Anarchist Chat Service (secure-ish)


This page is the home page for the Anarchist News Chat Server (ANCS). There are several pages you can go to from here.

General guide to connecting to IRC

older but useful

1) How to connect to chat with Pidgin - Anarchist News Chat Server - Pidgin

2) How to connect to chat with Irssi - Anarchist News Chat Server - Irssi

3) IRC for dummies & a IRC cheat sheet



What are us MAC to

What are us MAC to do??


Fink. lol.

Fink. lol.

"Can we ever be really

"Can we ever be really "secure"? I ask this in all earnestness.

Mensajes claro

chatzilla works

chatzilla works

Colloquy works really well

Colloquy works really well for MAC...

Adium is pretty much a port

Adium is pretty much a port of Pidgin for the Mac. By the way, Pidgin is NOT a "Windows IM client"; it is first and foremost a Linux-based IM client, with a Windows version as an afterthought.

Can we ever be really

Can we ever be really "secure"? I ask this in all earnestness.

In addition, I really like this website.

it can never be secure

it can never be secure without encryption of the sttrong flavor, and even then, never escure. needs total geek support.

"Can we ever be really

"Can we ever be really "secure"? I ask this in all earnestness.

In addition, I really like this website."

the answer is that no, we cannot. this of course is not a call for some of the parinoia i have seen from time to time (i have myself been snitch jacketed at least once cause someone from out of town apperently didn't like me or how i looked or spoke or something and a certain local person believed the hype, for whatever reason, much to my disappointment then cause i originally had felt sympathy for that person, we have somewhat similar back stories though very different ways of carrying ourselves). basically it is not that we are always being watched and certainly not that we are always about to have our door kicked is that we CAN be being watched at any time if the mood strikes and when the right time comes for scape goats we are more likely then many to be up on the chopping block....i mean our ideology is openly opposed to the present society so what could we expect from the present society?

Remember Jay and silent Bob

Remember Jay and silent Bob strikes back?

The all powerful C.L.I.T.


secure is just how confident

secure is just how confident & true you are in your personal faith, whatever that may be. there is no security from anywhere other than yourself that is 100% reliable & even then you may fail so no there is no security but do not believe you have no chance. Most things the media trys to make us believe we need to be secure or feel better are things that make us insecure.

If someone is listening to

If someone is listening to me on a wiretap? I might remain steadfast and true in my conviction and beliefs. But they will be altered both by the fact that I don't want to reveal certain things, and the distance that creates in my communication. Is that reason to become cynical and depressed and want to die? Of course we should fight back, but I can't just forget all my friends, relatives and acquaintances who I've seen torn up and destroyed by despair because of surveillance and lack of privacy and freedom. That makes me all the more want to fight back and has nothing to do with confidently adhering to my personal faith.

PLEASE HELP Would anyone be

Would anyone be interested in taking part in an online focus group that I am carrying out as part of my dissertation research, entitled 'Alternative Global Futures. What are the possibilities for a global civil society.' ??
It is about the potential of new social movements (including everything under the umbrella anti-capitalism - anarchist, feminist, labour, socialist, environmentalist etc) to enable people to participate democratically in a public civil sphere about issues that affect us all, in a much more viable, meaningful and productive way than hapens under parliamentary representative democracy, and the importance the internet has for developing this potential.
For more information please email me or add me on here.

anarchism is not democracy.

anarchism is not democracy. dont beg people to help you with your dissertation, it makes you look like a panzy, not a serious student.

actually any anarchist

actually any anarchist society would be run by direct democracy and there's no shame in asking for help from comrades

fuck direct democracy, fuck

fuck direct democracy, fuck dissertations, and fuck anyone who calls themselves chasing amy. that movie was disgusting, pro-traditional-values posing as hip.
hip is bad enough on its own, ffs.

i think your mom is calling

i think your mom is calling you from your basement for dinner

Fuck her to, she knows its a

Fuck her to, she knows its a holiday weekend and i'm paying world of warcraft until I have to go back to school tuesday.



thats bullshit. the

thats bullshit. the definition of anarchy implies the desire for the absence of all rules. any sort of system betrays the true goals of anarchy.

lol. where'd you learn your

lol. where'd you learn your anarchy from? the sex pistols?

We're so pretty, oh so

We're so pretty, oh so pretty,
Pretty Vacunt

Anarchy literally means

Anarchy literally means without leadership. Nothing more nothing less. Don't attach your stereotypes to Anarchism.

Democracy is the tool of

Democracy is the tool of governments, 51% get to tell 49% what to do, direct democracy is no different from representative democracy.

In Britain the only form of government that is lawful under the British constitution is a representative government, this leaves two options for government, democracy and a republic (voting by mandate needing a minimum of 90% of the people to agree to something).

However, there is a third option, no representation.

If you have to have people voting (which in my eyes is mob/majority rule) then for fucks sake make sure that 90% agree.

Democracy is fucking stupid.

what you are talking about

what you are talking about researching sounds very simular to the 'Participatary Economics' ideas by Michael Albert. and yes, it is okay to look for help from like minded humans.

"PLEASE HELP Would anyone be

Would anyone be interested in taking part in an online focus group that I am carrying out as part of my dissertation research, entitled 'Alternative Global Futures. What are the possibilities for a global civil society.' ??
It is about the potential of new social movements (including everything under the umbrella anti-capitalism - anarchist, feminist, labour, socialist, environmentalist etc) to enable people to participate democratically in a public civil sphere about issues that affect us all, in a much more viable, meaningful and productive way than hapens under parliamentary representative democracy, and the importance the internet has for developing this potential.
For more information please email me or add me on here.

what, no signature? anyway hahahahahahahaha, are you for real or is this someones idea of a joke? if the former i think you picked the wrong website. most of us, including me, see civil society as a dirty word around here and adding global doesn't help that either (ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, i dunno, go to some discuss board for an NGO? maybe they will hang out with you...or you could stick around here and be baptized in the fires of radicalism rather than swim in the tepid waters of acedemic research...). seriously though, this has to be a joke...anarchists invloved in parlimentary politics (on the tragic comedy side there was apperently an anarchist that ran for mayor i think in california)? seriously, maybe you should quit college and become a comedian.

yes there was.

yes there was.

I get angry that the

I get angry that the governemnt is killing poor people by destroying their illegal shelter and preventing them from growing food. It is mostly the counties that organize this, but the federal government is still responsible because the national guard defends counties in cases of mass riots and local revolutions.
I think democracy is worth patience for peaceful change and toleration, even in the face of oppression, but if things get much worse, I wouldn't blame the homeless if they started seting traps for officers that arrest inncocent homeless campers, and then arrested the officer. This wouldn't be illegal because the officer or the county would be breaking federal law- murdering and imprisoning the innocent. The first few arrested officers would be turned over to federal authorities until it became clear they just got released, at which point the officers could be permanently held against their will, because the homeless have a right to defend themselves against the officer that is conspiring to murder them. The politicians generally follow the will of the people, which all to often unfortuneately is to kill the poor. So don't hold the local politicans responsible; hold the law enforcement agencies that illegally(federal law) kill and enslave the vulnerable. Hold the citizens that help these agencies murder responsible. Get the very desperate poor who are suicidal to reign down terror in the conspiring murderers if they start shooting. There are too many people in the cities, take the homeless out to the countryside and plant food out there. Sabotage/attack the agricultural corporations when they won't let the starving plant food. Don't go after their minimum wage security guards, target the PLANNERS of murder, not the ignorant gun weilding immigrant security accomplices. Wait a few years for things to get better, but if nothing changes and it just gets worse...

Excellent plan! On the

Excellent plan! On the morning of the revolution, as the first rays of the sun shaft through the concrete pillars of the state apparatus, I'll take the coffee and donuts to the suicidal desperate poor before they reign down terror on the sharp-shooters! Cousin Billy has some old bear traps we can set up in the escalators at the stock exchange, why settle for park officers, let's aim for the accomplices to capitalism. Brilliant!?

actually some asshole stole

actually some asshole stole my bear-traps, probably to use on bears, the bastards!

Is Skype complicity?

Is Skype complicity?

Anarchism is the only future

Anarchism is the only future we have, cant anyone truly see this?

Despite being an anarchist I

Despite being an anarchist I don't see anarchism coming anytime soon, at least not in my lifetime. That doesn't mean I will cease fighting for freedom -- actual freedom. Can't anyone see that being free means actually being free? Living in an unfree society makes that difficult, obviously, because mind control is an essential aspect of enforcing hierarchical power. Of course unlike those in the past who have stood up and resisted domination, we've reached a stage where government and business are likely to annihilate life itself. I should point out that this isn't exactly late breaking news though. It's just that the future continues to become even more uncertain.

I agree with you but let's

I agree with you but let's consider this: this shit society have repressed too much our mind and when you set up an environment without government, without hierarchy, completely freedom, people simply vent own repression out, destroying and making chaos as the Peckham experiment tell us (the Peckham Pioneer Health Centre experiment).
The society is too much mind jailed and people needs to forget this hierarchy compulsion.

We can find a way of adding

We can find a way of adding more anarchist ideas into the eduction curriculum.People are more easily influenced when they are children and alot of peoples ideas were obtained at school, this could potentially create many more anarchists to our cause and the governments will have to see the logic of an anarchist society.

20:06:25 | irc:

20:06:25 | irc: connecting to server (SSL)...
20:06:30 | gnutls: connected using 2048-bit Diffie-Hellman shared secret exchange
20:06:30 =!= | gnutls: peer's certificate is NOT trusted
20:06:30 =!= | gnutls: peer's certificate issuer is unknown
20:06:30 | gnutls: receiving 1 certificate
20:06:30 | - certificate[1] info:
20:06:30 | - subject `C=US,ST=CA,L=Berkeley,O=Angry Nerds Tech collective,OU=IRCd,', issuer `C=US,ST=CA,L=Berkeley,O=Angry Nerds Tech
| collective,OU=IRCd,', RSA key 1024 bits, signed using RSA-SHA, activated `2010-03-26 10:19:46 UTC', expires `2011-03-26 10:19:46
| UTC', SHA-1 fingerprint `d2506f693aa1f4b5bf9b49ce4db335bb5d7c2fae'
20:06:30 =!= | gnutls: the hostname in the certificate does NOT match ""
20:06:30 =!= | irc: TLS handshake failed
20:06:30 =!= | irc: error: GnuTLS internal error.


Hi, I'm new here but I'm

Hi, I'm new here but I'm looking for some ideas for a visual aid for a speech I will be doing on Anarchist Communism. Any Ideas are appreciated.

the best visual aid would be

the best visual aid would be you adopting a black crack baby unless you are a colored, then adopt a white.

wondering if anyone was

wondering if anyone was interested in starting a pirate radio station in n.c. contact me

lymes disease symptoms are

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Your site is surprisingly the best. You really stretched out your imagination to bring all of us the most fresh concepts as well as point of view. It's so van insurance

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