatt YoungPete DobbinsTobyGregRich WalkerAndy GreenIan WintersDiccon HarperMarcus CellaLuke Hunter }} |
Pagan Altar is a doom metal band from England. They are regarded as one of the pioneers of their genre.
Their gigs were characterized by moody, epic and heavy music interpreted with highly visual stage aspect which accented their interest for occult themes. Pagan Altar's only release from that era was independent, self-released, self-titled cassette which was in later years bootlegged. It was finally officially re-released on Oracle Records in 1998 and titled ''Volume 1''.
In 2004, Pagan Altar reunited, re-recorded and released their previously unfinished second album, ''Lords of Hypocrisy''. These songs date back to the first 1980s incarnation. Also in 2004, ''The Time Lord'' EP was released, which contains recordings that date back to the band's inception in 1978.
Their third album, ''Mythical & Magical'' was released in late 2006 and features a considerable amount of material that also date back prior to the 1982 release.
This text is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA License. This text was originally published on Wikipedia and was developed by the Wikipedia community.
Coordinates | 50°4′33″N20°42′20″N |
name | Casting Crowns |
background | group_or_band |
origin | Daytona Beach, Florida, USA |
genre | Contemporary ChristianChristian rockSoft rock |
years active | 1999–present |
label | Sony BMG/Beach Street/Reunion (U.S.)Sony Music Philippines (Philippines) |
website | |
current members | Mark Hall (lead vocals)Juan DeVevo (lead guitar)Hector Cervantes (rhythm guitar)Melodee DeVevo (violin, backing vocals)Megan Garrett (piano)Chris Huffman (bass guitar)Brian Scoggin (drums) |
past members | Andy Williams (drums) |
notable instruments | }} |
Mark Miller took the group into the studio along with co-producer Steven Curtis Chapman, himself a popular artist on the CCM musical scene. The resulting eponymous album, ''Casting Crowns'', was released in 2003 on the Beach Street imprint. The album quickly made them one of the fastest selling debut artists in Christian music history. The album's third single, "Voice of Truth", spent a record-breaking fourteen consecutive weeks at #1 beginning in 2003. The album was certified platinum in 2005.
In 2006, the group released ''Lifesong Live'', which included live performances of songs from their studio album ''Lifesong''.
In 2008, Casting Crowns scored their eighth number one hit with "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day", a track from their newly-released Christmas album entitled ''Peace on Earth''.
Casting Crowns was one of the only American bands to ever have been invited to North Korea. They attended the 2009 April Spring Arts Festival in Pyongyang where they performed with The Annie Moses Band. This was Casting Crowns second time invited to the Festival sponsored by Global Resource Services, the first time being in 2007. On August 30, 2009 Casting Crowns performed on Huckabee, Mike Huckabee's political show.
Casting Crown's fourth major studio album, ''Until the Whole World Hears'', was released on November 17, 2009, debuting at #4 on the Billboard 200 and selling over 167,000 copies in its first week alone, setting a new record for the highest Christian album debut in history. It was certified gold within 4 weeks. The title track and first single from the album became the groups ninth #1 single in January 2010. Before the album was released, the band went on tour with Matt Redman for the fall Until The Whole World Hears Tour. They went on the first spring leg of the tour with Kutless, and toured with Tenth Avenue North on the second spring leg.
In April 2010, Casting Crowns won the Dove Award for Artist of the Year, their first ever win in that category. A music video for the title track of ''Until the Whole World Hears'' was posted on the band's YouTube page on August 23, 2010.
The track ''Glorious Day (Living He Loved Me)'' was released as a single in 2011 and reached #1 on Billboard Christian Songs during the week of April 23, 2011.
On July 26, 2011, the group received their first ever gold certification for a single, for the song 'Who Am I' from their debut record.
Four members of Casting Crowns currently minister at Eagle's Landing First Baptist Church in McDonough, GA where they play during the Contemporary Worship service on Sunday mornings. They do the band part-time around their full-time work of mentoring teenagers at the church. They often tour from Thursday- Saturday so that they can be home for church on Sunday morning and Wednesday night.
Year | ! Award | ! Result |
!rowspan="4" | New Artist of the Year | |
Song of the Year ("If We Are the Body") | ||
Pop/Contemporary Recorded Song of the Year ("If We Are the Body") | ||
!rowspan="7" | Artist of the Year | |
Group of the Year | ||
Pop/Contemporary Recorded Song of the Year ("Who Am I") | ||
Worship Song of the Year (“Who Am I”) | ||
!rowspan="5" | Artist of the Year | |
Group of the Year | ||
Song of the Year (" | ||
Pop Contemporary Album of the Year (''[[Lifesong">Lifesong (song) | ||
Pop Contemporary Recorded Song of the Year ("Lifesong") | ||
Pop Contemporary Album of the Year (''[[Lifesong'') | ||
!rowspan="4" | Artist of the Year | |
Group of the Year | ||
Song of the Year ("Praise You In This Storm") | ||
Pop/Contemporary Recorded Song of the Year ("Praise You In This Storm") | ||
!rowspan="6" | Artist of the Year | |
Group of the Year | ||
Pop/Contemporary Album of the Year ("The Altar and the Door") | ||
Pop/Contemporary Recorded Song of the Year ("East to West") | ||
Praise & Worship Song of the Year ("Praise You In This Storm") | ||
!rowspan="5" | Artist of the Year | |
Group of the Year | ||
Short Form Music Video of the Year ("Slow Fade") | ||
Long Form Music Video of the Year (''The Altar and the Door Live'') | ||
!rowspan="3" | Artist of the Year | |
Group of the Year | ||
!rowspan="2" | Pop/Contemporary Album of the Year (''Until the Whole World Hears'') | |
Long Form Music Video of the Year (''Until the Whole World Hears... Live'') | ||
Year | ! Award | ! Work |
! rowspan=1 | Best Pop/Contemporary Gospel Album of the Year | ''Lifesong'' |
Category:American pop music groups Category:Christian rock groups from Florida Category:Grammy Award winners Category:Musical groups established in 1999 Category:Musical septets Category:People from Volusia County, Florida Category:Sony BMG artists
da:Casting Crowns de:Casting Crowns es:Casting Crowns fr:Casting Crowns it:Casting Crowns nl:Casting Crowns pl:Casting Crowns pt:Casting Crowns simple:Casting Crowns sk:Casting Crowns sv:Casting CrownsThis text is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA License. This text was originally published on Wikipedia and was developed by the Wikipedia community.
Coordinates | 50°4′33″N20°42′20″N |
name | Catherine Tate |
birth name | Catherine Ford |
birth date | May 12, 1968 |
birth place | Bloomsbury, London, England |
years active | 1990–present |
occupation | Actress, writer, comedian |
domesticpartner | Twig Clark (until 2011) |
children | Erin Clark (born 2003) |
television | ''Big Train''''Wild West''''The Catherine Tate Show''''Doctor Who'' |
residence | Richmond upon Thames, London, England |
nationality | British |
ethnicity | White British |
religion | }} |
Tate never knew her father, as he left very early on in her life, and consequently, she was brought up in a female-dominated environment, being cared for by her mother, grandmother and her godparents. As a child, Tate suffered from an obsessive-compulsive disorder which centred on word association. For example, Tate was not able to leave a jumper on the floor or it might have brought misfortune to her mother whose name began with the letter "J" like jumper.
She attended St Joseph's, Macklin Street, Holborn, a local Roman Catholic primary school. She then attended Notre Dame High School, Southwark, a South London convent secondary school for girls that was run by nuns. By the time Tate was a teenager, she knew she wanted to follow a professional acting career, and was subsequently sent to a boys' Roman Catholic school, Salesian College in Battersea at the age of 16. The school had the necessary facilities for drama. Tate left school without sitting her A-Levels. She then tried for four years to get a place in the Central School of Speech and Drama, succeeding on her fourth attempt. She studied there for three years, and until the age of 26, she lived in Holborn and Bloomsbury. Prior to getting a place at the Central School of Speech and Drama, Tate went to the Sylvia Young Theatre School, but left after a week; "Even at that age I realised I wasn't Bonnie Langford. It was very competitive", she stated.
Soon after, she became involved with Lee Mack's Perrier Comedy Award-nominated ''New Bits'' show at the Edinburgh Film Festival in 2000. In 2001, she returned to the festival with her own sell-out one-woman show, which was followed by roles in ''Big Train'', ''Attention Scum'' and ''TVGoHome''. After being spotted at Edinburgh, she was given the role of Angela in the comedy, ''Wild West'', with Dawn French, who commented "Catherine Tate is far too talented and she must be destroyed."
Tate has also performed with the Royal Shakespeare Company, and at the National Theatre. She acted the role of Smeraldina in a 2000 RSC production of ''A Servant to Two Masters'', and another role in ''The Way of the World'' at the National Theatre.
Produced by Perkins at Tiger Aspect, Tate was given her own programme on BBC Two in 2004, which she co-wrote and starred in with Derren Litten, entitled ''The Catherine Tate Show'', which ran for three series. Two of the show's well-known characters are teenager Lauren Cooper and Joannie "Nan" Taylor, the cockney grandmother. Tate's inspiration for the cockney grandmother came from visits to old people's homes when she was at drama college. Tate won a British Comedy Award for Best Comedy Newcomer for her work on the first series of ''The Catherine Tate Show'', and with the first series becoming a success, in March 2005, Tate made a guest appearance during the BBC's Comic Relief as the character of Lauren from ''The Catherine Tate Show'', alongside boy-band McFly, which gained her further exposure.
In November 2005, Tate appeared in another charity sketch as part of the BBC's annual ''Children in Need'' telethon. The segment was a crossover between ''EastEnders'' and ''The Catherine Tate Show'', featuring ''Eastenders'' characters Peggy Mitchell, Little Mo Mitchell and Stacey Slater, whilst Tate appeared as Lauren. Also at that time, she was a guest star at the 77th ''Royal Variety Performance'' and appeared again in the guise of Lauren Cooper. During the sketch, Tate looked up at the Royal Box and asked The Queen, "Is one bovvered? Is one's face bovvered?". She also commented during the sketch that Prince Philip had fallen asleep: "she is bling, but the old fella next to her is asleep!" He then reportedly complained to the show's executive producer, saying he had been insulted. Tate later won a British Comedy Award for Best British Comedy Actress for her work in the second series of ''The Catherine Tate Show''. At the end of 2005, she appeared in the BBC television adaptation of ''Bleak House''.
Tate returned to the stage for the first time since working with the RSC, to play a role in the 2005 West End revival of ''Some Girl(s)'', alongside Sara Powell, Lesley Manville, Saffron Burrows and ''Friends'' star David Schwimmer. In an interview, Tate commented that she could not look Schwimmer in the eye during her time with him, leading to speculation that the pair did not get on. Tate immediately denied the rumours, explaining that she was joking about her attempts to act "cool" around Schwimmer, whom she described as "a very funny, personable man, and easy to get along with".
Tate had roles in three films in 2006, these included, ''Starter for 10'', ''Sixty Six'', and ''Scenes of a Sexual Nature''. She later appeared in the films ''Mrs Ratcliffe's Revolution'', in which she played the title character, and ''Love and Other Disasters''.
In the 2007 television adaptation of the novel, ''The Bad Mother's Handbook'', she played the lead role and co-starred with Anne Reid.
On 16 March 2007, Tate appeared for a second time on Comic Relief as some of her well-known characters from ''The Catherine Tate Show''. She acted in sketches with David Tennant, Daniel Craig, Lenny Henry, and the then Prime Minister Tony Blair, who used the show's famous catchphrase, "Am I bovvered?" Tate also appeared as Joannie "Nan" Taylor in an episode of ''Deal or No Deal'', hosted by Noel Edmonds.
Tate became a Patron of the performing arts group Theatretrain.
She has also been nominated for four BAFTA Awards for her work on ''The Catherine Tate Show'' to date, including Best Comedy Performance.
Tate returned to ''Doctor Who'' in 2008 to reprise the role of Donna Noble as the Doctor's companion throughout the fourth series, which was shown on BBC One starting on 5 April for a 13-week run. Producer Russell T Davies said, "We are delighted that one of Britain's greatest talents has agreed to join us for the fourth series." Tate added, "I am delighted to be returning to ''Doctor Who''. I had a blast last Christmas and look forward to travelling again through time and space with that nice man from Gallifrey." At the TV Quick Awards 2008, Tate was voted best actress for her role in ''Doctor Who''. She returned as Donna Noble in the two-part ''Doctor Who'' Christmas special "The End of Time" which was broadcast over Christmas 2009.
In 2008, she starred as Michelle, a 38-year-old promiscuous maths teacher, in David Eldridge's ''Under The Blue Sky'' at the Duke of York's Theatre, London, alongside Francesca Annis and Nigel Lindsay. Tate injured her ankle in rehearsal on 15 July. She tackled previews with the aid of a crutch.On 11 April 2009, 26 December 2009, and 30 January 2010, Tate with David Tennant guest hosted Jonathan Ross' BBC Radio 2 show.
In 2009 she created a one off special spin off to her long running TV sketch show. Although this time the show only starred 'Nan'. In the show, Nan played Scrooge, and was visited by 3 ghosts, one of whom was played by David Tennant. The show was a one off Christmas special.
In 2010, Tate took part in ''Channel 4's Comedy Gala'', a benefit show held in aid of Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital, filmed live at the O2 Arena in London on 30 March.
Tate took part in a series of short comedy films called 'Little Crackers'.
Tate appeared as Queen Isabelle of Lilliput in the 2010 film adaptation of ''Gulliver's Travels''.
On 18 March 2011, the video for Take That's new single "Happy Now" was debuted on Comic Relief. The video shows comedians Catherine Tate, Alan Carr, James Corden, John Bishop and David Walliams audition to become Take That's ultimate tribute band, Fake That. Filming took place at Ealing Studios on 17 February 2011.
Tate appeared alongside former co-star David Tennant in the Shakespeare comedy ''Much Ado About Nothing'' at London's Wyndham's Theatre from 16 May to September 2011. For her performance - as Beatrice - Catherine won the BroadwayWorld UK Award for Best Leading Actress in a Play.In the seventh season finale of ''The Office'', which aired on 19 May 2011, Tate guest starred as Nellie Bertram, a potential replacement for the departing Michael Scott (played by Steve Carell). She is set to return to the show midway through the eighth season for a recurring role.
On Saturday 17th December 2011, Tate presented the second episode of Channel 4's ''Laughing at the...'' series - entitled "Catherine Tate: Laughing at the Noughties" - in which she met Alan Carr, David Walliams, Noel Fielding, Rob Brydon and (her ''Doctor Who'' co-star) David Tennant to discuss the comedy highlights of the noughties.
Tate is the patron for the Laura Crane Youth Cancer Trust, supporting the charity since August 2006. In 2011 she took part in the charities 2011 Charity Calendar
Tate suffered from postpartum depression, from which she only recovered after the filming of the second series of The Catherine Tate Show. She also suffers from occasional panic attacks. Regarding her personal outlook, Tate has said "I'm an incredibly negative person, so any form of success is only ever going to be a relief to me and set my default position back to neutral."
Category:1968 births Category:Living people Category:20th-century actors Category:21st-century actors Category:21st-century women writers Category:Actors from London Category:Alumni of the Central School of Speech and Drama Category:Audio book narrators Category:English comedians Category:English film actors Category:English stage actors Category:English television actors Category:English television writers Category:English women writers Category:People from Bloomsbury Category:People from Holborn Category:Royal National Theatre Company members Category:Royal Shakespeare Company members Category:Women comedians
cy:Catherine Tate de:Catherine Tate fr:Catherine Tate it:Catherine Tate pl:Catherine Tate pt:Catherine Tate ru:Тейт, Кэтрин sv:Catherine TateThis text is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA License. This text was originally published on Wikipedia and was developed by the Wikipedia community.
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