While noble status formerly conferred significant privileges in most jurisdictions, by the 21st century it had become a largely honorary dignity in most societies, although a few, residual privileges may still be preserved legally (e.g. Netherlands, Spain, UK) and some Asian, Pacific and African cultures continue to attach considerable significance to formal, hereditary rank or titles. (Compare the entrenched position and leadership expectations of the nobility of the Kingdom of Tonga.)
Nobility is a historical, social and often legal notion, differing from socio-economic status (or ''class'') in that the latter is mainly based on income, possessions and/or lifestyle. Being wealthy or influential cannot, ''ipso facto'', make one noble, nor are all nobles wealthy or influential (aristocratic families have lost their fortunes in various ways, and the concept of the 'poor nobleman' is almost as old as nobility itself).
Although many societies have a privileged 'upper class' with substantial wealth and power, the status is not necessarily hereditary and does not entail a distinct legal status, nor differentiated forms of address.
Various republics, including the United States, former Iron Curtain countries, Greece, Mexico, and Austria have expressly abolished the granting and/or use of titles of nobility to or by their citizens. This is distinct from countries which have not abolished the right to inherit (formerly) noble titles, but which do not grant legal recognition or protection to them, such as Germany, and Italy, although Germany recognizes their use as legal surnames. Still other countries and authorities allow their use, but forbid attachment of any privilege thereto, e.g. Finland, France, Norway and the European Union, although French law also protects lawful titles against usurpation, while Norway allows the use of traditional titles by official members of the royal house.
Prior to the French Revolution, European nobles typically commanded tribute in the form of entitlement to cash rents or usage taxes, labour and/or a portion of the annual crop yield from commoners or nobles of lower rank who lived or worked on the noble's manor or within his ''seigneurial'' domain. In some countries, the local lord could impose restrictions on such a commoner's movements, religion or legal undertakings. The nobles enjoyed the privilege of hunting. In France, nobles were exempt from paying the taille, the major direct tax. The peasants were not only bound to the nobility by dues and services. The nobility also had the jurisdictions of the courts and the police over them. In many parts of western Europe the right of private war long remained the privilege of every noble.
During the early Renaissance, duelling established the status of a respectable gentleman, and was an accepted manner to resolve disputes. According to Ariel Roth, during the reign of Henry IV, over 4,000 French aristocrats were killed in duels "in an eighteen-year period" whilst a twenty-year period of Louis XIII's reign saw some eight thousand pardons for "murders associated with duels".
By contrast, in the UK royal letters patent were necessary to take a noble title, which also carried a seat in the House of Lords, but came with no automatic entail nor rights to the local peasants' output.
Quite often, however, nobility came to be associated only with specific social privileges and a general expectation of deference from those of lower rank. An example of the latter would be early 20th-century Polish nobility after their political, economic, judicial and religious privileges were abolished in 1923 and they remained only landed proprietors on the same legal basis as their landed-commoner neighbours
This was coupled with a loss of the socio-economic power of the nobility, owing to the economic changes of the Renaissance and the growing economic importance of the merchant classes (or ''bourgeoisie''), which increased still further during the Industrial Revolution. In countries where the nobility was the dominant class, the ''bourgeoisie'' gradually grew in power; a rich city merchant came to be more influential than a nobleman, and the latter sometimes sought inter-marriage with families of the former to maintain their noble lifestyles.
However, in many countries at this time, the nobility retained substantial political importance and social influence; for instance, the UK's government was dominated by the nobility until the middle of the 19th century. Thereafter the powers of the nobility were progressively reduced by legislation (see Reform of the House of Lords).
The countries with the highest proportion of nobles were probably Castile, Poland and Lithuania, each with about 10% of the total population, as compared to 0.5-2% elsewhere in Europe. In Hungary, yet another frontier region, nobles made up 5% of the population. On the frontiers of Europe, western and eastern alike, ongoing warfare against ethnic outsiders – Turks and Tatars in eastern Europe, Moors (until 1492) in Spain – gave large numbers of new men access to higher status; and the booty of conquest provided the material bases for their advancement.
Aristocrat and aristocracy, in modern usage, refer informally and broadly to persons belonging to a noble's family or social milieu. Those lacking a distinct title, such as junior siblings of peers, wealthy members of the landed gentry (and perhaps even the children of 'self-made' VIPs) may be considered aristocrats, moving within a small social circle at the apex of a hierarchical social pyramid.
In France, some wealthy ''bourgeois'', most particularly the members of the various ''parlements'', were ennobled by the king, constituting the ''noblesse de robe''. The old nobility of landed or knightly origin, ''noblesse d'épée'', increasingly resented the pretensions and influence of this ''parvenu'' nobility. In the last years of the ''ancien régime'' the old nobility pushed for restrictions of certain offices and orders of chivalry to noblemen who could demonstrate that their lineage had sufficient "quarterings", i.e. noble ancestry (matrilineal as well as patrilineal), to deserve to compete as equals with nobles of medieval descent for offices and favors at court, (although historians such as William Doyle have disputed this so-called "Aristocratic Reaction". (W. Doyle, Essays on Eighteenth Century France, London, 1995)). Various court and military positions were reserved by tradition for nobles who could "prove" an ancestry of at least ''seize quartiers'' (sixteen quarterings), indicating exclusively noble descent (as displayed, ideally, in the family's coat of arms) extending back five generations (all sixteen great-great grandparents). This illustrates the traditional link in many countries between heraldry and nobility; in those countries where heraldry is used, nobles have almost always been armigerous, and have used heraldry to demonstrate their ancestry and family history. However, it is important to note that heraldry has never been restricted to the noble classes in most countries, and being armigerous does not necessarily demonstrate nobility.
An opinion of Innes of Learney makes an observation of the system in use in Scotland, differentiating it from many other European traditions, in that legal armorial bearings which are entered in the Public Register of All Arms and Bearings in Scotland by warrant of the Lord Lyon King of Arms are by statute "Ensigns of Nobility". However, this opinion is challenged by a scholar. Innes of Learney's perspective is, however, accepted in the Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia. In a number of recent cases in Scotland the Lord Lyon Kings of Arms has controversially granted the arms ''and allowed the chiefships'' of medieval noble families to female line descendants of lords, even when they are not of noble lineage in the male line and ''legitimate'' claimants (agnates) still exist, for example in the extraordinary case of the modern Chiefs of Clan MacLeod. This is strictly against Gaelic law and thus the true chiefships technically become defunct, even if they continue to be recognized by the Scottish government for commercial purposes (tourism, etc.). Scotland's Gaelic nobility have been disintegrating as a result for the last few decades.
In the modern age, inherited nobility with special rights has largely been abolished in the Western World as intrinsically discriminatory and discredited as inferior in efficiency to individual meritocracy in the allocation of societal resources.
Many nations traditionally had an untitled lower nobility (including, in continental Europe, hereditary knights) in addition to titled nobles. Examples are the ''landed gentry'' of the British Isles, the ''Junkers'' of Germany, the ''noblesse de robe'' of France, the ''hidalgos'' of Spain and the ''nobili'' of Italy.
Some con artists sell fake titles of nobility, often with impressive-looking documents to back them up. These may be illegal, depending on local law. They are more often illegal in countries that actually have nobilities, such as European monarchies. In the U.S., such commerce may constitute actionable fraud rather than criminal usurpation of an exclusive right to use of any given title by an established class.
Robert Lacey explains the genesis of the blue blood concept:
It was the Spaniards who gave the world the notion that an aristocrat's blood is not red but blue. The Spanish nobility started taking shape around the ninth century in classic military fashion, occupying land as warriors on horseback. They were to continue the process for more than five hundred years, clawing back sections of the peninsula from its Moorish occupiers, and a nobleman demonstrated his pedigree by holding up his sword arm to display the filigree of blue-blooded veins beneath his pale skin—proof that his birth had not been contaminated by the dark-skinned enemy.
However, there has been offered another explanation for the genesis of the blue blood concept. That is the extraordinarily high incidence of hemophilia among royal families. Not only has hemophilia been called "the Royal Disease", but its origins in the family tree of Queen Victoria apparently spread throughout Europe's monarchies, such that those with the disease were overly protected, did not go out of doors much and their skin appeared bluish. As referenced above, the Spanish nobility of the time were thought to carry the hemophilia line, as Victoria's grand daughter Eugenie married King Alfonso XIII of Spain, which may contradict (or complement) the Lacey explanation.
Many other non-European nations have had noble or aristocratic classes of various kinds: these are so diverse that it is somewhat misleading to try to translate them all into western feudal terminology. For the feudal hierarchy on the Indian subcontinent, see princely state.
In some Islamic countries, there are no definite nobility titles (titles of hereditary rulers being distinct from those of hereditary intermediaries between monarchs and commoners). Persons who can trace legitimate descent from the Prophet (as can several present or formerly reigning dynasties, and their relatives) are widely regarded as belonging to the ancient, hereditary Islamic nobility. In some Islamic countries they inherit (through mother or father) hereditary titles, although without any other associated privilege, e.g., variations of the title Sayyid. Commonly regarded as more religious than the general population, many people turn to them for clarification or guidance in religious matters. In Iran, historical titles of the nobility include Mirza, Khan, ed-Dowleh, Shahzada, now no longer recognized. An aristocratic family is now recognized by family name (often derived from the post held by their ancestors, considering the fact that family names in Iran only appeared in the beginning of the 20th century).
In East Asia the system was often modelled on imperial China, the leading culture. There the emperors conferred degrees of nobility, which were not permanent but decreased a rank each generation. Descendants of the emperors formed the highest class of ancient Chinese nobility, status of the descendants being based upon the rank of the empress or concubine from which they descend maternally (as emperors were polygamous). Numerous titles such as ''Taizi'', and equivalents of "prince/princess" were accorded. Due to complexities in dynastic rules, rules were introduced for Imperial descendants.
China had a feudal system in the Shang and Zhou dynasties, but it gradually gave way to a more bureaucratic system beginning in the Qin dynasty (221 BC). This continued through the Song Dynasty. By its peak, only the Immediate family members of the Emperor were considered to be nobles.
The development however, was gradual and generally only completed in full by the Song Dynasty, in the Han Dynasty for example, even though noble titles were no longer given to those outside of the Emperor's relatives, the fact that the process of selecting officials was mostly based on a vouching system by current officials, it caused a quasi form of nobility as typically officials will jus vouch for the sons of their own sons or the sons of other officials. This process was further deepened during the Three Kingdoms Period with the introduction of the Nine-rank system. However, by the Sui Dynasty the founding of the Imperial examination system marked the beginning of a full transformation towards full bureaucracy, though the process wouldn't be truly complete until the Song Dynasty
Dynasties established by the minority non-Han rulers via conquest in later years disrupted this ancient system of social class within Han society. They compelled conformity to an ethnic policy wherein the Mongols and the Manchus were accorded higher social status than the Han majority whom they dominated.
By the time of the Qing dynasty, many titles had been obtained or degraded through abuse and perversion of the original Qin system. Titles of nobility were still granted by the emperor, but served merely as honorifics based on a loose system of favors to the Qing emperor and Manchu interests: under a centralized system, governance in the empire was the responsibility of the Confucian-educated scholar-officials and local gentry. The literati were accorded gentry status based on lineage. For male citizens, advancement in status was possible via success in the top three positions in imperial examinations.
The bestowal of titles was abolished with the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949, as part of a larger effort to abolish feudal influences on Chinese society.
In tribal societies, such as the Polynesian Island states, the system of often (semi-)hereditary tribal chiefs can also be compared to a form of noble class. In Tonga, after contact with Western nations, the traditional system of chiefs developed into a Western-style monarchy with a hereditary class of "barons", even adopting that English title.
In the Philippines and other southeast Asian countries, there have been the local nobilities. The Datu is the title for tribal chief and monarchs; in some parts of the Philippines the other term for the title is Apo. Together with ''Sultan'' and ''Rajah'', they are also titles used for native royalty and are currently used in the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei. These titles are the equivalent of European dukes and marquesses. The word ''datu'' was derived from the Malay word: ''Dato' '' or ''Datuk'', which are royal titles of the Ethnic Malays.
Upon the Christianization of the Philippines, the datus (king) of the pre-Hispanic kingdoms retained their right to govern their territory under the Spanish Empire. King Philip II of Spain, in a law signed June 11, 1594, commanded that these nobles be given the same respect, and privileges that they had before their conversion. These nobles formed part of the exclusive, and elite ruling class, called the ''Principalía (Nobility)'', in municipalities of the Spanish Philippines.
:''For the English Wikipedia category, see :Category:Nobility by nation''
Category:Feudalism Category:Social classes
ar:نبل bjn:Kasuma zh-min-nan:Hôa-cho̍k be:Дваране bs:Plemstvo ca:Noblesa cs:Šlechta da:Adel de:Adel et:Aadel es:Nobleza eo:Nobelo eu:Noblezia fa:نجیبزادگی fr:Noblesse fy:Eallju gl:Nobreza gan:貴族 ko:귀족 hr:Plemstvo io:Nobeleso id:Bangsawan is:Aðall it:Nobiltà he:אצולה lb:Adel hu:Nemesség ms:Golongan bangsawan nl:Adel nds-nl:Adel ja:貴族 no:Adel nn:Adel pl:Szlachta pt:Nobreza ro:Regalitatea și nobilimea rusă ru:Дворянство sq:Adel simple:Nobility sk:Šľachta sl:Plemstvo sr:Племство fi:Aateli sv:Adel tr:Asalet uk:Знать vec:Nobiltà vi:Phong tước zh:貴族This text is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA License. This text was originally published on Wikipedia and was developed by the Wikipedia community.
Coordinates | 37°46′45.48″N122°25′9.12″N |
Name | Jay Electronica |
Background | solo_singer |
Birth name | Timothy Elpadaro Thedford |
Born | September 19, 1976 (age 34) |
Origin | Magnolia Projects, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States |
Genre | Hip hop |
Label | The Dogon Society, Roc Nation |
Associated acts | J Dilla, Erykah Badu, Just Blaze, Jay-Z, Mos Def, Curren$y, Nas, Lupe Fiasco, Talib Kweli, Lil B |
Years active | 2004 - Present }} |
Jay Electronica (real name: Timothy Elpadaro Thedford) is an American hip-hop artist. He was perhaps best known for the piece of music ''Act 1: Eternal Sunshine (The Pledge)'', until the release of the Just Blaze produced track "Exhibit C" in late 2009 . Announced on November 12, 2010, Jay is an official member of Jay-Z's Roc Nation.
Jay Electronica first gained significant attention through ''Act 1: Eternal Sunshine (The Pledge)'', made available on a MySpace page in 2007. It is 9:13 continuous minutes of music, without drums, built from Jon Brion's soundtrack to the film ''Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind''. There are five segments or movements marked by changes in music and mood, raps by Electronica, and occasional snippets of sampled dialogue including scenes from ''Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory''. The first segment is a spoken word piece by Just Blaze and Erykah Badu describing Electronica over piano music.
The nature of the piece of music, along with the nature of its appearance, led to a slow build-up of interest in Electronica as an enigmatic figure. Songs circulating online as the ''Style Wars'' EP gained wider circulation, and other songs, such as the dream-inspired "Dimethyltryptamine", soon appeared. In January 2008, Giles Peterson's 90-minute ''Gilles Peterson Worldwide'' was devoted to the rapper. Hiphopdx.com in 2008 called him "arguably...the most talked about new emcee last year ... at times...more like a myth or urban legend than an actual rapper", and ''URB'' ran a cover story on the artist under the banner "Jay Electronica: A Spotless Mind :: An MC’s mystery revealed", which referred to his wanderings as his being "like some sort of hip-hop Jack Kerouac".
Jeff Weiss' piece for the ''L.A. Weekly'', "Jay Electronica: Much Better Than His Name Would Suggest", acknowledged that the rapper could be fairly described as "one of the most buzzed about rappers of 2008", but attempted to temper the hype somewhat, describing ''Act 1...'' as "ambitious, wildly original, if not slightly pretentious", while endorsing only to an extent the comparisons ''URB'' had made (referencing an "abstract rhyming style") to rappers like Nas and Pharoahe Monch.
According to ''URB'', ''Act II: Patents of Nobility'' will feature Nas, and will be the second of a putative trilogy. ''URB'' also reported that digital EPs with both Guilty Simpson and producer 9th Wonder were planned. His most recent music as of November 2008 is the Just Blaze-produced track "Exhibit A (Transformations)".
According to a Filter TV interview, Jay Electronica has partnered with Decon to release his debut project. It is being described as a multi-media release and footage from the project which was partially shot in Nepal and Dubai has begun to surface online. The first clip to leak is titled "Dear Moleskine" and can be found on YouTube, the track was produced by Just Blaze and the clip was directed by Jason Goldwatch from Decon. In June 2009, Decon and Jay's "The Dogon Society" released "Exhibit A" digitally. "Exhibit C" was released on iTunes December 16, 2009 and quickly shot to the top 10 of the iTunes Hip-Hop charts. The following week it was chosen by Hot 97's Dj Enuff as the Heavy Hitter pick of the week.
On February 9, 2010, it was announced Jay Electronica will appear at the 2010 Bonnaroo Music Festival.
Jay Electronica continued his scattered release practice, releasing "A Million In The Morning" on April 4, 2010. The song features a weary Electronica trying to keep himself awake to escape his nightmares.
On April 30, Jay Electronica debuted "The Ghost of Christopher Wallace" via his Twitter. The song features P Diddy and is produced by London beatsmith Quincey Tones, who is known for producing such acts as Young Jeezy and Royce da 5'9".
Couple of days before his signing to Roc Nation, his track "The Announcement" was released.
On 12 November 2010, Jay-Z announced that Jay Electronica was officially the newest member of his own 'Roc Nation' record label/management company, which boasts such acts as J. Cole, and Willow Smith.
In late 2010, he and Lucy Liu featured on The Bullitts track "Close Your Eyes". It was BBC Radio 1 DJ Zane Lowe's record of the week and will feature on The Bullits upcoming album set for release in 2011. Then in July 2011, he was featured on the track "Run & Hide", which will be on the same album.
In July 2011, Jay Electronica posted via his twitter that his debut album, "Act II: Patents Of Nobility (the turn)," was complete.
Singles {|class="wikitable" |- !rowspan="2"|Year !rowspan="2"|Song !colspan="3"|Chart positions !rowspan="2"|Album |- !width="40"|U.S. !width="40"|U.S. R&B; !width="40"|U.S. Rap |- | style="text-align:center;" rowspan="2"|2009 |"Exhibit A" | style="text-align:center;"|— | style="text-align:center;"|— | style="text-align:center;"|— |- |"Exhibit C" | style="text-align:center;"|— | style="text-align:center;"|86 | style="text-align:center;"|— |- | style="text-align:center;"|2010 |"Shiny Suit Theory" (featuring Jay-Z & The-Dream) | style="text-align:center;"|— | style="text-align:center;"|— | style="text-align:center;"|— | style="text-align:center;"|''Act II: Patents Of Nobility'' |}
Guest appearances
Category:African American rappers Category:Rappers from New Orleans, Louisiana Category:Living people Category:1976 births Category:Members of the Nation of Gods and Earths
de:Jay Electronica fr:Jay ElectronicaThis text is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA License. This text was originally published on Wikipedia and was developed by the Wikipedia community.
The German nobility as a legally defined class was abolished on August 11, 1919 with the Weimar Constitution, under which all Germans were made equal before the law, and the legal rights and privileges due to nobility ceased to exist.
The German nobility continues to play an important role in the various European nations that have not abolished the nobility. Most of the European royal families are descendants of the German nobility. Most famously, the British House of Windsor is itself of German origin, being until 1917 known under its original name Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha. Close family relations also existed with the Prussian Hohenzollern family, of which the last German emperor Wilhelm II was a member, he himself being a grandson of Queen Victoria.
Most, but not all, surnames of the German nobility were preceded by or at least contained the preposition ''von'', meaning ''of'', and sometimes by ''zu'', which is usually translated as ''of'' when used alone or as ''in'', ''at'', or ''to''. The two were occasionally combined into ''von und zu'', meaning ''of and at'' approximately. In general, the "''von''" form indicates the place the family originated, while the "''zu''" form indicates that they are currently in possession of a certain place, therefore 'von und''' zu''" indicates a family still in possession of their original feudal holding or residence. Other forms also exist as combinations with the definitive article: e.g. "''von der''" or ''von dem'' → "''vom''" ("of the"), ''zu der'' → "''zur''" or ''zu dem'' → "''zum''" ("of the", "in the", "at the"). An example is Count Kasimir von der Recke.
Although nobility as a class of privileged status has been abolished in Germany, nobles were allowed to keep their titles, a provision which is still in place today. Unlike before the Weimar Constitution, however, they have become part of a person's legal surname. Accordingly, the aforementioned Count Kasimir von der Recke would today legally be called Kasimir ''Count von der Recke''.
Like nobles elsewhere, German nobles were acutely aware of and proud of their superior social position, and often had disdain for commoners. As shown in Theodor Fontane's novel ''Effi Briest'', they referred to one another as ''Geborene'', or "those who have been born", while commoners were called ''Geworfene'', corresponding roughly to "whelped", "calved", or "foaled" in English, and properly referring only to non-human birth.
Many different states within Imperial Germany had sometimes very strict laws concerning conduct, lineage, and marriage of nobles. Failure to obey these provisions often resulted in ''Adelsverlust'', or ''loss of the status of nobility''. Until about the early 19th century, for example, it was commonly forbidden for nobles to marry people "of low birth", i.e. commoners. Some states exercised the punishment of ''Adelsverlust'' also on nobles sentenced to prison or convicted of serious felonies, on persons engaging in "lowly labor", or for otherwise grave and unbecoming misconduct. This punisment only affected individuals, not a noble family in its entirety.
Although nobility in its legal significance was abolished in 1919, various different German organizations perpetuate the noble heritage to this day, and for example decide on matters of lineage as well as chronicling the history of noble families.
German noble families were almost always armigerous, entitled to bear a coat of arms.
+ Titles and territories | Title (English) | Title (German) | Territory (English) | |
Holy Roman Emperor | Emperor/Empress | Kaiser(in)| | Empire | Kaiserreich, Kaisertum |
King | King/Queen | König(in)| | monarchy>Kingdom | Königreich |
Prince-elector | Elector/Electress | Kurfürst(in)| | Prince-elector>Electorate | Kurfürstentum |
Archduke | Archduke/Archduchess | Erzherzog(in)| | Archduchy | Erzherzogtum |
Grand Duke/Grand Duchess | Großherzog(in)| | Grand Duchy | Großherzogtum | |
Duke | Duke/Duchess | Herzog (name)Herzog(in) || | Duchy | Herzogtum |
Count Palatine | Count(ess) Palatine | Pfalzgraf/Pfalzgräfin| | County Palatine | Pfalzgrafschaft |
Margrave | Margrave/Margravine | Markgraf/Markgräfin| | Margraviate, Marches>March | Markgrafschaft |
Landgrave | Landgrave/Landgravine | Landgraf/Landgräfin| | Landgraviate | Landgrafschaft |
Prince | Prince(ss) | Fürst(in)| | Principality | Fürstentum |
Count(ess) of the Empire | Graf#Reichsgraf, Gefürsteter GrafReichsgraf*/Reichsgräfin || | County | Grafschaft | |
Burgrave | Burgrave/Burgravine | Burggraf/Burggräfin| | Burgraviate | Burggrafschaft |
Altgrave | Altgrave/Altgravine | Altgraf/Altgräfin| | Altgraviate | Altgrafschaft |
Baron | Baron(ess) | Freiherr/Freifrau/Freiin*| | Allodium>Allodial) Barony | Freiherrschaft |
Lord | Herr| | Lordship | Herrschaft | |
Knight | Reichsritter*| |
+ Titles for junior members of sovereign families and for non-sovereign families | Title (English) | Title (German) |
Kronprinz(essin) | ||
Grand Duke/Grand Duchess | Großherzog(in) | |
Grand Prince | Grand Prince(ss) | Großfürst(in) |
Archduke/Archduchess | Erzherzog(in) | |
Prince(ss) | Prinz(essin) | |
Duke/Duchess | Herzog(in) | |
Prince(ss) | Fürst(in) | |
Margrave/Margravine | Markgraf/Markgräfin | |
Landgrave/Landgravine | Landgraf/Landgräfin | |
Count(ess) Palatine | Pfalzgraf/Pfalzgräfin | |
Burgrave/Burgravine | Burggraf/Burggräfin | |
Altgrave/Altgravine | Altgraf/Altgräfin | |
Count(ess) of the Empire | Reichsgraf/Reichsgräfin | |
Baron | Baron(ess) of the Empire | Reichsfreiherr/Reichsfreifrau/Reichsfreiin |
Count(ess) | Graf/Gräfin | |
Baron | Baron(ess) | Freiherr/Freifrau/Freiin |
Lord / Noble Lord | Herr /Edler Herr | |
Knight (grouped with untitled nobles) | Ritter | |
Noble (Von Halffter) | Edler/Edle | |
Young Lord (grouped with untitled nobles) | Junker | |
The heirs to some nobles or sovereigns had special titles of their own prefixed by ''Erb-'', meaning ''Hereditary''. For instance, the heir to a Grand Duke is titled ''Erbgroßherzog'', meaning ''Hereditary Grand Duke''. A sovereign duke's heir might be titled ''Erbherzog'' or ''Erbprinz'' (''Hereditary Duke'', ''Hereditary Prince'') and a prince's heir might be titled ''Erbprinz'' or ''Erbgraf'' (''Hereditary Prince'', ''Hereditary Count''), also ''Erbherr''. The prefix distinguished the heir from similarly titled junior siblings.
This text is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA License. This text was originally published on Wikipedia and was developed by the Wikipedia community.
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