- published: 19 Aug 2010
- views: 140
- author: ScottishParl
"The Politics of Comedy" - Festival of Politics 2010 - Scottish Parliament
www.scottish.parliament.uk - Scottish Parliament "The Politics of Comedy" - Festival of Po...
published: 19 Aug 2010
author: ScottishParl
"The Politics of Comedy" - Festival of Politics 2010 - Scottish Parliament
www.scottish.parliament.uk - Scottish Parliament "The Politics of Comedy" - Festival of Politics 2010. During the 80s comedy was frequently used as a political 'weapon'. But is comedy today equally political, or has its increasingly commercial nature dulled its campaigning edge? Featuring Simon Fanshawe, a Perrier Award Winner and Tommy Sheppard, owner of the Stand Comedy Club. Chaired by Trish Godman MSP. Watch the entire event on the Festival of Politics archive on www.holyrood.tv
- published: 19 Aug 2010
- views: 140
- author: ScottishParl
The Demolition of Urquhart House Houston Renfrewshire
The pointless demolition of Urquhart House in Houston Renfrewshire on the 19th January 201...
published: 20 Jan 2010
author: hillpost
The Demolition of Urquhart House Houston Renfrewshire
The pointless demolition of Urquhart House in Houston Renfrewshire on the 19th January 2010. This lovely facility served the community for many decades, providing excellent care for young persons with learning difficulties. It had recently been renovated and provided employment for many persons living locally. What went wrong. Some people say it was due to cut backs. Could that be a political thing. Does our great leader in London know about this disgrace. Has anyone told him. Could people voice an opinion to their local council. I'm sure we all could voice an opinion. That is to Renfrewshire Council based in Paisley. I wonder what they will say is the reason for the Home's closure. Disappointingly, and somewhat unsettling, it is still shown on their web site as open for business. This gives people a false hope for the future. More info... www.any-care.co.uk www.renfrewshire.gov.uk
- published: 20 Jan 2010
- views: 1074
- author: hillpost
VE Day, 65th Anniversary, S Maxwell's Member's debate, 12 May 2010.wmv
Motion debated: S3M-06236# Stewart Maxwell (West of Scotland) (Scottish National Party): 6...
published: 14 May 2010
author: RobGibsonMSP
VE Day, 65th Anniversary, S Maxwell's Member's debate, 12 May 2010.wmv
Motion debated: S3M-06236# Stewart Maxwell (West of Scotland) (Scottish National Party): 65th Anniversary of VE Day— That the Parliament commemorates the 65th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day (VE Day) when on 8 May 1945 the Allied Forces formally accepted the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany; honours the contribution by veterans of all ages and from all conflicts; believes that there should be greater recognition of war veterans in Scotland, many of whom sustained severe physical or mental injuries in defending their country, and encourages veterans to take advantage of their eligibility for the Veterans' Badge, a small, but visible token of society's appreciation of their service. Supported by: Rob Gibson, Brian Adam, Maureen Watt, Andrew Welsh, Bob Doris, Des McNulty, Kenneth Gibson, Dave Thompson, Tricia Marwick, Stuart McMillan, Jim Tolson, Mike Pringle, Robin Harper, Shirley-Anne Somerville, Dr Bill Wilson, Hugh O'Donnell, Gil Paterson, Bill Kidd, Jackson Carlaw, Dr Ian McKee, Trish Godman, Margaret Mitchell, Sarah Boyack, Ken Macintosh, Liam McArthur, Michael Matheson, Christine Grahame, Linda Fabiani, Peter Peacock, Dr Christopher Harvie Lodged on Thursday, April 29, 2010; taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, May 12, 2010 Copyright: SPCB 2010
- published: 14 May 2010
- views: 110
- author: RobGibsonMSP